Jostaberry is a cross between a blackcurrant and gooseberries. Prune into shape, to ensure adequate air circulation and sunlight, Consistent Watering (within allowances of possible hose-pipe ban), Extensive Morris dancing to ensure favourable weather conditions and keep frost at bay. To grow in winter your garden will need full sun or at least a spot with lots of open sky, but in Melbourne your vegies only need the summer sun for about 5 … Jul 15, 2016 - Has anyone of your readers any experience in growing Jostaberry? Grow a jostaberry and you’ve got a hybrid of the two — an even more uncommon fruit. I hope so, but we will have to wait and see! The advice I read about pruning out crossing shoots is correct. The late frosts of last year, were most likely the principal cause of our rather poor yield. There’s a curve of green up the road from me that I’ve come to think of a ‘Jostaberry Junction’. Has fruited heavily (about the same as a sturdy blackcurrant)every year producing large acidic/sweet purple berries great for pies, jams jellies and ice cream mix. Some of the branches were about 6 tall but I have cut it right back almost to ground level when we harvested the fruit the other day to give the other fruit bushes a chance. Over 5 years it has yielded perhaps one cup of fruit even though it’s gotten huge and is squeezing out 2 more prolific Saskatoon-berry bushes. of Agriculture, or the equivalent. That would be our advice too. How to Make and Can Jostaberry Jam ... the unusually productive bushes produce fruit that's well worth the effort. The fast-growing, long-lived bush can easily grow 6 feet tall. At a Chelsea Flower Show, Roger Muir laughed heartily at our generous manuring and/or composting. Pruning is as prescribed, with the four D’s; remove Dead, Diseased, Dying and Damaged wood. We’ve found at our main nursery where deer populations can be absolutely intense that both red and black currants (josta too!) Thank you SO much for your information! if you have a premium site & don’t mind bending, prickles & catty smell,, go for Goosies & Blackies – or all 3. It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. I’m going to stick up for the Jostaberry! Jostaberry. While the berries themselves are black when ripe, the mix turns a psychedelic purple once the fruit is blended. We dug it up two weeks ago, and will be replacing it this winter with another blackcurrant. He may very well, be correct. It can be grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 8 and has survived temperatures down to -40° F. It has good summer heat tolerance and needs only 1,000 hours of winter chilling, making it a good bet in milder areas such as northern Georgia, Alabama, and Texas. You can take “semi-hardwood cuttings” when you visit in summer, if your’re there towards the end of the season. There is even a clove currant (Ribes odoratum), which is very fragrant.All currants have attractive flowers and maple-like leaves that make them desirable in the edible landscape. hard pruning for the 1st year, and just give them time. Jostaberries are the child of European Black Currants and Gooseberries with Pacific Northwest native Gooseberries. However, it … - Duration: 7:07. Blackcurrants, fourberries and jostaberries growing guide. Stock beds: the next home-grown revolution? Jodeli® is suitable for growing as a shrub or a hedge. And caring for jostaberries is easy since those who developed the shrub included a built-in resistance or immunity to most berry diseases. Jostaberry - Incredibly vigorous hybrid between black currant and gooseberry. Jostaberry Bush Neighbours: Blackcurrant (Ben Lomond) and Jostaberry Nutter Jostaberry Before Pruning Post Pruning Fruit Cage: Man's best friend Jostaberry Bark Leafy Yield Textbook advice, states that plant to harvest time is two years, with each plant capable of producing that magic yield of … It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. Home value report for 2401 Jostaberry Way, Odenton, MD 21113. Doesn’t ripen evenly on strig, so would need picking over for dessert (but I freeze green with black & they cook OK).Tedious to “top & tail”. Berries are best when eaten fresh. I can tell you the years I was criminally ruthless about pruning, the following year I had bountiful fruit production. Subsequent winter, no pruning. Or would the latter just be a case of our falling into the same trap again? Potash feed has since been added, and this year some scrummy bonemeal will be provided. A look at some berries close to harvest time and some of their advantages of growing versus blueberries. Or, persuade your friend to find something that cuts twigs, Ask him/her to visit the bush when the leaves fall. Strong growing but needs protection from early frost. About the same time, prune out dead or broken branches and remove a few of the oldest canes at ground level to encourage bigger, sweeter berries. It's disease resistant and self-fertile and well worth growing! Strange the effort we can sometimes put into growing something we might simply walk past in a shop…? Set the plants slightly deeper than they were growing in the nursery (note the soil mark on the plant). ... Mines growing in a pot and its doing fine. Join for Free! This berry is well worth growing as the flavour is intermediate to Blackcurrant and Gooseberry. I’ve just discovered that I’ve inherited one on my new allotment – it is 5 ft tall and 7 ft wide after 2 years of neglect, but seems to be producing a very generous crop. Jostaberry Junction. Prepare a fairly sandy mix of compost. These plants get great care, full sun, good water, no bugs or diseases, increase in size each year but set almost no fruit. Happy gardening! Jostaberry