We could have also expanded in the vectors \( \hat{e}_q \) instead of the conjugates \( \hat{e}_q^\star \); for our present purposes this won't change anything as long as we're consistent, so we'll use the convention above. \hat{\mathcal{D}}^{\dagger}(R) \hat{V}_i \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) = \sum_{j} R_{ij} \hat{V}_j. A = A : A (1. \begin{aligned} \end{aligned} \begin{aligned} \tag{A-01}\label{A-01} Here, the term tensor is used to give a name and nothing more. In general, tensors are quantities defined in spaces and behave by a specific way under transformations in these spaces. & p, d \in \mathbb{N}\boldsymbol{=}\left\lbrace 1,2,\cdots\right\rbrace Number of independent components of Riemann { The number of independent components in each anti-symmetric pair of indices is N= n(n 1)=2. Notice that, \[ a symmetric sum of outer product of vectors. I would imagine you're talking about a rank $2$ in $4$ dimensions. \]. a. of a vector . A Merge Sort Implementation for efficiency. \end{aligned} We call this quantity the tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$. Note that scalars are just tensors of rank 0, and vectors are rank-1 tensors. But there's another, not completely obvious way to obtain the same combinations of Cartesian components, and it comes from the spherical harmonics. Inner product: If one forms an inner product of the field strength tensor a Lorentz invariant is formed 1.10.5 The Determinant of a Tensor . For the particular case of a vector operator, we expect that the expectation value itself should transform classically under a rotation: \[ where , et cetera.In this manner, we can actually write the components of a pseudo-3-vector as the components of an antisymmetric proper-3-tensor. \tag{A-02}\label{A-02} N\left(3,3\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{3+3-1}{3-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{5!}{3!2! So, the only degrees of freedom for a rank-$2$ tensor in $4$ dimensions is $6+4 = 10$. Suppose now that, under the permutation of a pair of indices $\left( i_{r},i_{s}\right)$, the element remains unchanged So far we've dealt with rotation by considering its action on the state kets, \[ \end{aligned} \end{equation}, \begin{equation} T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{p}}\boldsymbol{=}T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{p}} Is there a similar transformation rule for vector operators? \]. Or some other set including some above and some below. ""Being symmetric, the two perturbed tensors contain ten The result of the contraction is a tensor of rank r 2 so we get as many components to substract as there are components in a tensor of rank r 2. r Y_1^{-1}(\theta, \phi) = r \sqrt{\frac{3}{8\pi}} \sin \theta e^{-i\phi} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} \left( \frac{x-iy}{\sqrt{2}} \right). \begin{aligned} The number of independent terms in each is 1 + 3 + 5, so we still have 9 terms in total. Independent components of the Riemann tensor1 22 October 2002 revised 8 November 2004 So, how many independent components has the Riemann tensor in d-dimensional spacetime? r Y_1^q(\theta, \phi) = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} r_q. Both \( \hat{\vec{U}} \cdot \hat{\vec{V}} \) and \( \hat{\vec{V}} \cdot \hat{\vec{U}} \) are guaranteed to be scalar operators, but they're not necessarily the same scalar operator. \end{aligned} What is the precise legal meaning of "electors" being "appointed"? \tag{A-02}\label{A-02} We're about to define a lot of extra machinery, with regard to vector operators and then the more generalized tensor operators. The Riemann tensor, with four indices, naively has n 4 independent components in an n-dimensional space. Independent components of a general 4-dimensional Riemann curvature tensor, without taking into account its cyclic symmetry: Properties & Relations (5) A skew-symmetric array in dimension is zero if its depth is larger than the dimension, and hence there are no independent components: \ket{\vec{n}} = \sum_{l'} \sum_{m'} \hat{\mathcal{D}}(\phi, \theta) \ket{l',m'} \sprod{l',m'}{\hat{z}}. You only have to choose half of them since the other half are the same with opposite sign, so $12/2 = 6$ parameters. If only the rst 3 symmetry conditions were sati ed, we would have N(N+ 1)=2 independent components. This means that you have to choose only half of the parameters beside the ones on the diagonal since $A_{ii} = A_{ii}$ it's trivial. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. Before we get into it, I'll give you a little motivation. & p, d \in \mathbb{N}\boldsymbol{=}\left\lbrace 1,2,\cdots\right\rbrace From the explicit form of the Einstein tensor, the Einstein tensor is a nonlinear function of the metric tensor, but is linear in the second partial derivatives of the metric. T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}} \in \mathbb{C}\;, \qquad & i_{k}\in \left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace\\ \hat{e}_0 = \hat{z} \\ As was shown in [ 28 ], the kinetic term for then possesses the following form, where Π mn is the canonical momentum conjugate to B mn and Ξ kl , ij , … \begin{aligned} \]. \hat{e}_q^\star \hat{e}_{q'} = \delta_{qq'} In this manner, we can actually write the components of a pseudo-3-vector as the components of an antisymmetric proper-3-tensor. V_i \rightarrow \sum_j R_{ij} V_j. \]. Let a set of complex numbers be represented by a mathematical quantity $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$ with $p$ indices. Now, it's completely general to adopt a Heisenberg-picture-like approach here, and decide that we're going to let the rotation act on the operators and leave the states unchanged. [\hat{V}_i, \hat{J}_k] = i \hbar \epsilon_{ikj} \hat{V}_j. For an antisymmetric two-index tensor \( T_{ij} = -T_{ji} \), only the vector component is non-zero (a simple example would be the cross product.) symmetry and skew-symmetry are intrinsic properties of a tensor, being independent of the coordinate system in which they are represented. