Torsional Rigidity | Twisting Couple per Unit Twist |Definition | Engineering Study Materials.Torsional Rigidity Vs Bending Moment. ⇒ The torsional rigidity of a shaft is given by. According to ASME code, maximum allowable shear stress is taken as yield strength or ultimate strength? It depends on the material, cross sectional shape and the length of the shaft. B. Torsional stiffness: It is the torque that can be transmitted by a shaft while undergoing unit angular twist. It depends on the material, cross sectional shape and the length of the shaft. Here G J l represents torsional stiffness of the shaft which is the torque transmitted by a shaft for unit angular twist. It's unit is Nm/radian. The torsional limit will be directly proportional to the UTS. There are certain cases when calculated the torsional stiffness of a part might be useful. T/J = C?/ l ? T(θ) is called the torsional stiffness of the shaft. (torsional) shaft and identify the associated limitations • ….apply the basic equations of elasticity to derive the solution for the general case • ….identify the parameters that characterize torsional ... A shaft is a structural member that is long and slender and Round shafts will have a lower angle of twist than a square, all other factors being equal. The angle of twist in a shaft under torsion corresponds to deflection of a beam under transverse loading and is an indication of the stiffness of the shaft. Dear Hamid Reza, DTTorSpr in FAST is the equivalent torsional spring stiffness of the drivetrain, expressed relative to the low-speed shaft. A. nD3/16 nD3/32 nD4/32 nD4/64 ⇒ The ratio of bulk modulus to Young's modulus for a Poisson's ratio of 0.25 will be. Torque per radian twist is known as torsional stiffness (k) The parameter GJ is called torsional rigidity of the shaft. θ = … The shaft are made of (a) Mild steel (b) alloy steel (c) Cooper alloys (d) Any of these. Since the total angle of the twist of the shaft is equal to the sum of angle of twists of the different lengths. Determine the fundamental natural frequency. Number of cycles it undergoes before failure. When I was making splined shafts we always tested both the ultimate load capacity and the fatigue limit (at much lower loads, usually 25%). Ip - the polar moment of inertia z - direction along axis of the member. We derive upper and lower bounds for the torsional rigidity of cylindrical shafts with arbitrary cross-section containing a number of fibers with circular cross-section. A long oil rig drill shaft is modelled as a long uniform shaft fixed at the top and free at the bottom. Stepped shaft ,Twist and torsion stiffness –Compound shafts –Fixed and simply supported shafts. The higher the rigidity, the more resistance the cross section has. Torsional shaft is also known as the efficiency of a shaft. A shearing stress is produced in the shaft when it is subjected to a torque or twisting force. This stress is both tensional and compressional, dir... Question.4. It can be expressed as, Shaft of Two Material: Composite Shaft. We were discussing the concept of Torsion or twisting moment, Torque transmitted by a circular solid shaft and torque transmitted by a circular hollow shaft in our previous posts. θ = Angle of twist in radians on a length “l”. Both Torsional and Lateral Rigidity are considered for the design of shafts with rotating components like gears/pulleys, etc. Derivation of torsional equation with the help of this post. The shear modulus (G) is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain. Vibrations that are caused due to … The structure of an automobile is extremely complex, involving multiple materials, with multiple thicknesses and profile designs. Torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft. T T φ Z Fig. Let the composite shaft acted by a total torque T. T 1 = Torque developed in the core. In diagram 1 is shown a section of a solid shaft. The expression . In all cases the optimality conditions are expressed in terms of the e ective shear modulus and torsional rigidity of each coated ber. Calculate the deflection of the hollow cylinder shaft when torsion is applied with length, applied torque, shear modulus, unsupported length, inside diameter and outside diameter of the shaft using this simple online Torsional deflection of hollow cylinder calculator. 