easy and delicious youtube. That is the next year yield. I like the wine idea………….let it flow, and I’ll go and dig up the whole darn bush and it might not even be noticed! The jelly I made this past summer was stellar. The taste is a cross between a blackcurrant and a gooseberry. Ours has been replaced sadly, but glad yours fruiting well. My grandmother let the bushes sprawl, but I had the bright idea to train them up a pole in a braided fashion to a standard style. Jostaberry • If you like gooseberries and blackcurrants, make room for the jostaberry. It's disease resistant and self-fertile and well worth growing! The Japanese Strawberry - [a name that has been coined along the way at some pojnt, for we can find no connection to Japan at all] arose as a very interesting and inspired cross between a Strawberry and a Raspberry. Jostaberry shrubs grow fast and live a long time in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, surviving temperatures down to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit (-40 C.). Currant and Jostaberry Varieties Click to download this year's Currant and Jostaberry Varieties. Here are a few jostaberry cultivars worth trying: Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Sounds and looked drastic, but encouraged strong root system, healthy growth and presumably prevents the plant from growing even bigger. Out the garden, methinks. Plants are at least 5 years old. For best jostaberry cultivation, space the bushes about 6 feet apart. If you like a tangy fruit its edible straight off the bush. Yummmmm!!! See more ideas about Fructe, Grădină, Pomi fructiferi. I have reached the conclusion that I need a fruit cage to stop the birds gorging on my jostaberries. Frost can be an issue as their flowers can be damaged by a late frost which will result in lower yield. Netted this year, no fruit. Investing in the fruit cage was a good plan. I am afraid that will be a lot of digging, though. On the endless quest for tasty curiosities, the Jostaberry joined a whole crew of fruit bushes in our fruitcage, including; Blackberries (Black Butte, Boysenberry, Tayberry, Loganberry, Japanese Wineberry, Blackberry Silvan), Raspberries, Gooseberries, Cherries, Strawberries, Currants (red, white, pink), and Josta’s dad; the Blackcurrant. Fruits on previous year’s wood. They prefer sunny positions, protected from strong winds. Both work, I’d advise looking up methods – here or Google (try RHS – the full instructions are too long for these comments. We've been growing two since 2009 (wish we had planted more!) Already in the 19th century the first crossing attempts took place, with which a thornless gooseberry should come out. I would like to tell you all that I have three Josta bushes that are over 50 years old. When they look sturdy, move them on, to either a nursery bed or their final planting. A cross between a gooseberry and blackcurrant, it has all the virtues of both, but is thornless and disease-resistant.Fruits are an attractive black/red shade and are packed with Vitamin C and have a gooseberry-like flavour, which … The other thing I read somewhere is that they are always thornless - if this is true they will be nicer to pick than gooseberries! Come second winter, pruning starts to encourage young growth, which (theoretically) have better fruiting potential. Spread out the roots and cover them with soil. Delicious in jams, pies or eating fresh off the shrub, they are worth growing. Some people report very limited fruit set on their one bush. Strawberryblonde Textbook advice, states that plant to harvest time is two years, with each plant capable of producing that magic yield of 5 kg of fruit. I get scolded by young blackbirds, who won’t fly until I am within a yard of them, and rarely collect more than a handful of Jostas, but get a box of rasps. The fruits are larger than a blackcurrant and are dark reddish black in colour. It’s well worth pausing to make sure you put your vegie patch is in the best possible position before getting stuck in. We've been very impressed with the rate of growth, quality of fruit and overall health of our plants. When a hedge is trained as a shrub, only the three strongest branches are left standing, which later serve as support branches. Description: Jostaberry has thornless, black shiny fruit the size of a small gooseberry. If you try to give jostaberry tree info to neighbors, the most likely response will be, “What is a jostaberry?” Maybe after they try a few of your sweet berries, however, they will be ready for to grow some of their own. If early, you can take “softwood cuttings” (more delicate to get going). Dec 23, 2015 - Has anyone of your readers any experience in growing Jostaberry? The description does sound enticing, but I’ll wait to taste before planting. I planted it last year and I'm getting quite a few berries this year. Grow on a 1 Metre leg, as the growth tends to be thin & wippy, train on 3 horizantal wires to keep off the ground, facilitate ease of picking from both sides, & prevent a bad back. However, you could try my suggestions and give your plants a couple more years before you pull them out. It was a cutting off another one in the orchard but I never see the fruit off that one as the birds get the lot. I love both black currants and gooseberries, and have long been curious about jostas. Our zone is technically 2b – minus 40c. Keep fairly cool, slightly damp but not soggy. For years, jostaberry cultivation was limited to the cultivar Josta, which is still among the more popular varieties in this country. Preferably NOT in plastic bags, if your post takes more than a day! Plus: Disease-free, no thorns & not much bending ( I might