What does this word or phrase 10 generic reading VIPER guided reading activities for any non-fiction texts including image and the acronym meaning. Reading Comprehension Packs. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017. KS2 Reading Vipers. Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum Test Framework documents which can be found online here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key- stage-2-english-reading-test-framework. Why do you think Robert gives the men the wrong directions? Designed by me ( www.philshepp.com) for the literacyshed.com ‘VIPERS’ reading strategies (vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve, summarise/sequence), these are fun characters to get children enthused about the content domains of reading and clear about the differences between each one. P – Where do you think the men are going? Explain Explain how Bunzl makes the men looking for Malkin seem scary. I – Are the men peaceful? • How did…? Literacy Shed Plus. They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts. R – Approximately how many men are on each ship? Find and copy a group of words which show that… 6-11 are in a slightly different format. VIPERS is an acronym which stands for: Vocabulary. Close Reading and Discussion (Notes) - The pupils take turns reading aloud and the teacher enables analysis to take place through questioning. Children are explicitly taught the skills of reading (outlined in the National Curriculum and the KS1 and KS2 test domains) through the use of VIPERS which were created by Rob Smith (The Literacy Shed). The same mnemonic can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaptation. This gives the students the opportunity to … The main difference being in the S. Sequence- KS1 Summarise-KS2 In KS1, ‘Explain’; is not one of the content domains, rather it asks children why they have come to a certain conclusion, to … Who is your favourite character? We’ve all sat there with groups of children and come up with questions on the spot. 4. Unit Plans. KS2 Reading Vipers question examples Vocabulary Infer Predict Explain Retrieve Summarise Vocabulary example questions ... Retrieval example questions • How would you describe this story/text? www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017. Predict. Infer. Alfie and Will made this version of the story of 'The Lighthouse' animation using Keynote. KS2 Reading VIPERS. Why do you think they are going there? KS1 Reading Viper Posters. Reading Vipers. Predict At the winding key on Page 42, predict if the men will come back. We will also be sending home some example ‘VIPERS’ questions in reading journals to help children and parents with inspiration on conversations to have when reading together. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS2 Reading Vipers Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum VIPERS is an acronym to aid the recall of the 6 reading domains as part of the UK’s reading curriculum. They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts. Curriculum progression grid for reading vipers (updated September 2020) KS1 Reading Activities. Free Resources Age 4-5 Age 5-7 Age 7-9 Age 9-11 DADWAVERS Reading VIPERS Vocabulary Ninja Christmas Resources Comprehension Plus More Resources Exemplar Resources Memberships Help. types can be applied to all reading materials, but also, pictures, videos and other media. The resource includes: independent reading activities, guided reading recording sheet and question cards that can be used to prompt discussion. Technical director: Matt Ebb. Animation director: Stefan Wernik. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017. VIPERS questions: V – Can you find synonyms for the word ship. KS2 Reading VIPERS non-fiction guided reading tasks. Example questions. Explain. Almost three years in fact since I last blogged about anything. If you’re taking the plunge to start Whole Class Guided Reading, you need to do it properly to make sure the lessons are: 1. The Reading Vipers can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaption. Make and justify inferences using evidence from the text. In the sentence the word xxx is closest in meaning to (examples given) What does word/phrase mean? Why did Malkin not move? KS2 Reading Activities. Find and copy one/two words which describe/means? Sequence (KS1) or Summarise (KS2). The practice promotes children’s literacy and language skills. If you like our planning visit www.literacyshedplus.com to sign up. The Reading Vipers can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaption. For this part, the section to be read aloud is an extract from the chapter(s) read in lesson one; generally, the extract which is most difficult to understand or has the most to be gained from discussion. • Why do you think all the main characters are girls in this book? SATS reading practice. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS2 Reading Vipers Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum I - infer. Reading Vipers. Posted by zlfa038. Key Stage 1 Activity Packs. VIPERS is a brilliant way of getting coverage of all the reading domains. Or click the image below for a … V= vocabulary I= inference P= prediction E= explanation R=Retrieval and S= summarise. Short VIPERS Comprehensions. E – Can you say how the two boats are similar? This example, Robin Hood and Little John, is aimed at reading ages 9-11. Each week, I will focus on one of the VIPERS skills, for example summarising. This is a series of reading comprehension lessons using the VIPERS template from Literacy Shed. Why doesn’t Robert believe the fox would be reading the sign? Is there anything you would change about this story? Why do you think all the main characters are girls in this book? Why is this? P - predict. When reading with your child at home it would really help them if you verbally ask them questions to support their understanding of the book. We read the text together and discuss then I give them 2 minutes to highlight or underline the Bronze, Silver and Gold words. It is designed to work within an application, and can handle all types of configuration needs and formats. E - explain Here are some examples of questions using VIPERS. Why? Free Resources Age 4-5 Age 5-7 Age 7-9 Age 9-11 DADWAVERS Reading VIPERS Vocabulary Ninja Christmas Resources Comprehension Plus More Resources Exemplar Resources Memberships Help. The Literacy Shed suggests VIPERS, Rhoda Wilson uses ERIC starters and Jo Payne recommends ... Here’s an example of a weekly reading plan for The Fox and the Star: Deliver your sessions. This section is for use when preparing students for the reading part of the end of KS2 tests (SATs) in England. The Reading Vipers approach helps to develop key comprehension skills and enables the children to become more successful readers. We use the Literacy Shed's 'Reading Vipers' in our whole class and small group teaching. The 6 domains focus on the comprehension aspect of reading and not the mechanics: decoding, fluency, prosody etc. These tasks are focused around specific reading skills (Vocabulary – Inference – Prediction – Explain – Retrieve – Summarise), which are linked to the SAT Content Domains. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS2 Reading Vipers Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum Designed by me ( www.philshepp.com) for the literacyshed.com ‘VIPERS’ reading strategies (vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve, summarise/sequence), these are fun characters to get children enthused about the content domains of reading and clear about the differences between each one. Aim to improve children’s reading with each session. Infer Find a word that shows that someone is ….adjective? What does the word ____ mean in this sentence? 'Cogheart' VIPERS Teacher Guide. In school when we teach reading we ensure that children respond to questions linking to the VIPERS skills. 10,000 Top Reading Vipers Teaching Resources. Animators: Jeremy Davidson, Lee Salvemini. Great to be used in reading carousels as they can easily be applied to any non-fiction books. Reading at home. I think that each text will be split into two sections. We hope you will find this useful. Can you think of any other words the author could use to describe the character or setting? These are similar in layout and format to the official tests. Explanation example questions • Who is your favourite character? Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 8.pdf [pdf 101KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 8 ANSWERS.pdf [pdf 91KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 9.pdf [pdf 105KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 9 ANSWERS.pdf [pdf 115KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 10.pdf [pdf 82KB] So, I suppose I better write about something. During this type of reading practice, the child and instructor switch roles. Vipers cover the key comprehension skills in line with the 'new' content domains. The dreaded word. 1-5 are comprehension - text followed by questions. What genre is it? Would you like to live in this setting? jpeg, 1.47 MB. Each of the letters stand for one of the key areas of learning: V - vocabulary. 'Bubbles' Film VIPERS. KS2 Reading Vipers. Why/why not? Explore more than 10,000 'Reading Vipers' resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on 'Vipers' Viper Progression Grids and Question Grids. Show them the following video and asking them: “ Summarise the things you can do at … It’s been a while! Unless you’ve planned which Reading Skill this is explicitly teaching, you’re wasting your (and the children’s) time. SATS reading … Lighthouse (2008), animated short movie by Charlie Short and Ming Hsiung made for the Responsibility Project campaign for Liberty Mutual. 0. 3 –READING VIPER QUESTIONS Vocabulary Which word in the text describes what xxx is like? Why? • How often…? Based on Reading Skills 3. Free Resources. How do you know? There are another 30+ of these on www.literacyshedplus.com spread across the 5-11 age range. Key Stage 2 Activity Packs. It supports: setting defaults; reading from JSON config files; live watching and re-reading of config files (optional) reading from environment variables KS1 Reading Vipers. E – Why do you think the sky is dark and stormy? I use The imperative to raise standards in reading is leading many to question the dominance of… Here are some example VIPERS texts and questions to use for home learning. • Early reading – must ensure chn have enough practise of decoding, in addition to the teaching of reading/comprehension. Reading Vipers