2. The shaft should be securely tightened between the … (The material should be homogeneous, isotropic and elastic) 2. For a solid circular shaft, Ip = (πD^4)/32 where D is the diameter of the shaft. may be called the torsional section modulus of the section and is analogous to the section modulus found in the flexure formula. Torsional Stress is also known as Torsional Shear Stress. = π ( do 4- d i 4 ) /32 Where do and di are outer and inner diameter of the hollow shaft respectively. Both Torsional and Lateral Rigidity are considered for the design of shafts with rotating components like gears/pulleys, etc. θ = Angle of twist for the diameter d and length l, J1, J2 and J3 = Polar moment of inertia for the shaft of diameters d 1 , d 2 and d 3 respectively. The Old Engineer says: The torque T(θ) = Gθ/L where T is the torque, G is the shear modulus of the material, θ is the angle of twist and L is the l... J is the torsion constant for the section. A slotted shaft was then sub^ jected to measured torques and the maximum shear and bend ing stresse on ths e shaft segment were determined 1 Superscripts refer to notes at the end of the thesis. In order to find a solution of this equation, we will first study the be- The shear modulus (G) is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain. Due to Haryana's lock down, a delay of delivery will be expected. The minimum torque required to deform an object by twisting through a unit dimension is known as torsional rigidity. ). The torsion equation for circular shafts is given by. Answer: a Clarification: The product of modulus of rigidity (C) and polar moment of inertia (J) is called torsional rigidity. Torsional rigidity is a torque that produces a twist of one radian in a shaft of unit length. 4. Similar to the modulus of elasticity (E) for a body under tension, a shaft in torsion has a property known as the shear modulus (also referred to as the modulus of elasticity in shear, or the modulus of rigidity). Torsional rigidity: It is the torque that can be transmitted by a shaft while undergoing unit angular twist in unit length. It depends on the mater... Torque producing twist in a shaft is similar to the bending moment producing bend or deflection in a beam. In sections perpendicular to the torque axis, the resultant shear stress in this section is perpendicular to the radius.. For shafts of uniform cross-section the torsion is: Each fiber may have different constituent materials with different radius. Chapter 3 Torsion 3.1 Introduction Torsion : twisting of a structural member, ... consider a bar or shaft of circular cross section twisted by a couple T, ... torsional rigidity the angle of twist & can be expressed as T L & = L = CC & is measured in radians G Ip Formulas were developed for obtaining the torsion al rigidity maximu, m shear, an stressed bendin resultinsg g from a know applien d torque. 1.3. First, a strike is a force exerted mostly horizontally, while the stresses that cause the twists are vertical. Answer: Option D. Torsional Deflection of Shaft The angular deflection of a torsion shaft can be expressed as θ = L T / (J G) where θ = angular shaft deflection (radians) L = length of shaft (mm, in) G = modulus of rigidity (Mpa, psi) T = twisting moment (Nmm, in lb) J = Polar Moment of Inertia of an Area (mm4, in4) r = Radius of the shaft. In[187]:= TorsionalRigidity[OpenHollowCircle,{r,t},G] c 2004 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol. Torsional shear stresses that are present within the cross-section of the shaft, and the maximum shear stress is present in the outer surface of the shaft. θ=Angle of twist, radians. The primary system is represented by inertia Jp and torsional stiffness kTp, and the absorber is represented by inertia Ja and torsional stiffness kTa. Experiment Two- Torsional test The device will apply a torque to the shaft fixed between two holding clamps. The term GJ is called torsional rigidity. For other shapes J … J = Polar moment of inertia. The shaft should be securely tightened between the … • Cross-sections of noncircular (non-axisymmetric) shafts are distorted when subjected to torsion. View Lab Report - Torsional Angle of Shaft.pdf from AERO 14 at Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad. expressed as the distance from the shaft surface to the extreme location of elliptical crack front along a diametric line as shown in Figure 3. 2.4 Uniform Torsion in Non-Circular Sections Torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft. Now we are going further to start a new topic i.e. D = 1.72 (T / τ) (4) The equation of vibration of the shaft may be written, (1) where B is the angular coordinate of a cross-section, K(x) the torsional rigidity and I(X) the moment of inertia per unit length. Similar to the flexural rigidity in beams expressed by EI, torsional rigidity is expressed as GJ which can be defined as the torque required to produce a twist of unit radian per unit length of the shaft. 7. The definition of rigid, in this case, is the The minimum torque required to deform an object by twisting through a unit dimension is known as torsional rigidity. 