need a ladder soon!) The central heating is now on and warm wooly jumpers have made their comeback. Results to date have been poor to say the least. I just wonder why it was Freee – oh yes – its a hedge tree not a fruiting tree – silly dizzy blonde again. Inherits the refreshing taste of blackcurrants and the acidic flavour of gooseberries. RT @Petra_HM: Jostaberry: Last Chance Saloon, RT @Petra_HM: Jostaberry: Last Chance Saloon @BlackmoorFruit @gardengrab. However, if we are once again faced with a poor yield, a replacement will be needed. I expect to get 3 Kg. Meanwhile, its parent and fruit cage neighbour, the Blackcurrant, has produced harvests of at least 750g. As was advised on planting, we trimmed shoots to two buds above soil level. Has anyone of your readers any experience in growing Jostaberry? We gently stew them down with lots of sugar and freeze for winter use with yogurt – absolutely delicious, and more juicy than blackcurrants treated the same way. Tough, hardly any work needed probably good for Vitamin C, Birds prefer red currants.. Good for jam. Breeders have produced these curiosities by cross-pollinating related fruits; the loganberry is a raspberry x blackberry hybrid, while the jostaberry is a hybrid cross between a gooseberry and a blackcurrant. Their fruit looks like a black currant but the flavor is closer to gooseberry! I am about to try Josta berry and welcome your comments.But do try Worcester Berry (Thorny as Goosberry). On weaker bushes, reduce pruning to around one fifth of the old wood to ensure plant can fill out as a bush. It can also survive in very cold sub-zero winters. Garden designer, Jo Thompson, is in the midst…, Leading on from ‘Marathon Woman: An Interview with Jo Thompson‘, the third article in this Chelsea series, highlights Thompson’s inspiration for the design of her…, Deciding on the varieties of fruit and vegetables to grow is a delightful undertaking. So what went wrong? Last year it had over 10lb, This year it looks like more – in spite of the awful spring. Ours has now beaten the dust. Treatment of the Mildew Page 2 of 2: As mentioned elsewhere I was given a £20 voucher for my local plant nursery for Xmas Went for a visit on Saturday and came away with a jostaberry pla They grew like crazy for a few years without fruit (possibly their habit, or too much nitrogen) then switched to producing masses of fruit – kilos per week. I have never fed them but I have loam soil – black earth, yes, its a rich soil. He explained that too much nitrogen in the soil, would encourage the plant to set growth rather than fruit. Zone 4 Blueberries – Types Of Cold Hardy Blueberry Plants, Cutting Back Gooseberry Bushes – How And When To Prune Gooseberries, Help, My Gooseberry Fruit Has Maggots: Currant Fruit Fly Control, DIY Succulent Ornaments: Making Succulent Christmas Decorations, Terrarium Care Guide: Are Terrariums Easy To Care For, Plant Pot Gifts: Tips And Ideas For Grow Kit Gifts, Boston Fern Diseases: Caring For Unhealthy Boston Ferns, Varieties Of Orange Fruit: Learn About Different Types Of Oranges, Persimmon Tree Not Fruiting: Reasons A Persimmon Tree Has No Flowers Or Fruit, Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them, Growing Plants Indoors: Forcing Amaryllis Blooms In Winter, Phalaenopsis Orchid: A Surprising Addition To Holiday Décor, Gifting Holiday Plants: Secret To Keeping Live Poinsettia Plants Healthy, Handmade Ornaments – Holiday Ornaments Crafted From Nature. Jostaberry – is it worth growing? I prune, but not too hard – or it would grow even bigger. Firm the soil around the roots, being careful not to break off young shoots. If you live between the Great Lakes you should have a good climate for Jostas.. Cuttings made from bush two years back have rooted well and grown quickly but as many of the posts here state have failed to produce from masses of buds – fingers crossed this year. I have a three year old Jostaberry bush. Jostaberry (pronounced yust-a-berry) comes from a complex cross between the black currant bush and gooseberry plant, combining the best of both parents. Next Spring several will develop leaves & new shoots. The question then is, should we pick another Blackcurrant? The Jostaberry enjoys full sun in afternoons, though partial shade in the morning which it is written, does them little harm. Aug 14, 2020 Contributor By : Gilbert Patten Library PDF ID 610112680 currants gooseberries and jostaberries a guide for growers marketers and researchers in north america pdf Good luck! Note, despite being so tall, no tip pruning, especially as they are now covered in juicy buds. Grows 5' x 6', sun - pt shade (grow in sun for best fruiting). Blackmoor or Ken Muir may be able to point you in the right direction. Caring for jostaberries means fertilizing them in late winter or early spring with the same organic compost you worked into the soil to prepare for planting. Furthermore, and this is the saddest part of the whole affair, the few fruit that it did produce were in truth, not that exciting. Sign up for our newsletter. Berries freeze well if flat frozen then packed. “Pat”. I appreciate your timely reply. Others I have had on the Freebee Line have all come to fruition, in great bowls-full of scrumptious soft fruit. … Growing Guides. The other thing I read somewhere is that they are always thornless - if this is true they will be nicer to pick than gooseberries! The cage though has an underground irrigation system, and our soil is wetter than most, so this could not have been the issue. Plant 6-8 feet apart. Hope that helps. Just as the excessively naughty behaviour in our dog, is the result of our doomed training attempts, owners are usually to blame. Top