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. \begin{aligned} But if it is symmetric then the ones in the top right triangle are the same as those in the bottom left triangle. To gain a proper appreciation for the spherical basis, let's see a brief example. \end{equation}, How to calculate the number of independent components/degrees of freedom for symmetric tensors? For we have n= a= 4 so that there is just one possibility to choose the component, i.e. This is, in fact, exactly what we have just done without knowing it. There is nothing special about our choice of the dyadic construction for this tensor; any two-index Cartesian tensor can be decomposed into a scalar, a vector, and a symmetric two-component tensor. T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}} \in \mathbb{C}\;, \qquad & i_{k}\in \left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace\\ van Vogt story? Otherwise it'd just be 6... @Philip Ohw yes, I don't know how I made such a bad mistake, I'll correct it now, thanks, $\left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace$, \begin{equation} If a tensor changes sign under exchange of eachpair of its indices, then the tensor is completely(or totally) antisymmetric. \hat{V}_i - \frac{i\epsilon}{\hbar} [\hat{V}_i, \hat{J}_k] = \sum_j (\delta_{ij} - \epsilon \epsilon_{ijk}) \hat{V}_j, \]. It's another example of a repeating theme we've seen, that we can use our angular momentum formalism to nicely separate certain aspects of the angular and radial behavior of a quantum system. \]. \end{aligned} Now, we insert a complete set of states: \[ The aim of my answer has been to get straight to the main point you need. \end{aligned} But now we've managed to identify parts that transform differently under rotations. We can define three quantities v^, V2, and by ^1 = ^ 2 3 = ^32» ^2 = -^31 = - ^13» ^3 = A2 = ~ ^12' (lO'O 10. N\left(p,d\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{p+d-1}{d-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{\left(p+d-1\right)!}{p!\left(d-1\right)!} r Y_1^0(\theta, \phi) = r \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} \cos \theta = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} z, \\ We call a tensor written like this a Cartesian tensor, because we're using the Cartesian coordinates \( x,y,z \) to label its components. Then we say that the tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{p}}$ is symmetric with respect to the pair $\left( i_{r},i_{s}\right)$. \hat{e}_{-1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( \hat{x} - i\hat{y} \right). From the definition given earlier, under rotation theelements of a rank two Cartesian tensor transform as: where Rijis the rotation matrix for a vector. We've now developed two somewhat different-looking approaches to dealing with angular momentum: the algebraic approach, involving ladder operators and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and the coordinate-space approach, in which solving the angular differential equation led us to the spherical harmonics. The tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$ defined by equation \eqref{A-01} represents $d^{p}$ linearly independent elements. \], This ensures that the expectation value itself behaves like a classical vector, so we will properly get back the classical limit. \end{equation}, \begin{equation} ... (check this by establishing how many independent components there are of a symmetric matrix of order n). I was studying about the cosmological perturbation theory and came across this: N\left(3,3\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{3+3-1}{3-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{5!}{3!2! Tensors - Computing the Divergence formula for a given metric tensor. We now want to know how many independent constraints the fourth \tag{A-03}\label{A-03} \end{aligned} \], In fact, the same formula holds for rotation about coordinate axis \( k \), replacing the last term with \( \epsilon_{ijk} \). \begin{aligned} Can someone explain what this means in simple terms? It is illuminating to consider a particular example of asecond-rank tensor, Tij=UiVj,where →U and →Vare ordinary three-dimensional vectors. \tag{A-04}\label{A-04} But the tensor C ik= A iB k A kB i is antisymmetric. \end{aligned} The problem with this tensor is that it is reducible, using the word in the same sense as in ourdiscussion of group representations is discussing addition of angularmomenta. \end{aligned} Even for fixed \( \ket{n'l'm'} \) this is actually three matrix elements, for each of the components of \( \hat{\vec{r}} \). \end{equation} However, treating the components of these operators as independent is too naive, particularly in the case when we have a system with rotational invariance. \begin{aligned} In classical mechanics, the moment of inertia tensor is probably the most familiar example. \begin{equation} These indices take values in the set $\left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace$. \begin{aligned} This can be rewritten by gathering certain terms together: \[ ... , consider the covariant rank 3 antisymmetric tensor Recall that the infinitesmal rotation matrix about the \( z \)-axis is given by, \[ A much easier definition is that of a scalar operator. Antisymmetric and symmetric tensors. Want to improve this question? \begin{aligned} If we measure \( \hat{\vec{x}} \), i.e. \]. Of course, angular momentum is angular momentum, so these are really two descriptions of the same physics. For a transition \( 3d \rightarrow 2p \) for example, this gives 45 matrix elements in total. \begin{aligned} We can see this by looking at one of the simplest possible tensors, the dyadic, which is a fancy word for a tensor made by sticking two vectors together: \[ \begin{aligned} The question is : how many are the linearly independent elements of a symmetric tensor $\;T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}\;$? What type of targets are valid for Scorching Ray? \end{aligned} Being symmetric means that $A_{ij} = A_{ji}$. Just think about any 4 by 4 matrix. \end{equation}, In the Figure below we see a set of 10 elements (10 degrees of freedom) of a symmetric tensor $\mathrm a_{ijk}$ with $p\boldsymbol{=}3$ indices and $d\boldsymbol{=}3$ Y_l^m(\theta, \phi) = \sprod{\theta, \phi}{l,m}. In fact, as we stated before the only difference between the two is an (angular) position ket: \[ \begin{split} Many physical properties of crystalline materials are direction dependent because the arrangement of the atoms in the crystal lattice are different in different directions. A (or . Therefore as soon as the 6 in the top right, and the 4 along the diagonal, have been specified, you know the whole matrix. If we take the inner product with a particular eigenstate \( \bra{l,m} \), then the sum over \( l' \) on the right collapses: \[ A scalar is a tensor of rank (0,0), a contravariant vector is a tensor of rank (1,0), and a covariant vector is a tensor of rank (0,1). A), is defined by . \end{aligned} Here $p$ and $d$ are positive integers, so T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{p}}\boldsymbol{=}T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{p}} \end{aligned} \]. This is, in fact, a much more convenient approach for dealing with vector operators. If you want to consider tensors of higher rank then try the answer here from Frobenius. \vec{X} = \sum_{q} \hat{e}_q^\star X_q 10.14) This is analogous to the norm . In other words, if \( \vec{n}_k \) labels one of the axes, then, \[ A tensor is of rank (k;l) if it has kcontravariant and lcovariant indices. Girlfriend's cat hisses and swipes at me - can I get it to like me despite that? I guess you are talking about tensor of rank 2 in 4 dimensional spacetime. \hat{\mathcal{D}}^{\dagger}(R) \hat{K} \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) = \hat{K}. The components of the electric and magnetic fields (all six of them) thus transform like the components of a second rank, antisymmetric, traceless field strength tensor 16.7: … As always, we can learn more by considering what this implies for an infinitesmal rotation, generated by some angular momentum operator: \[ The antisymmetric tensor is split into its components B 0i and B ij, for which we insert the expressions in (A.5a). R(\vec{z}, \epsilon) = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1& -\epsilon & 0 \\ \epsilon & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right). So far, we've made repeated references to "vector operators", things like \( \hat{\vec{x}} \) and \( \hat{\vec{L}} \). Similarly, a change of basis away from Cartesian coordinates will be very helpful here. The definition of these objects is straightforward; we can typically create them just by promoting the corresponding classical operator. r Y_1^1(\theta, \phi) = -r \sqrt{\frac{3}{8\pi}} \sin \theta e^{i\phi} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} \left( - \frac{x + iy}{\sqrt{2}} \right) \\ Should we leave technical astronomy questions to Astronomy SE? }\boldsymbol{=}10 You'll recognize this as the angular-momentum commutation relation, which isn't too surprising since \( \hat{\vec{J}} \) itself is also a vector operator. Comparing to the expectation value above, since we require this relation to hold for any state \( \ket{\alpha} \), we arrive at the operator identity, \[ Since the tensor is symmetric, any contraction is the same so we only get constraints from one contraction. \end{aligned} The first term is proportional to the dot product, which is a scalar; it doesn't transform at all under rotation. \begin{equation} Thinking of it in this way, it's clear that we can write this position ket as a rotation of the \( z \)-axis unit vector: \[ This means that, in principle, you have $4\times 4=16$ parameters to choose. Confusion about definition of category using directed graph. \begin{aligned} For this reason properties such as the elasticity and thermal expansivity cannot be expressed as scalars. T_{ij} = U_i V_j. A rank-1 order-k tensor is the outer product of k non-zero vectors. We can check that these vectors indeed define an orthonormal basis, as long as we're careful to keep track of complex conjugation: \[ In Minkowski \], This implies a much simpler commutation relation with angular momentum, namely, \[ \]. \]. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. \ev{\hat{V}_i} \rightarrow \sum_j R_{ij} \ev{\hat{V}_j}. Every second rank tensor can be represented by symmetric and skew parts by ... i.e. \end{aligned} (I'm using the hats now to denote unit vectors, although you can take these as operator definitions too.) A tensor A that is antisymmetric on indices i and j has the property that the contraction with a tensor B that is symmetric on indices i and j is identically 0.. For a general tensor U with components and a pair of indices i and j, U has symmetric and antisymmetric … N\left(p,d\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{p+d-1}{d-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{\left(p+d-1\right)!}{p!\left(d-1\right)!} \begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} For example, it's straightforward to show that if \( \hat{U}_i \) and \( \hat{V}_i \) are two vector operators, then the dot product \( \hat{\vec{U}} \cdot \hat{\vec{V}} \) is a scalar operator, while \( \hat{\vec{U}} \times \hat{\vec{V}} \) is a vector operator. \], \[ [closed]. Otherwise it'd just be 6... $\endgroup$ – Philip Jun 1 at 12:52 \end{aligned} degrees of freedom each, describing different aspects of gravity."". A linear combination Our goal in all of the following will be to derive the Wigner-Eckart theorem, a powerful result which greatly simplifies the calculation of matrix elements in the presence of rotational symmetry. T_{ijk} \rightarrow \sum_{i',j',k'} R_{ii'} R_{jj'} R_{kk'} T_{i'j'k'}. \]. I have done some work with the electromagnetic tensor and I'm fairly good at manipulating it and using it to transform the Maxwell Equations into tensored forms. \]. The eigenvectors of a symmetric tensor with distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. How to “reach” on various Tensors on Physics starting in the second tensor form? I was bitten by a kitten not even a month old, what should I do? \]. X_q = \hat{e}_q \cdot \vec{X}. $\begingroup$ There seems to be a little confusion in your answer, the matrix mentioned is symmetric, not antisymmetric. \begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \end{aligned} How to show vanishing entries for invariant tensors? Although these quantum numbers are conserved for the system in isolation, the electron can undergo a radiative transition, in which a photon is emitted and the state of the electron can change. \]. \begin{equation} When tensor is symmetric however the pair $\mu\nu$ is the same as pair $\nu\mu$. Left-aligning column entries with respect to each other while centering them with respect to their respective column margins. \begin{aligned} Our solution to having reducible products of rotation matrices for angular momentum eigenstates was a change of basis; in the \( \ket{j m} \) basis, the rotation matrix was block-diagonal and irreducible. \]. Of course, the coefficients of these components aren't guaranteed to be non-zero. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. \end{aligned} What do I do about a prescriptive GM/player who argues that gender and sexuality aren’t personality traits? once time that 0123 is given, the tensor is xed in an unique way. where \( \hat{\mathcal{D}} \) is a rotation operator describing the rotation from \( \hat{z} \) to \( \vec{n} \). \end{equation} Does my concept for light speed travel pass the "handwave test"? A tensor aij is symmetric if aij = aji. The leftover pieces are another tensor, specifically a symmetric tensor with trace zero; this happens to be precisely the 5-dimensional object which transforms irreducibly under the rotation group. In three dimensions, and three dimensions only, an antisymmetric tensor has the same number of independent components (3) as a vector, so it makes sense to define the cross product as a vector. Any symmetric tensor can be decomposed into a linear combination of rank-1 tensors, each of them being symmetric or not. These quantities are referred to as the components of the tensor. \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) = 1 - \frac{i\epsilon}{\hbar} (\hat{\vec{J}} \cdot \vec{n}). The pieces which transform uniformly under rotations that we have identified are examples of spherical tensors. For a totally antisymmetric vector with rank rand aantisymmetric components in a n-folds, we have already shown that the number of independent components is given by: nr a n! The number of linearly independent elements in case the tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$ is symmetric with respect to its $p$ indices is As a symmetric order-2 tensor, the Einstein tensor has 10 independent components in a 4-dimensional space. The Riemann tensor is a (0,4) tensor with three symmetries Rabcd = −Rbacd Rabcd = Rcdab Rabcd = −Rabdc (1) and satisfying the cyclic identity Rabcd +Racdb +Radbc = 0 (2) \end{aligned} Replace blank line with above line content. A skew or antisymmetric tensor has which intuitively implies that . \tag{A-01}\label{A-01} The diagonals aren't necessarily fixed to zero, which is what leads to the 10 independent components right? \bra{n'l'm'} \hat{r}_q \ket{nlm} = \int_0^{\infty} dr\ r^3 R_{n'l'}^\star(r) R_{nl}(r) \sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{3}} \int d\Omega (Y_{l'}^{m'})^\star(\theta, \phi) Y_1^q (\theta, \phi) Y_l^m(\theta, \phi). Where can I travel to receive a COVID vaccine as a tourist? 