1/3 2/3 1 3/2 ⇒ A body is subjected to a direct tensile stress of 300 MPa in one … The Length of shaft in terms of torsional rigidity formula is defined as the measurement or extent of something from end to end and is represented as l= (T*θ)/τ … The key problem we’ll solve in this article is that of enhancing the torsional rigidity of our design. lbf). Question.5. Here T=torque or Torsional moment, N-mm. In this torsion testing experiment, the torsion test was evaluated as a system for calculating the torsional rigidity (GJ), modulus of rigidity (G), and the shear yield stress (τ) for aluminum, mild steel, and brass. The shaft is 375 m long and has a material density of 7800 kg/m3 and Modulus of Rigidity 70 GPa. Torsional rigidity is the amount of resistance a cross section has against torsional deformation. Composite shaft is composed of concentric circular torsional bars that are bonded together to act as a single member. J=polar moment of inertia, mm4. QUESTION.7.The product of the tangential force acting on the shaft and radius of shaft known as (a) Torsional rigidity (b) Flexural rigidity The mechanics of the shaft torsional modes are presented through the defining analytical equations from which block diagram and analog computer representation of shaft torsional systems have been developed. The torsional stiffness is a function of material property, angle of twist, and the polar moment of inertia of the circular cross-section. The screw shaft rigidity and torsional rigidity are affected distinctly by position, that is, the longer the distance between the positions to the shaft end support, the lower the rigidity. Circular or round shafts will have will have a lower angle of twist in torsion … Viscous damping is provided by oil inside a housing rigidly connected to the primary system, in such a way that a … Similar to the flexural rigidity in beams expressed by EI, torsional rigidity is expressed as GJ which can be defined as the torque required to produce a twist of unit radian per unit length of the shaft. The quantity GIp/L where Ip is the polar area moment is called the torsional rigidity of the shaft. c) N-mm. The chapter presents the methods of determining the torsional rigidity of noncircular rods using the Prandtl stress function and the Prandtl membrane analogy. • If torsional deflection is a concern, how much angular deflection can be tolerated? also the torsional strength is defined as the torque per unit maximum shear stress. When torsion is applied to a structural member, its cross-section may warp in addition to twisting. a) Nmm2. The expression . A. maximum torque it can transmit. b) N/mm. Therefore, in order to design a shaft for strength, the above equations are used. The torque T(θ) = Gθ/L where T is the torque, G is the shear modulus of the material, θ is the angle of twist and L is the length of the shaft. The layout of a shaft supported on bearings at A & B is shown in figure 1. The modulus of rigidity of the shaft is 80 GN/m2 (ans. of the coated fiber reinforced shaft is either greater than or less than the torsional rigidity of the same shaft in the absence of the coated fiber reinforcement; see Propo-sitions 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7. Fig. This torsion equation is base on the following assumptions. Introduction A bar of uniform section fixed at one end and subject to a torque at the extreme end which is applied normal to its axis will twist to... Both ends of the cylindrical specimen are tightened to hexagonal sockets, which one is fixed to a torque shaft and another is fixed to an input shaft. In this case, for twisting the dimension is in angle of twist = 1 radian. = π d4/32 ,Where d is the solid shaft diameter. Torsional rigidity:-ℓ is the length of the object the torque is being applied to or over. φ is the angle of twist in radians. G is the shear modulu... Diameter of a solid shaft can calculated by the formula. 2. It is expressed as Newton metres (N-mm) or foot-pound force (in-lb). = Tl/CJ. 1/3 2/3 1 3/2 ⇒ A body is subjected to a direct tensile stress of 300 MPa in one … Torsional rigidity is the resistance against the torsional deformation. Or the minimum force required to deform the object by twisting. Lateral rig... Derive. Keeping the dimensions the same, is there a materials change … In all cases the optimality conditions are expressed in terms of the effective shear modulus and torsional rigidity of each coated fiber. In this case, for twisting the dimension is in angle of twist = 1 radian. What are the units of torsional rigidity? BOUNDS AND EXTREMAL CONFIGURATIONS FOR THE TORSIONAL RIGIDITY OF COATED FIBER REINFORCED SHAFTS∗ ROBERT LIPTON† AND TUNGYANG CHEN‡ SIAM J. APPL. The higher the rigidity, the more resistance the cross section has. The angle of twist in a shaft under torsion corresponds to deflection of a beam under transverse loading and is an indication of the stiffness of the shaft. - A. maximum torque it can transmit B. number of cycles it undergoes before failure C. elastic limit up to which it resists torsion, shear and bending stresses D. torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft …
torsional rigidity of a shaft is expressed by the