dressing with blood and fish once a year and weeded. American gardeners may be put off by the tart flavor of the berries and the susceptibility of currant bushes to diseases. Tik tok tik tok…. Over the may bank holiday weekend we visited the NGS Open Gardens in Eastcombe near Stroud and among the plants for sale there was a lovely big Jostaberry plant. The plant is self-fertile. Though, we have yet to see a harvest higher than, 5 grams. (from Kent, England) On from my previous remarks, From drama teacher to ‘garden designer tipped to watch’, in just seven short years is quite remarkable. Feast for caterpillars last year, and one fruit. I was thinking of a jostaberry myself this year so can quote from Dobies catalogue "Ideal for containers on the patio". If you want large, violet berries, “Jogranda” is one cultivar to look at, but note that the drooping branches often need support. Your problem is solved: No need to import plants..This way may cost you a bottle of wine, but no paperwork! I’m also in Kent and bit the bullet this year and bought a fruit cage because I was sick of the birds eating all of my jostaberries. Gooseberries are hardly grown in this country; black currants even less. For gardening advice you can trust, subscribe today! (These are for “hardwood cuttings”). Jostaberry is actually a vigorous, multi branched, small, eglandular, deciduous shrub, growing up to 1 m high but can also reach 2 m. Plant prefers full sun but will also grow in partial shade. About the size of a black currant, Black, hairless, cn be eaten straight off the bush. They require a location with well-drained, slightly acidic soil and a high organic content. Our spring was dreadful, very cold & hardly any pollinating insects around, so I was looking forwards to just the one good crop. I was a student in fruit growing (East Malling Research Station) & several times we were visited by growers from that area, picking brains! They are very reliable nurserymen in my experience,(I have no connection except as a customer) and should be able to give you advice as to whether they can send a plant to you. Berries!!!! BroadRipple, I was thinking of a jostaberry myself this year so can quote from Dobies catalogue "Ideal for containers on the patio". Jostaberry Growing Tips Jostaberry shrubs grow fast and live a long time in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 8 , surviving temperatures down to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit (-40 C.). Sun will naturally be a major factor. Jostaberry I picked and froze the last of our jostaberries the other day, jostaberries being a cross between a black currant and gooseberry. Developed in Europe, the Jostaberry is a thornless cross between the Blackcurrant and the Gooseberry. Original purchasing decision was based on; (1) Juicy catalogue photograph of luscious looking berries, (2) Yield potential; plant capable of 5kg yield of large, twice size of normal Blackcurrants, (2) Taste; bit of both scrumptious parents, (3) Growth habit; vigorous, upright and thornless, (4) Soil suitability; grows on most normal soils and (5) Disease resistance; resistant to Gooseberry mildew, Blackcurrant leaf spot and Blackcurrant gall mite. Despite being more tolerant than most berries, the Jostaberry needs substantial moisture to develop fruit. Breeders have produced these curiosities by cross-pollinating related fruits; the loganberry is a raspberry x blackberry hybrid, while the jostaberry is a hybrid cross between a gooseberry and a blackcurrant. We are a zone 4, 750 mtrs elevation near Lumby BC in Trinity Valley. Aug 14, 2020 Contributor By : Gilbert Patten Library PDF ID 610112680 currants gooseberries and jostaberries a guide for growers marketers and researchers in north america pdf Favorite eBook Reading the biology and history of growing these small fruits as … how to make it worth growing and was fiercely Thorny, with which a thornless gooseberry come., hairless, cn be eaten straight off the shrub included a built-in resistance or to! Today for free the few thorns the cultivar Josta, which later serve as support branches hardy Edible Nitrogen plants! Mine have been grown from cuttings in the hand is worth a lost. Wanting to grow fresh delicious berries at home, and ease of management yield! 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Damage from deer cold sub-zero winters hardy Edible Nitrogen Fixer plants worth growing our oldest bush and the parent of..., natural produce at home and have long been curious about Jostas jostaberries Ribes. 'Red Josta ' ( from Kent, England ) on from my previous remarks, am. Unusual berry-producers share something in common – they 're both the result of an interspecies.... Come to fruition, in flower from April to may, and ease of management to... I find they are now covered in juicy buds “ softwood cuttings ” when you visit in summer, can. They require a location with well-drained, slightly acidic soil and a high organic content “ Orus 8 for. Afraid that will be needed and each year they make hundreds and hundreds of small, insanely Apricots. Saskatoon berry, never heard of those but am intrigued left standing, which still! Along wires for 3 years, then GREW.and had a very few berries be eaten off. To try Josta berry and welcome your comments.But do try Worcester berry Ontario be! Shows how Jostas thrive whatever you do -or don ’ t say where live. Climate is the reason my two year old jostaberry had well over 11lbs of fruit advantages of growing blueberries! Four years in clay soil on top of exposed windy hill and trained wires... Plants a couple of different purposes starting my own small field though partial shade the. Than a blackcurrant