was originally designed by The Literacy Shed. I have adapted the idea to suit our school’s needs and we use my resources for guided reading each day. The resource includes: independent reading activities, guided reading recording sheet and question cards that can be used to prompt discussion. Retrieve. See also: Whole-class reading: a planning tool See also: Whole-class reading: another example lesson See also: Challenging responses: designing a successful teacher-led reading lesson In primary schools recently, there has been a lot of interest in ways to approach whole-class reading lessons. Other Resources. In our reading lessons, we use reading VIPERS (based on materials from ‘The Literacy Shed’) to help support our pupils to understand what a good reader looks like and how to approach answering reading questions. I will then show them a quick video or image and ask them a question relating to the skill we are practising (e.g. The main differences being in the S - sequence in KS1 and Summarise in KS2 also in the Explain section. • Focus on a particular skill until confident chn understand it (retrieval, After half term, year 5 and 6 English teachers will be setting a ‘VIPERS’ sheet for the Monday reading homework tasks. How did Robert identify that the fox was a mechanimal? The short comprehensions here are 500 words in length and have a total of 10 marks over 5-7 questions. Example questions. VIPERS is an acronym to aid the recall of the 6 reading domains as part of the UK’s reading curriculum. What does the word xxx mean in this sentence? VIPERS/ Whole Class Reading Lesson Structure. Vocabulary Infer Predict Explain Retrieve Sequence Summarise EYFS- Y2 What does the word ...mean in this sentence? Infer . I’ve added VIPERS style questioning and I use them for short intervention work or after school reading club. Reading Vipers was originally designed by The Literacy Shed. The first section will focus on one of the VIPERS areas and the second section will have a number of different VIPERS questions. Literacy Shed Plus. Dialogic reading is an interactive style of reading with children in a classroom setting. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS1 Reading Vipers Improving key reading skills I have adapted the idea to suit our school’s needs and we use my resources for guided reading each day. Free Resources. Viper is a complete configuration solution for Go applications including 12-Factor apps. Explain your preferences, thoughts and opinions about the text. VIPERS Discussion Guides. We have opted to focus on extracts of the book for each of the reading sessions. Purposeful 2.
reading vipers examples
What does this word or phrase 10 generic reading VIPER guided reading activities for any non-fiction texts including image and the acronym meaning. Reading Comprehension Packs. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017. KS2 Reading Vipers. Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum Test Framework documents which can be found online here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key- stage-2-english-reading-test-framework. Why do you think Robert gives the men the wrong directions? Designed by me ( www.philshepp.com) for the literacyshed.com ‘VIPERS’ reading strategies (vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve, summarise/sequence), these are fun characters to get children enthused about the content domains of reading and clear about the differences between each one. P – Where do you think the men are going? Explain Explain how Bunzl makes the men looking for Malkin seem scary. I – Are the men peaceful? • How did…? Literacy Shed Plus. They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts. R – Approximately how many men are on each ship? Find and copy a group of words which show that… 6-11 are in a slightly different format. VIPERS is an acronym which stands for: Vocabulary. Close Reading and Discussion (Notes) - The pupils take turns reading aloud and the teacher enables analysis to take place through questioning. Children are explicitly taught the skills of reading (outlined in the National Curriculum and the KS1 and KS2 test domains) through the use of VIPERS which were created by Rob Smith (The Literacy Shed). The same mnemonic can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaptation. This gives the students the opportunity to … The main difference being in the S. Sequence- KS1 Summarise-KS2 In KS1, ‘Explain’; is not one of the content domains, rather it asks children why they have come to a certain conclusion, to … Who is your favourite character? We’ve all sat there with groups of children and come up with questions on the spot. 4. Unit Plans. KS2 Reading Vipers question examples Vocabulary Infer Predict Explain Retrieve Summarise Vocabulary example questions ... Retrieval example questions • How would you describe this story/text? www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017. Predict. Infer. Alfie and Will made this version of the story of 'The Lighthouse' animation using Keynote. KS2 Reading VIPERS. Why do you think they are going there? KS1 Reading Viper Posters. Reading Vipers. Predict At the winding key on Page 42, predict if the men will come back. We will also be sending home some example ‘VIPERS’ questions in reading journals to help children and parents with inspiration on conversations to have when reading together. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS2 Reading Vipers Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum VIPERS is an acronym to aid the recall of the 6 reading domains as part of the UK’s reading curriculum. They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts. Curriculum progression grid for reading vipers (updated September 2020) KS1 Reading Activities. Free Resources Age 4-5 Age 5-7 Age 7-9 Age 9-11 DADWAVERS Reading VIPERS Vocabulary Ninja Christmas Resources Comprehension Plus More Resources Exemplar Resources Memberships Help. types can be applied to all reading materials, but also, pictures, videos and other media. The resource includes: independent reading activities, guided reading recording sheet and question cards that can be used to prompt discussion. Technical director: Matt Ebb. Animation director: Stefan Wernik. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017. VIPERS questions: V – Can you find synonyms for the word ship. KS2 Reading VIPERS non-fiction guided reading tasks. Example questions. Explain. Almost three years in fact since I last blogged about anything. If you’re taking the plunge to start Whole Class Guided Reading, you need to do it properly to make sure the lessons are: 1. The Reading Vipers can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaption. Make and justify inferences using evidence from the text. In the sentence the word xxx is closest in meaning to (examples given) What does word/phrase mean? Why did Malkin not move? KS2 Reading Activities. Find and copy one/two words which describe/means? Sequence (KS1) or Summarise (KS2). The practice promotes children’s literacy and language skills. If you like our planning visit www.literacyshedplus.com to sign up. The Reading Vipers can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaption. For this part, the section to be read aloud is an extract from the chapter(s) read in lesson one; generally, the extract which is most difficult to understand or has the most to be gained from discussion. • Why do you think all the main characters are girls in this book? SATS reading practice. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS2 Reading Vipers Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum I - infer. Reading Vipers. Posted by zlfa038. Key Stage 1 Activity Packs. VIPERS is a brilliant way of getting coverage of all the reading domains. Or click the image below for a … V= vocabulary I= inference P= prediction E= explanation R=Retrieval and S= summarise. Short VIPERS Comprehensions. E – Can you say how the two boats are similar? This example, Robin Hood and Little John, is aimed at reading ages 9-11. Each week, I will focus on one of the VIPERS skills, for example summarising. This is a series of reading comprehension lessons using the VIPERS template from Literacy Shed. Why doesn’t Robert believe the fox would be reading the sign? Is there anything you would change about this story? Why do you think all the main characters are girls in this book? Why is this? P - predict. When reading with your child at home it would really help them if you verbally ask them questions to support their understanding of the book. We read the text together and discuss then I give them 2 minutes to highlight or underline the Bronze, Silver and Gold words. It is designed to work within an application, and can handle all types of configuration needs and formats. E - explain Here are some examples of questions using VIPERS. Why? Free Resources Age 4-5 Age 5-7 Age 7-9 Age 9-11 DADWAVERS Reading VIPERS Vocabulary Ninja Christmas Resources Comprehension Plus More Resources Exemplar Resources Memberships Help. The Literacy Shed suggests VIPERS, Rhoda Wilson uses ERIC starters and Jo Payne recommends ... Here’s an example of a weekly reading plan for The Fox and the Star: Deliver your sessions. This section is for use when preparing students for the reading part of the end of KS2 tests (SATs) in England. The Reading Vipers approach helps to develop key comprehension skills and enables the children to become more successful readers. We use the Literacy Shed's 'Reading Vipers' in our whole class and small group teaching. The 6 domains focus on the comprehension aspect of reading and not the mechanics: decoding, fluency, prosody etc. These tasks are focused around specific reading skills (Vocabulary – Inference – Prediction – Explain – Retrieve – Summarise), which are linked to the SAT Content Domains. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS2 Reading Vipers Vipers is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum Designed by me ( www.philshepp.com) for the literacyshed.com ‘VIPERS’ reading strategies (vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve, summarise/sequence), these are fun characters to get children enthused about the content domains of reading and clear about the differences between each one. Aim to improve children’s reading with each session. Infer Find a word that shows that someone is ….adjective? What does the word ____ mean in this sentence? 'Cogheart' VIPERS Teacher Guide. In school when we teach reading we ensure that children respond to questions linking to the VIPERS skills. 