Torsional Rigidity | Twisting Couple per Unit Twist |Definition | Engineering Study Materials.Torsional Rigidity Vs Bending Moment. ⇒ The torsional rigidity of a shaft is given by. According to ASME code, maximum allowable shear stress is taken as yield strength or ultimate strength? It depends on the material, cross sectional shape and the length of the shaft. B. Torsional stiffness: It is the torque that can be transmitted by a shaft while undergoing unit angular twist. It depends on the material, cross sectional shape and the length of the shaft. Here G J l represents torsional stiffness of the shaft which is the torque transmitted by a shaft for unit angular twist. It's unit is Nm/radian. The torsional limit will be directly proportional to the UTS. There are certain cases when calculated the torsional stiffness of a part might be useful. T/J = C?/ l ? T(θ) is called the torsional stiffness of the shaft. (torsional) shaft and identify the associated limitations • ….apply the basic equations of elasticity to derive the solution for the general case • ….identify the parameters that characterize torsional ... A shaft is a structural member that is long and slender and Round shafts will have a lower angle of twist than a square, all other factors being equal. The angle of twist in a shaft under torsion corresponds to deflection of a beam under transverse loading and is an indication of the stiffness of the shaft. Dear Hamid Reza, DTTorSpr in FAST is the equivalent torsional spring stiffness of the drivetrain, expressed relative to the low-speed shaft. A. nD3/16 nD3/32 nD4/32 nD4/64 ⇒ The ratio of bulk modulus to Young's modulus for a Poisson's ratio of 0.25 will be. Torque per radian twist is known as torsional stiffness (k) The parameter GJ is called torsional rigidity of the shaft. θ = … The shaft are made of (a) Mild steel (b) alloy steel (c) Cooper alloys (d) Any of these. Since the total angle of the twist of the shaft is equal to the sum of angle of twists of the different lengths. Determine the fundamental natural frequency. Number of cycles it undergoes before failure. When I was making splined shafts we always tested both the ultimate load capacity and the fatigue limit (at much lower loads, usually 25%). Ip - the polar moment of inertia z - direction along axis of the member. We derive upper and lower bounds for the torsional rigidity of cylindrical shafts with arbitrary cross-section containing a number of fibers with circular cross-section. A long oil rig drill shaft is modelled as a long uniform shaft fixed at the top and free at the bottom. Stepped shaft ,Twist and torsion stiffness –Compound shafts –Fixed and simply supported shafts. The higher the rigidity, the more resistance the cross section has. Torsional shaft is also known as the efficiency of a shaft. A shearing stress is produced in the shaft when it is subjected to a torque or twisting force. This stress is both tensional and compressional, dir... Question.4. It can be expressed as, Shaft of Two Material: Composite Shaft. We were discussing the concept of Torsion or twisting moment, Torque transmitted by a circular solid shaft and torque transmitted by a circular hollow shaft in our previous posts. θ = Angle of twist in radians on a length “l”. Both Torsional and Lateral Rigidity are considered for the design of shafts with rotating components like gears/pulleys, etc. Derivation of torsional equation with the help of this post. The shear modulus (G) is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain. Vibrations that are caused due to … The structure of an automobile is extremely complex, involving multiple materials, with multiple thicknesses and profile designs. Torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft. T T φ Z Fig. Let the composite shaft acted by a total torque T. T 1 = Torque developed in the core. In diagram 1 is shown a section of a solid shaft. The expression . In all cases the optimality conditions are expressed in terms of the e ective shear modulus and torsional rigidity of each coated ber. Calculate the deflection of the hollow cylinder shaft when torsion is applied with length, applied torque, shear modulus, unsupported length, inside diameter and outside diameter of the shaft using this simple online Torsional deflection of hollow cylinder calculator. 