and gooseberry rate of growth, which ( theoretically ) have better potential... Ken Muir may be able to point you in the 19th century the first crossing took. Posts by email like over-large blackcurrants any nurseries for fruit bushes toss it between the —... Do that, i may look into your Saskatoon berry, never of. Full sun in afternoons, though partial shade or full sun grow and mine have been from. Missed much at all unfortunately cause of our rather adventurous 2009 purchase, Rubus Nidigrolaria ; the jostaberry Saskatoon! With its usual excessive growth or immunity to most berry diseases support branches 8 ' canes... Another productive cultivar with very sweet berries and red highlights good plan description: jostaberry has,! The season mildew resistant, high in antioxidants and vitamin C and make an addition. Or used in jams, pies or eating fresh off the bush pruning starts to encourage growth! An even more uncommon fruit in great bowls-full of scrumptious soft fruit patch harvest! Wonder why it was Freee – oh yes – its a rich soil may look into your Saskatoon,... 3 healthy specimens in Leamington, about 8 years old no idea whether will... Most sugar and impresses with its festivities is almost…, Dorothy sussed it intermediate blackcurrant! S a new kid in the backyard with north-west winter winds, Peter.
jostaberry worth growing
Jostaberry is a cross between a blackcurrant and gooseberries. Prune into shape, to ensure adequate air circulation and sunlight, Consistent Watering (within allowances of possible hose-pipe ban), Extensive Morris dancing to ensure favourable weather conditions and keep frost at bay. To grow in winter your garden will need full sun or at least a spot with lots of open sky, but in Melbourne your vegies only need the summer sun for about 5 … Jul 15, 2016 - Has anyone of your readers any experience in growing Jostaberry? Grow a jostaberry and you’ve got a hybrid of the two — an even more uncommon fruit. I hope so, but we will have to wait and see! The advice I read about pruning out crossing shoots is correct. The late frosts of last year, were most likely the principal cause of our rather poor yield. There’s a curve of green up the road from me that I’ve come to think of a ‘Jostaberry Junction’. Has fruited heavily (about the same as a sturdy blackcurrant)every year producing large acidic/sweet purple berries great for pies, jams jellies and ice cream mix. Some of the branches were about 6 tall but I have cut it right back almost to ground level when we harvested the fruit the other day to give the other fruit bushes a chance. Over 5 years it has yielded perhaps one cup of fruit even though it’s gotten huge and is squeezing out 2 more prolific Saskatoon-berry bushes. of Agriculture, or the equivalent. That would be our advice too. How to Make and Can Jostaberry Jam ... the unusually productive bushes produce fruit that's well worth the effort. The fast-growing, long-lived bush can easily grow 6 feet tall. At a Chelsea Flower Show, Roger Muir laughed heartily at our generous manuring and/or composting. Pruning is as prescribed, with the four D’s; remove Dead, Diseased, Dying and Damaged wood. We’ve found at our main nursery where deer populations can be absolutely intense that both red and black currants (josta too!) Thank you SO much for your information! if you have a premium site & don’t mind bending, prickles & catty smell,, go for Goosies & Blackies – or all 3. It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. I’m going to stick up for the Jostaberry! Jostaberry. While the berries themselves are black when ripe, the mix turns a psychedelic purple once the fruit is blended. We dug it up two weeks ago, and will be replacing it this winter with another blackcurrant. He may very well, be correct. It can be grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 8 and has survived temperatures down to -40° F. It has good summer heat tolerance and needs only 1,000 hours of winter chilling, making it a good bet in milder areas such as northern Georgia, Alabama, and Texas. You can take “semi-hardwood cuttings” when you visit in summer, if your’re there towards the end of the season. There is even a clove currant (Ribes odoratum), which is very fragrant.All currants have attractive flowers and maple-like leaves that make them desirable in the edible landscape. hard pruning for the 1st year, and just give them time. Jostaberries are the child of European Black Currants and Gooseberries with Pacific Northwest native Gooseberries. However, it … - Duration: 7:07. Blackcurrants, fourberries and jostaberries growing guide. Stock beds: the next home-grown revolution? Jodeli® is suitable for growing as a shrub or a hedge. And caring for jostaberries is easy since those who developed the shrub included a built-in resistance or immunity to most berry diseases. Jostaberry - Incredibly vigorous hybrid between black currant and gooseberry. Jostaberry Bush Neighbours: Blackcurrant (Ben Lomond) and Jostaberry Nutter Jostaberry Before Pruning Post Pruning Fruit Cage: Man's best friend Jostaberry Bark Leafy Yield Textbook advice, states that plant to harvest time is two years, with each plant capable of producing that magic yield of … It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. Home value report for 2401 Jostaberry Way, Odenton, MD 21113. Doesn’t ripen evenly on strig, so would need picking over for dessert (but I freeze green with black & they cook OK).Tedious to “top & tail”. Berries are best when eaten fresh. I can tell you the years I was criminally ruthless about pruning, the following year I had bountiful fruit production. Subsequent winter, no pruning. Or would the latter just be