10,000 Top Reading Vipers Teaching Resources. Animators: Jeremy Davidson, Lee Salvemini. Great to be used in reading carousels as they can easily be applied to any non-fiction books. Reading at home. I think that each text will be split into two sections. We hope you will find this useful. Can you think of any other words the author could use to describe the character or setting? These are similar in layout and format to the official tests. Explanation example questions • Who is your favourite character? Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 8.pdf [pdf 101KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 8 ANSWERS.pdf [pdf 91KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 9.pdf [pdf 105KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 9 ANSWERS.pdf [pdf 115KB] Guided reading VIPERS - Floodland Then Chapter 10.pdf [pdf 82KB] So, I suppose I better write about something. During this type of reading practice, the child and instructor switch roles. Vipers cover the key comprehension skills in line with the 'new' content domains. The dreaded word. 1-5 are comprehension - text followed by questions. What genre is it? Would you like to live in this setting? jpeg, 1.47 MB. Each of the letters stand for one of the key areas of learning: V - vocabulary. 'Bubbles' Film VIPERS. KS2 Reading Vipers. Why/why not? Explore more than 10,000 'Reading Vipers' resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on 'Vipers' Viper Progression Grids and Question Grids. Show them the following video and asking them: “ Summarise the things you can do at … It’s been a while! Unless you’ve planned which Reading Skill this is explicitly teaching, you’re wasting your (and the children’s) time. SATS reading … Lighthouse (2008), animated short movie by Charlie Short and Ming Hsiung made for the Responsibility Project campaign for Liberty Mutual. 0. 3 –READING VIPER QUESTIONS Vocabulary Which word in the text describes what xxx is like? Why? • How often…? Based on Reading Skills 3. Free Resources. How do you know? There are another 30+ of these on www.literacyshedplus.com spread across the 5-11 age range. Key Stage 2 Activity Packs. It supports: setting defaults; reading from JSON config files; live watching and re-reading of config files (optional) reading from environment variables KS1 Reading Vipers. E – Why do you think the sky is dark and stormy? I use The imperative to raise standards in reading is leading many to question the dominance of… Here are some example VIPERS texts and questions to use for home learning. • Early reading – must ensure chn have enough practise of decoding, in addition to the teaching of reading/comprehension. Reading Vipers was originally designed by The Literacy Shed. I have adapted the idea to suit our school’s needs and we use my resources for guided reading each day. The resource includes: independent reading activities, guided reading recording sheet and question cards that can be used to prompt discussion. Retrieve. See also: Whole-class reading: a planning tool See also: Whole-class reading: another example lesson See also: Challenging responses: designing a successful teacher-led reading lesson In primary schools recently, there has been a lot of interest in ways to approach whole-class reading lessons. Other Resources. In our reading lessons, we use reading VIPERS (based on materials from ‘The Literacy Shed’) to help support our pupils to understand what a good reader looks like and how to approach answering reading questions. I will then show them a quick video or image and ask them a question relating to the skill we are practising (e.g. The main differences being in the S - sequence in KS1 and Summarise in KS2 also in the Explain section. • Focus on a particular skill until confident chn understand it (retrieval, After half term, year 5 and 6 English teachers will be setting a ‘VIPERS’ sheet for the Monday reading homework tasks. How did Robert identify that the fox was a mechanimal? The short comprehensions here are 500 words in length and have a total of 10 marks over 5-7 questions. Example questions. VIPERS is an acronym to aid the recall of the 6 reading domains as part of the UK’s reading curriculum. What does the word xxx mean in this sentence? VIPERS/ Whole Class Reading Lesson Structure. Vocabulary Infer Predict Explain Retrieve Sequence Summarise EYFS- Y2 What does the word ...mean in this sentence? Infer . I’ve added VIPERS style questioning and I use them for short intervention work or after school reading club. Reading Vipers was originally designed by The Literacy Shed. The first section will focus on one of the VIPERS areas and the second section will have a number of different VIPERS questions. Literacy Shed Plus. Dialogic reading is an interactive style of reading with children in a classroom setting. www.literacyshed.com (C) 2017 KS1 Reading Vipers Improving key reading skills I have adapted the idea to suit our school’s needs and we use my resources for guided reading each day. Free Resources. Viper is a complete configuration solution for Go applications including 12-Factor apps. Explain your preferences, thoughts and opinions about the text. VIPERS Discussion Guides. We have opted to focus on extracts of the book for each of the reading sessions. Purposeful 2.
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