2. The shaft should be securely tightened between the … (The material should be homogeneous, isotropic and elastic) 2. For a solid circular shaft, Ip = (πD^4)/32 where D is the diameter of the shaft. may be called the torsional section modulus of the section and is analogous to the section modulus found in the flexure formula. Torsional Stress is also known as Torsional Shear Stress. = π ( do 4- d i 4 ) /32 Where do and di are outer and inner diameter of the hollow shaft respectively. Both Torsional and Lateral Rigidity are considered for the design of shafts with rotating components like gears/pulleys, etc. θ = Angle of twist for the diameter d and length l, J1, J2 and J3 = Polar moment of inertia for the shaft of diameters d 1 , d 2 and d 3 respectively. The Old Engineer says: The torque T(θ) = Gθ/L where T is the torque, G is the shear modulus of the material, θ is the angle of twist and L is the l... J is the torsion constant for the section. A slotted shaft was then sub^ jected to measured torques and the maximum shear and bend ing stresse on ths e shaft segment were determined 1 Superscripts refer to notes at the end of the thesis. In order to find a solution of this equation, we will first study the be- The shear modulus (G) is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain. Due to Haryana's lock down, a delay of delivery will be expected. The minimum torque required to deform an object by twisting through a unit dimension is known as torsional rigidity. ). The torsion equation for circular shafts is given by. Answer: a Clarification: The product of modulus of rigidity (C) and polar moment of inertia (J) is called torsional rigidity. Torsional rigidity is a torque that produces a twist of one radian in a shaft of unit length. 4. Similar to the modulus of elasticity (E) for a body under tension, a shaft in torsion has a property known as the shear modulus (also referred to as the modulus of elasticity in shear, or the modulus of rigidity). Torsional rigidity: It is the torque that can be transmitted by a shaft while undergoing unit angular twist in unit length. It depends on the mater... Torque producing twist in a shaft is similar to the bending moment producing bend or deflection in a beam. In sections perpendicular to the torque axis, the resultant shear stress in this section is perpendicular to the radius.. For shafts of uniform cross-section the torsion is: Each fiber may have different constituent materials with different radius. Chapter 3 Torsion 3.1 Introduction Torsion : twisting of a structural member, ... consider a bar or shaft of circular cross section twisted by a couple T, ... torsional rigidity the angle of twist & can be expressed as T L & = L = CC & is measured in radians G Ip Formulas were developed for obtaining the torsion al rigidity maximu, m shear, an stressed bendin resultinsg g from a know applien d torque. 1.3. First, a strike is a force exerted mostly horizontally, while the stresses that cause the twists are vertical. Answer: Option D. Torsional Deflection of Shaft The angular deflection of a torsion shaft can be expressed as θ = L T / (J G) where θ = angular shaft deflection (radians) L = length of shaft (mm, in) G = modulus of rigidity (Mpa, psi) T = twisting moment (Nmm, in lb) J = Polar Moment of Inertia of an Area (mm4, in4) r = Radius of the shaft. In[187]:= TorsionalRigidity[OpenHollowCircle,{r,t},G] c 2004 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol. Torsional shear stresses that are present within the cross-section of the shaft, and the maximum shear stress is present in the outer surface of the shaft. θ=Angle of twist, radians. The primary system is represented by inertia Jp and torsional stiffness kTp, and the absorber is represented by inertia Ja and torsional stiffness kTa. Experiment Two- Torsional test The device will apply a torque to the shaft fixed between two holding clamps. The term GJ is called torsional rigidity. For other shapes J … J = Polar moment of inertia. The shaft should be securely tightened between the … • Cross-sections of noncircular (non-axisymmetric) shafts are distorted when subjected to torsion. View Lab Report - Torsional Angle of Shaft.pdf from AERO 14 at Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad. expressed as the distance from the shaft surface to the extreme location of elliptical crack front along a diametric line as shown in Figure 3. 2.4 Uniform Torsion in Non-Circular Sections Torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft. Now we are going further to start a new topic i.e. D = 1.72 (T / τ) (4) The equation of vibration of the shaft may be written, (1) where B is the angular coordinate of a cross-section, K(x) the torsional rigidity and I(X) the moment of inertia per unit length. Similar to the flexural rigidity in beams expressed by EI, torsional rigidity is expressed as GJ which can be defined as the torque required to produce a twist of unit radian per unit length of the shaft. 7. The definition of rigid, in this case, is the The minimum torque required to deform an object by twisting through a unit dimension is known as torsional rigidity. 