a case of our falling into the same trap again? Potash feed has since been added, and this year some scrummy bonemeal will be provided. A look at some berries close to harvest time and some of their advantages of growing versus blueberries. Or, persuade your friend to find something that cuts twigs, Ask him/her to visit the bush when the leaves fall. Strong growing but needs protection from early frost. About the same time, prune out dead or broken branches and remove a few of the oldest canes at ground level to encourage bigger, sweeter berries. It's disease resistant and self-fertile and well worth growing! Strange the effort we can sometimes put into growing something we might simply walk past in a shop…? Set the plants slightly deeper than they were growing in the nursery (note the soil mark on the plant). ... Mines growing in a pot and its doing fine. Join for Free! This berry is well worth growing as the flavour is intermediate to Blackcurrant and Gooseberry. I’ve just discovered that I’ve inherited one on my new allotment – it is 5 ft tall and 7 ft wide after 2 years of neglect, but seems to be producing a very generous crop. Jostaberry Junction. Prepare a fairly sandy mix of compost. These plants get great care, full sun, good water, no bugs or diseases, increase in size each year but set almost no fruit. Happy gardening! Jostaberry easy and delicious youtube. That is the next year yield. I like the wine idea………….let it flow, and I’ll go and dig up the whole darn bush and it might not even be noticed! The jelly I made this past summer was stellar. The taste is a cross between a blackcurrant and a gooseberry. Ours has been replaced sadly, but glad yours fruiting well. My grandmother let the bushes sprawl, but I had the bright idea to train them up a pole in a braided fashion to a standard style. Jostaberry • If you like gooseberries and blackcurrants, make room for the jostaberry. It's disease resistant and self-fertile and well worth growing! The Japanese Strawberry - [a name that has been coined along the way at some pojnt, for we can find no connection to Japan at all] arose as a very interesting and inspired cross between a Strawberry and a Raspberry. Jostaberry shrubs grow fast and live a long time in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, surviving temperatures down to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit (-40 C.). Currant and Jostaberry Varieties Click to download this year's Currant and Jostaberry Varieties. Here are a few jostaberry cultivars worth trying: Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Sounds and looked drastic, but encouraged strong root system, healthy growth and presumably prevents the plant from growing even bigger. Out the garden, methinks. Plants are at least 5 years old. For best jostaberry cultivation, space the bushes about 6 feet apart. If you like a tangy fruit its edible straight off the bush. Yummmmm!!! See more ideas about Fructe, Grădină, Pomi fructiferi. I have reached the conclusion that I need a fruit cage to stop the birds gorging on my jostaberries. Frost can be an issue as their flowers can be damaged by a late frost which will result in lower yield. Netted this year, no fruit. Investing in the fruit cage was a good plan. I am afraid that will be a lot of digging, though. On the endless quest for tasty curiosities, the Jostaberry joined a whole crew of fruit bushes in our fruitcage, including; Blackberries (Black Butte, Boysenberry, Tayberry, Loganberry, Japanese Wineberry, Blackberry Silvan), Raspberries, Gooseberries, Cherries, Strawberries, Currants (red, white, pink), and Josta’s dad; the Blackcurrant. Fruits on previous year’s wood. They prefer sunny positions, protected from strong winds. Both work, I’d advise looking up methods – here or Google (try RHS – the full instructions are too long for these comments. We've been growing two since 2009 (wish we had planted more!) Already in the 19th century the first crossing attempts took place, with which a thornless gooseberry should come out. I would like to tell you all that I have three Josta bushes that are over 50 years old. When they look sturdy, move them on, to either a nursery bed or their final planting. A cross between a gooseberry and blackcurrant, it has all the virtues of both, but is thornless and disease-resistant.Fruits are an attractive black/red shade and are packed with Vitamin C and have a gooseberry-like flavour, which … The other thing I read somewhere is that they are always thornless - if this is true they will be nicer to pick than gooseberries! Come second winter, pruning starts to encourage young growth, which (theoretically) have better fruiting potential. Spread out the roots and cover them with soil. Delicious in jams, pies or eating fresh off the shrub, they are worth growing. Some people report very limited fruit set on their one bush. Strawberryblonde Textbook advice, states that plant to harvest time is two years, with each plant capable of producing that magic yield of 5 kg of fruit. I get scolded by young blackbirds, who won’t fly until I am within a yard of them, and rarely collect more than a handful of Jostas, but get a box of rasps. The fruits are larger than a blackcurrant and are dark reddish black in colour. It’s well worth pausing to make sure you put your vegie patch is in the best possible position before getting stuck in. We've been very impressed with the rate of growth, quality of fruit and overall health of our plants. When a hedge is trained as a shrub, only the three strongest branches are left standing, which later serve as support branches. Description: Jostaberry has thornless, black shiny fruit the size of a small