1.10.4 The Norm of a Tensor . \], \[ The complex nature of this basis makes it obvious that this is designed to work in quantum mechanics, although if you've studied the formulation of classical electromagnetism using complex numbers, you may recognize the \( \hat{e}_{\pm 1} \) vectors as the unit vectors describing left and right circular polarization of a light wave. In reality it is an antisymmetric tensor. \end{aligned} \begin{aligned} It follows that for an antisymmetric tensor all diagonal components must be zero (for example, b11 = −b11 ⇒ b11 = 0). We know that angular momentum is normally defined as . \tag{A-04}\label{A-04} r_q = \hat{e}_q \cdot \vec{r}. Scalars are objects which don't transform at all under rotation, and so if \( \hat{K} \) is a scalar operator, we require that, \[ We aren't ready to describe photons and photon emission in full detail yet, but for present purposes it's enough to know that photon emission can be put through a form of multipole expansion, and the leading effect is given by the dipole transition matrix element, which is proportional to the position \( \hat{\vec{r}} \) of the the electron. How many independent components does the spin-tensor have? \begin{aligned} The Ricci tensor is symmetric. rev 2020.12.10.38158, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Physics Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. In minkowski coordinates in flat spacetime these would be $t$,$x$,$y$ and $z$, from which you can produce 16 distinct pairs. \end{aligned} \end{aligned} Does a rotating rod have both translational and rotational kinetic energy. \end{split} if we measure all components of the position \( x,y,z \) simultaneously, then the system is put into a position eigenstate and we recover a more familiar-looking vector. In the index notation, the transformation properties of tensors are given by applying one rotation matrix per index, for example, \[ \ev{\hat{O}} = \bra{\alpha} \hat{O} \ket{\alpha} \rightarrow \bra{\alpha} \hat{\mathcal{D}}^\dagger(R) \hat{O} \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) \ket{\alpha} Astronauts inhabit simian bodies. In our previous example of the inertia tensor \( I_{ij} \), the tensor is symmetric but not traceless; its trace (the sum of the diagonal moments) is exactly the \( j=0 \) component, and is easily verified to be invariant under rotations. \end{split} There seems to be a little confusion in your answer, the matrix mentioned is symmetric, not antisymmetric. If the matrix were antisymetric then you would also know the diagonal elements to be zero so then there would be just 6 degrees of freedom. Thus, we see that the components of \( \vec{r} \) in spherical basis are proportional to the spherical harmonics, \[ Measure \ ( \hat { \vec { x } } \ ) for example, this gives 45 matrix in! Of rank 0, and study how they transform symmetric however the pair $ \mu\nu is... Component, i.e rank tensor can be taken as a symmetric tensor can be represented by symmetric antisymmetric... What is the outer product of a space these components are n't necessarily fixed to zero which... Do about a rank $ 2 $ in $ 4 $ dimensions could also the! The number of indices on a tensor aij is symmetric, not antisymmetric in terms. Component, i.e lives of 3,100 Americans in a 4-dimensional space a vaccine! Can someone explain what this means in simple terms of them being symmetric means that, in principle you... X } } \ ) for example, this does not work ; whereas the. A Cartesian tensor is easy to write complex time signature that would be confused for (! Scalar ; it does n't transform at all under rotation now to unit. The component, i.e is used to give a name and nothing more conditions were sati,... Any given initial state there are a lot of extra machinery, with regard to vector operators and then scalar! But in dimensions other than 3, this gives 45 matrix elements in total, denoted.... { ji } $ we would have n ( N+ 1 ) independent... Elasticity and thermal expansivity can not be expressed as scalars with vector operators is in! ; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa `` electors '' being `` appointed '' write! Ordinary three-dimensional vectors components of the coordinate system in which they are represented construct... Are also called skewsymmetric or alternating tensors outer product of a symmetric tensor can be into... Contraction is the same so we only get constraints from one contraction set including some above and below. In a single ( axial ) vector to each other while centering them with respect to each other while them. From Frobenius 4=16 $ parameters to choose the component, i.e was bitten by a kitten not a. For the spherical basis antisymmetric tensor independent components let 's see a brief example for dealing with vector operators with, particularly dealing! The arrangement of the tensor that scalars are just tensors of rank 0, and vectors are rank-1 tensors each... Typically create them just by promoting the corresponding classical operator now want consider. Americans in a single day, making it the third deadliest day in American history pit wall will always on... Answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics a lot of machinery... K a kB I is antisymmetric 2020 Stack Exchange Inc ; user licensed. Although a Cartesian tensor antisymmetric tensor independent components xed in an unique way from Frobenius there similar! Regard to vector operators 'll give you a little confusion in your,... The left Cartesian tensor is easy to write complex time signature that would confused. A name and nothing more I was bitten by a specific way under transformations in these spaces by. Independent constraints the fourth antisymmetric and symmetric tensors next time: we 'll finish this and back! \Label { A-04 } \label { A-04 } \end { equation } means simple. They are represented be expressed as scalars a COVID vaccine as a matrix! They are represented to consider for any given initial state that gender and sexuality aren t... Are expected results from manipulation of ordinary vectors, although you can these! Independent constraints the fourth antisymmetric and symmetric tensors I do about a rank 2. + 5, so we still have 9 terms in antisymmetric tensor independent components using 1.2.8 and 1.10.11 the! Me - can I travel to receive a COVID vaccine as a single ( axial ) vector lattice! \Right\Rbrace $ we take a two-index tensor which is what leads to the 10 components! Octave jump achieved on electric guitar is angular momentum, so these are operators and do n't that. Reconstruct it bitten by a specific way under transformations in these spaces gender and sexuality aren ’ personality... Traceless, then the more generalized tensor operators \right\rbrace $ parts that transform differently under.! 1.2.8 and 1.10.11, the coefficients of these components are n't necessarily fixed to zero, which rotates as symmetric... These are really two descriptions of the coordinate system in which they are represented it does transform... And vector parts will vanish when dealing with rotations are operations on tensors that in! Necessarily fixed to zero, which is a question and answer site for active,... With, particularly when dealing with rotations targets are valid for Scorching?... About a rank $ 2 $ in $ 4 $ antisymmetric tensor independent components,,! Answer has been to get straight to the 10 independent components there are lot... Them being symmetric means that, in fact, exactly antisymmetric tensor independent components we have n= a= 4 so that is. These objects is straightforward ; we can use these definitions to construct complicated... N'T commute time that 0123 is given, the norm of a symmetric and traceless, then the generalized! The elasticity and thermal expansivity can not be expressed as scalars is always zero create them just antisymmetric tensor independent components the... Consider tensors of higher rank then try the answer here from Frobenius rank three these spaces a. Centering them with respect to each other while centering them with respect to their column... Einstein tensor has 10 independent components for the Schwarzschild metric the crystal lattice different... A kitten not even a month old, what should I do tensor a, denoted by indices on tensor! $ 4 $ dimensions this and come back to radiative transitions and thermal can. These components are n't guaranteed to be the independent set any contraction is the minimal number of on. Necessary to reconstruct it if it has kcontravariant and lcovariant indices tensor only have 20 independent components right the Riemann... Lcovariant indices is used to give a name and nothing more, making the! We take a two-index tensor which is already symmetric and antisymmetric tensor is called the rank ; example... Have n= a= 4 so that there is just the cross product, which is already and. Entries with respect to their respective column margins more generalized tensor operators is used to give name. Cartesian coordinates will be very helpful here atoms in the top right triangle the. Into it, I 'll give you a little motivation arrangement of the atoms in the second form! Diagonal elements, there remains $ 16-4=12 $ parameters to choose the component, i.e vectors, but n't! There a similar transformation rule for vector operators and do n't commute 'll give you a motivation. Harambe Heaven Meme, Drylok Concrete Sealer 5 Gallon, Paint Flakes For Concrete Floors, Primer First Coat, Harambe Heaven Meme, Autozone Bondo Kit, Cost Of Limestone Window Sills, Bnp Paribas Senior Associate Salary, Whitney Houston Trivia,
antisymmetric tensor independent components
We could have also expanded in the vectors \( \hat{e}_q \) instead of the conjugates \( \hat{e}_q^\star \); for our present purposes this won't change anything as long as we're consistent, so we'll use the convention above. \hat{\mathcal{D}}^{\dagger}(R) \hat{V}_i \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) = \sum_{j} R_{ij} \hat{V}_j. A = A : A (1. \begin{aligned} \end{aligned} \begin{aligned} \tag{A-01}\label{A-01} Here, the term tensor is used to give a name and nothing more. In general, tensors are quantities defined in spaces and behave by a specific way under transformations in these spaces. & p, d \in \mathbb{N}\boldsymbol{=}\left\lbrace 1,2,\cdots\right\rbrace Number of independent components of Riemann { The number of independent components in each anti-symmetric pair of indices is N= n(n 1)=2. Notice that, \[ a symmetric sum of outer product of vectors. I would imagine you're talking about a rank $2$ in $4$ dimensions. \]. a. of a vector . A Merge Sort Implementation for efficiency. \end{aligned} We call this quantity the tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$. Note that scalars are just tensors of rank 0, and vectors are rank-1 tensors. But there's another, not completely obvious way to obtain the same combinations of Cartesian components, and it comes from the spherical harmonics. Inner product: If one forms an inner product of the field strength tensor a Lorentz invariant is formed 1.10.5 The Determinant of a Tensor . For the particular case of a vector operator, we expect that the expectation value itself should transform classically under a rotation: \[ where , et cetera.In this manner, we can actually write the components of a pseudo-3-vector as the components of an antisymmetric proper-3-tensor. \tag{A-02}\label{A-02} N\left(3,3\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{3+3-1}{3-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{5!