1/3 2/3 1 3/2 ⇒ A body is subjected to a direct tensile stress of 300 MPa in one … The Length of shaft in terms of torsional rigidity formula is defined as the measurement or extent of something from end to end and is represented as l= (T*θ)/τ … The key problem we’ll solve in this article is that of enhancing the torsional rigidity of our design. lbf). Question.5. Here T=torque or Torsional moment, N-mm. In this torsion testing experiment, the torsion test was evaluated as a system for calculating the torsional rigidity (GJ), modulus of rigidity (G), and the shear yield stress (τ) for aluminum, mild steel, and brass. The shaft is 375 m long and has a material density of 7800 kg/m3 and Modulus of Rigidity 70 GPa. Torsional rigidity is the amount of resistance a cross section has against torsional deformation. Composite shaft is composed of concentric circular torsional bars that are bonded together to act as a single member. J=polar moment of inertia, mm4. QUESTION.7.The product of the tangential force acting on the shaft and radius of shaft known as (a) Torsional rigidity (b) Flexural rigidity The mechanics of the shaft torsional modes are presented through the defining analytical equations from which block diagram and analog computer representation of shaft torsional systems have been developed. The torsional stiffness is a function of material property, angle of twist, and the polar moment of inertia of the circular cross-section. The screw shaft rigidity and torsional rigidity are affected distinctly by position, that is, the longer the distance between the positions to the shaft end support, the lower the rigidity. Circular or round shafts will have will have a lower angle of twist in torsion … Viscous damping is provided by oil inside a housing rigidly connected to the primary system, in such a way that a … Similar to the flexural rigidity in beams expressed by EI, torsional rigidity is expressed as GJ which can be defined as the torque required to produce a twist of unit radian per unit length of the shaft. The quantity GIp/L where Ip is the polar area moment is called the torsional rigidity of the shaft. c) N-mm. The chapter presents the methods of determining the torsional rigidity of noncircular rods using the Prandtl stress function and the Prandtl membrane analogy. • If torsional deflection is a concern, how much angular deflection can be tolerated? also the torsional strength is defined as the torque per unit maximum shear stress. When torsion is applied to a structural member, its cross-section may warp in addition to twisting. a) Nmm2. The expression . A. maximum torque it can transmit. b) N/mm. Therefore, in order to design a shaft for strength, the above equations are used. The torque T(θ) = Gθ/L where T is the torque, G is the shear modulus of the material, θ is the angle of twist and L is the length of the shaft. The layout of a shaft supported on bearings at A & B is shown in figure 1. The modulus of rigidity of the shaft is 80 GN/m2 (ans. of the coated fiber reinforced shaft is either greater than or less than the torsional rigidity of the same shaft in the absence of the coated fiber reinforcement; see Propo-sitions 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7. Fig. This torsion equation is base on the following assumptions. Introduction A bar of uniform section fixed at one end and subject to a torque at the extreme end which is applied normal to its axis will twist to... Both ends of the cylindrical specimen are tightened to hexagonal sockets, which one is fixed to a torque shaft and another is fixed to an input shaft. In this case, for twisting the dimension is in angle of twist = 1 radian. = π d4/32 ,Where d is the solid shaft diameter. Torsional rigidity:-ℓ is the length of the object the torque is being applied to or over. φ is the angle of twist in radians. G is the shear modulu... Diameter of a solid shaft can calculated by the formula. 2. It is expressed as Newton metres (N-mm) or foot-pound force (in-lb). = Tl/CJ. 1/3 2/3 1 3/2 ⇒ A body is subjected to a direct tensile stress of 300 MPa in one … Torsional rigidity is the resistance against the torsional deformation. Or the minimum force required to deform the object by twisting. Lateral rig... Derive. Keeping the dimensions the same, is there a materials change … In all cases the optimality conditions are expressed in terms of the effective shear modulus and torsional rigidity of each coated fiber. In this case, for twisting the dimension is in angle of twist = 1 radian. What are the units of torsional rigidity? BOUNDS AND EXTREMAL CONFIGURATIONS FOR THE TORSIONAL RIGIDITY OF COATED FIBER REINFORCED SHAFTS∗ ROBERT LIPTON† AND TUNGYANG CHEN‡ SIAM J. APPL. The higher the rigidity, the more resistance the cross section has. The angle of twist in a shaft under torsion corresponds to deflection of a beam under transverse loading and is an indication of the stiffness of the shaft. - A. maximum torque it can transmit B. number of cycles it undergoes before failure C. elastic limit up to which it resists torsion, shear and bending stresses D. torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft …
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