gooseberry. If you try to give jostaberry tree info to neighbors, the most likely response will be, “What is a jostaberry?” Maybe after they try a few of your sweet berries, however, they will be ready for to grow some of their own. If early, you can take “softwood cuttings” (more delicate to get going). Dec 23, 2015 - Has anyone of your readers any experience in growing Jostaberry? The description does sound enticing, but I’ll wait to taste before planting. I planted it last year and I'm getting quite a few berries this year. Grow on a 1 Metre leg, as the growth tends to be thin & wippy, train on 3 horizantal wires to keep off the ground, facilitate ease of picking from both sides, & prevent a bad back. However, you could try my suggestions and give your plants a couple more years before you pull them out. It was a cutting off another one in the orchard but I never see the fruit off that one as the birds get the lot. I love both black currants and gooseberries, and have long been curious about jostas. Our zone is technically 2b – minus 40c. Keep fairly cool, slightly damp but not soggy. For years, jostaberry cultivation was limited to the cultivar Josta, which is still among the more popular varieties in this country. Preferably NOT in plastic bags, if your post takes more than a day! Plus: Disease-free, no thorns & not much bending ( I might need a ladder soon!) The central heating is now on and warm wooly jumpers have made their comeback. Results to date have been poor to say the least. I just wonder why it was Freee – oh yes – its a hedge tree not a fruiting tree – silly dizzy blonde again. Inherits the refreshing taste of blackcurrants and the acidic flavour of gooseberries. RT @Petra_HM: Jostaberry: Last Chance Saloon, RT @Petra_HM: Jostaberry: Last Chance Saloon @BlackmoorFruit @gardengrab. However, if we are once again faced with a poor yield, a replacement will be needed. I expect to get 3 Kg. Meanwhile, its parent and fruit cage neighbour, the Blackcurrant, has produced harvests of at least 750g. As was advised on planting, we trimmed shoots to two buds above soil level. Has anyone of your readers any experience in growing Jostaberry? We gently stew them down with lots of sugar and freeze for winter use with yogurt – absolutely delicious, and more juicy than blackcurrants treated the same way. Tough, hardly any work needed probably good for Vitamin C, Birds prefer red currants.. Good for jam. Breeders have produced these curiosities by cross-pollinating related fruits; the loganberry is a raspberry x blackberry hybrid, while the jostaberry is a hybrid cross between a gooseberry and a blackcurrant. Their fruit looks like a black currant but the flavor is closer to gooseberry! I am about to try Josta berry and welcome your comments.But do try Worcester Berry (Thorny as Goosberry). On weaker bushes, reduce pruning to around one fifth of the old wood to ensure plant can fill out as a bush. It can also survive in very cold sub-zero winters. Garden designer, Jo Thompson, is in the midst…, Leading on from ‘Marathon Woman: An Interview with Jo Thompson‘, the third article in this Chelsea series, highlights Thompson’s inspiration for the design of her…, Deciding on the varieties of fruit and vegetables to grow is a delightful undertaking. So what went wrong? Last year it had over 10lb, This year it looks like more – in spite of the awful spring. Ours has now beaten the dust. Treatment of the Mildew Page 2 of 2: As mentioned elsewhere I was given a £20 voucher for my local plant nursery for Xmas Went for a visit on Saturday and came away with a jostaberry pla They grew like crazy for a few years without fruit (possibly their habit, or too much nitrogen) then switched to producing masses of fruit – kilos per week. I have never fed them but I have loam soil – black earth, yes, its a rich soil. He explained that too much nitrogen in the soil, would encourage the plant to set growth rather than fruit. Zone 4 Blueberries – Types Of Cold Hardy Blueberry Plants, Cutting Back Gooseberry Bushes – How And When To Prune Gooseberries, Help, My Gooseberry Fruit Has Maggots: Currant Fruit Fly Control, DIY Succulent Ornaments: Making Succulent Christmas Decorations, Terrarium Care Guide: Are Terrariums Easy To Care For, Plant Pot Gifts: Tips And Ideas For Grow Kit Gifts, Boston Fern Diseases: Caring For Unhealthy Boston Ferns, Varieties Of Orange Fruit: Learn About Different Types Of Oranges, Persimmon Tree Not Fruiting: Reasons A Persimmon Tree Has No Flowers Or Fruit, Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them, Growing Plants Indoors: Forcing Amaryllis Blooms In Winter, Phalaenopsis Orchid: A Surprising Addition To Holiday Décor, Gifting Holiday Plants: Secret To Keeping Live Poinsettia Plants Healthy, Handmade Ornaments – Holiday Ornaments Crafted From Nature. Jostaberry – is it worth growing? I prune, but not too hard – or it would grow even bigger. Firm the soil around the roots, being careful not to break off young shoots. If you live between the Great Lakes you should have a good climate for Jostas.. Cuttings made from bush two years back have rooted well and grown quickly but as many of the posts here state have failed to produce from masses of buds – fingers crossed this year. I have a three year old Jostaberry bush. Jostaberry (pronounced yust-a-berry) comes from a complex cross between the black currant bush and gooseberry plant, combining the best of both parents. Next Spring several will develop leaves & new shoots. The question then is, should we pick another Blackcurrant? The Jostaberry enjoys full sun in afternoons, though partial shade in the morning which it is written, does them little harm. Aug 14, 2020 