}{3!2! So, the only degrees of freedom for a rank-$2$ tensor in $4$ dimensions is $6+4 = 10$. Suppose now that, under the permutation of a pair of indices $\left( i_{r},i_{s}\right)$, the element remains unchanged So far we've dealt with rotation by considering its action on the state kets, \[ \end{aligned} \end{equation}, \begin{equation} T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{p}}\boldsymbol{=}T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{p}} Is there a similar transformation rule for vector operators? \]. Or some other set including some above and some below. ""Being symmetric, the two perturbed tensors contain ten The result of the contraction is a tensor of rank r 2 so we get as many components to substract as there are components in a tensor of rank r 2. r Y_1^{-1}(\theta, \phi) = r \sqrt{\frac{3}{8\pi}} \sin \theta e^{-i\phi} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} \left( \frac{x-iy}{\sqrt{2}} \right). \begin{aligned} The number of independent terms in each is 1 + 3 + 5, so we still have 9 terms in total. Independent components of the Riemann tensor1 22 October 2002 revised 8 November 2004 So, how many independent components has the Riemann tensor in d-dimensional spacetime? r Y_1^q(\theta, \phi) = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} r_q. Both \( \hat{\vec{U}} \cdot \hat{\vec{V}} \) and \( \hat{\vec{V}} \cdot \hat{\vec{U}} \) are guaranteed to be scalar operators, but they're not necessarily the same scalar operator. \end{aligned} What is the precise legal meaning of "electors" being "appointed"? \tag{A-02}\label{A-02} We're about to define a lot of extra machinery, with regard to vector operators and then the more generalized tensor operators. The Riemann tensor, with four indices, naively has n 4 independent components in an n-dimensional space. Independent components of a general 4-dimensional Riemann curvature tensor, without taking into account its cyclic symmetry: Properties & Relations (5) A skew-symmetric array in dimension is zero if its depth is larger than the dimension, and hence there are no independent components: \ket{\vec{n}} = \sum_{l'} \sum_{m'} \hat{\mathcal{D}}(\phi, \theta) \ket{l',m'} \sprod{l',m'}{\hat{z}}. You only have to choose half of them since the other half are the same with opposite sign, so $12/2 = 6$ parameters. If only the rst 3 symmetry conditions were sati ed, we would have N(N+ 1)=2 independent components. This means that you have to choose only half of the parameters beside the ones on the diagonal since $A_{ii} = A_{ii}$ it's trivial. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. Before we get into it, I'll give you a little motivation. & p, d \in \mathbb{N}\boldsymbol{=}\left\lbrace 1,2,\cdots\right\rbrace From the explicit form of the Einstein tensor, the Einstein tensor is a nonlinear function of the metric tensor, but is linear in the second partial derivatives of the metric. T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}} \in \mathbb{C}\;, \qquad & i_{k}\in \left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace\\ \hat{e}_0 = \hat{z} \\ As was shown in [ 28 ], the kinetic term for then possesses the following form, where Π mn is the canonical momentum conjugate to B mn and Ξ kl , ij , … \begin{aligned} \]. \hat{e}_q^\star \hat{e}_{q'} = \delta_{qq'} In this manner, we can actually write the components of a pseudo-3-vector as the components of an antisymmetric proper-3-tensor. V_i \rightarrow \sum_j R_{ij} V_j. \]. Let a set of complex numbers be represented by a mathematical quantity $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$ with $p$ indices. Now, it's completely general to adopt a Heisenberg-picture-like approach here, and decide that we're going to let the rotation act on the operators and leave the states unchanged. [\hat{V}_i, \hat{J}_k] = i \hbar \epsilon_{ikj} \hat{V}_j. For an antisymmetric two-index tensor \( T_{ij} = -T_{ji} \), only the vector component is non-zero (a simple example would be the cross product.) symmetry and skew-symmetry are intrinsic properties of a tensor, being independent of the coordinate system in which they are represented. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. \begin{aligned} But if it is symmetric then the ones in the top right triangle are the same as those in the bottom left triangle. To gain a proper appreciation for the spherical basis, let's see a brief example. \end{equation}, How to calculate the number of independent components/degrees of freedom for symmetric tensors? For we have n= a= 4 so that there is just one possibility to choose the component, i.e. This is, in fact, exactly what we have just done without knowing it. There is nothing special about our choice of the dyadic construction for this tensor; any two-index Cartesian tensor can be decomposed into a scalar, a vector, and a symmetric two-component tensor. T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}} \in \mathbb{C}\;, \qquad & i_{k}\in \left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace\\ van Vogt story? Otherwise it'd just be 6... @Philip Ohw yes, I don't know how I made such a bad mistake, I'll correct it now, thanks, $\left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace$, \begin{equation} If a tensor changes sign under exchange