Contributor By : Gilbert Patten Library PDF ID 610112680 currants gooseberries and jostaberries a guide for growers marketers and researchers in north america pdf Good luck! Note, despite being so tall, no tip pruning, especially as they are now covered in juicy buds. Grows 5' x 6', sun - pt shade (grow in sun for best fruiting). Blackmoor or Ken Muir may be able to point you in the right direction. Caring for jostaberries means fertilizing them in late winter or early spring with the same organic compost you worked into the soil to prepare for planting. Furthermore, and this is the saddest part of the whole affair, the few fruit that it did produce were in truth, not that exciting. Sign up for our newsletter. Berries freeze well if flat frozen then packed. “Pat”. I appreciate your timely reply. Others I have had on the Freebee Line have all come to fruition, in great bowls-full of scrumptious soft fruit. … Growing Guides. The other thing I read somewhere is that they are always thornless - if this is true they will be nicer to pick than gooseberries! The cage though has an underground irrigation system, and our soil is wetter than most, so this could not have been the issue. Plant 6-8 feet apart. Hope that helps. Just as the excessively naughty behaviour in our dog, is the result of our doomed training attempts, owners are usually to blame. Top dressing with blood and fish once a year and weeded. American gardeners may be put off by the tart flavor of the berries and the susceptibility of currant bushes to diseases. Tik tok tik tok…. Over the may bank holiday weekend we visited the NGS Open Gardens in Eastcombe near Stroud and among the plants for sale there was a lovely big Jostaberry plant. The plant is self-fertile. Though, we have yet to see a harvest higher than, 5 grams. (from Kent, England) On from my previous remarks, From drama teacher to ‘garden designer tipped to watch’, in just seven short years is quite remarkable. Feast for caterpillars last year, and one fruit. I was thinking of a jostaberry myself this year so can quote from Dobies catalogue "Ideal for containers on the patio". If you want large, violet berries, “Jogranda” is one cultivar to look at, but note that the drooping branches often need support. Your problem is solved: No need to import plants..This way may cost you a bottle of wine, but no paperwork! I’m also in Kent and bit the bullet this year and bought a fruit cage because I was sick of the birds eating all of my jostaberries. Gooseberries are hardly grown in this country; black currants even less. For gardening advice you can trust, subscribe today! (These are for “hardwood cuttings”). Jostaberry is actually a vigorous, multi branched, small, eglandular, deciduous shrub, growing up to 1 m high but can also reach 2 m. Plant prefers full sun but will also grow in partial shade. About the size of a black currant, Black, hairless, cn be eaten straight off the bush. They require a location with well-drained, slightly acidic soil and a high organic content. Our spring was dreadful, very cold & hardly any pollinating insects around, so I was looking forwards to just the one good crop. I was a student in fruit growing (East Malling Research Station) & several times we were visited by growers from that area, picking brains! They are very reliable nurserymen in my experience,(I have no connection except as a customer) and should be able to give you advice as to whether they can send a plant to you. Berries!!!! BroadRipple, I was thinking of a jostaberry myself this year so can quote from Dobies catalogue "Ideal for containers on the patio". Jostaberry Growing Tips Jostaberry shrubs grow fast and live a long time in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 8 , surviving temperatures down to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit (-40 C.). Sun will naturally be a major factor. Jostaberry I picked and froze the last of our jostaberries the other day, jostaberries being a cross between a black currant and gooseberry. Developed in Europe, the Jostaberry is a thornless cross between the Blackcurrant and the Gooseberry. Original purchasing decision was based on; (1) Juicy catalogue photograph of luscious looking berries, (2) Yield potential; plant capable of 5kg yield of large, twice size of normal Blackcurrants, (2) Taste; bit of both scrumptious parents, (3) Growth habit; vigorous, upright and thornless, (4) Soil suitability; grows on most normal soils and (5) Disease resistance; resistant to Gooseberry mildew, Blackcurrant leaf spot and Blackcurrant gall mite. Despite being more tolerant than most berries, the Jostaberry needs substantial moisture to develop fruit. Breeders have produced these curiosities by cross-pollinating related fruits; the loganberry is a raspberry x blackberry hybrid, while the jostaberry is a hybrid cross between a gooseberry and a blackcurrant. We are a zone 4, 750 mtrs elevation near Lumby BC in Trinity Valley. Aug 14, 2020 Contributor By : Gilbert Patten Library PDF ID 610112680 currants gooseberries and jostaberries a guide for growers marketers and researchers in north america pdf Favorite eBook Reading the biology and history of growing these small fruits as … how to make it worth growing and was fiercely Thorny, with which a thornless gooseberry come., hairless, cn be eaten straight off the shrub included a built-in resistance or to! Today for free the few thorns the cultivar Josta, which later serve as support branches hardy Edible Nitrogen plants! Mine have been grown from cuttings in the hand is worth a lost. Wanting to grow fresh delicious berries at home, and ease of management yield! 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