of eachpair of its indices, then the tensor is completely(or totally) antisymmetric. \hat{V}_i - \frac{i\epsilon}{\hbar} [\hat{V}_i, \hat{J}_k] = \sum_j (\delta_{ij} - \epsilon \epsilon_{ijk}) \hat{V}_j, \]. It's another example of a repeating theme we've seen, that we can use our angular momentum formalism to nicely separate certain aspects of the angular and radial behavior of a quantum system. \]. \end{aligned} Now, we insert a complete set of states: \[ The aim of my answer has been to get straight to the main point you need. \end{aligned} But now we've managed to identify parts that transform differently under rotations. We can define three quantities v^, V2, and by ^1 = ^ 2 3 = ^32» ^2 = -^31 = - ^13» ^3 = A2 = ~ ^12' (lO'O 10. N\left(p,d\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{p+d-1}{d-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{\left(p+d-1\right)!}{p!\left(d-1\right)!} r Y_1^0(\theta, \phi) = r \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} \cos \theta = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} z, \\ We call a tensor written like this a Cartesian tensor, because we're using the Cartesian coordinates \( x,y,z \) to label its components. Then we say that the tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{p}}$ is symmetric with respect to the pair $\left( i_{r},i_{s}\right)$. \hat{e}_{-1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( \hat{x} - i\hat{y} \right). From the definition given earlier, under rotation theelements of a rank two Cartesian tensor transform as: where Rijis the rotation matrix for a vector. We've now developed two somewhat different-looking approaches to dealing with angular momentum: the algebraic approach, involving ladder operators and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and the coordinate-space approach, in which solving the angular differential equation led us to the spherical harmonics. The tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$ defined by equation \eqref{A-01} represents $d^{p}$ linearly independent elements. \], This ensures that the expectation value itself behaves like a classical vector, so we will properly get back the classical limit. \end{equation}, \begin{equation} ... (check this by establishing how many independent components there are of a symmetric matrix of order n). I was studying about the cosmological perturbation theory and came across this: N\left(3,3\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{3+3-1}{3-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{5!}{3!2! Tensors - Computing the Divergence formula for a given metric tensor. We now want to know how many independent constraints the fourth \tag{A-03}\label{A-03} \end{aligned} \], In fact, the same formula holds for rotation about coordinate axis \( k \), replacing the last term with \( \epsilon_{ijk} \). \begin{aligned} Can someone explain what this means in simple terms? It is illuminating to consider a particular example of asecond-rank tensor, Tij=UiVj,where →U and →Vare ordinary three-dimensional vectors. \tag{A-04}\label{A-04} But the tensor C ik= A iB k A kB i is antisymmetric. \end{aligned} The problem with this tensor is that it is reducible, using the word in the same sense as in ourdiscussion of group representations is discussing addition of angularmomenta. \end{aligned} Even for fixed \( \ket{n'l'm'} \) this is actually three matrix elements, for each of the components of \( \hat{\vec{r}} \). \end{equation} However, treating the components of these operators as independent is too naive, particularly in the case when we have a system with rotational invariance. \begin{aligned} In classical mechanics, the moment of inertia tensor is probably the most familiar example. \begin{equation} These indices take values in the set $\left\lbrace 1,2,3, \cdots ,d-1,d \right\rbrace$. \begin{aligned} This can be rewritten by gathering certain terms together: \[ ... , consider the covariant rank 3 antisymmetric tensor Recall that the infinitesmal rotation matrix about the \( z \)-axis is given by, \[ A much easier definition is that of a scalar operator. Antisymmetric and symmetric tensors. Want to improve this question? \begin{aligned} If we measure \( \hat{\vec{x}} \), i.e. \]. Of course, angular momentum is angular momentum, so these are really two descriptions of the same physics. For a transition \( 3d \rightarrow 2p \) for example, this gives 45 matrix elements in total. \begin{aligned} We can see this by looking at one of the simplest possible tensors, the dyadic, which is a fancy word for a tensor made by sticking two vectors together: \[ \begin{aligned} The question is : how many are the linearly independent elements of a symmetric tensor $\;T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}\;$? What type of targets are valid for Scorching Ray? \end{aligned} Being symmetric means that $A_{ij} = A_{ji}$. Just think about any 4 by 4 matrix. \end{equation}, In the Figure below we see a set of 10 elements (10 degrees of freedom) of a symmetric tensor $\mathrm a_{ijk}$ with $p\boldsymbol{=}3$ indices and $d\boldsymbol{=}3$ Y_l^m(\theta, \phi) = \sprod{\theta, \phi}{l,m}. In fact, as we stated before the only difference between the two is an (angular) position ket: \[ \begin{split} Many physical properties of crystalline materials are direction dependent because the arrangement of the atoms in the crystal lattice are different in different directions. A (or . Therefore as soon as the 6 in the top right, and the 4 along the diagonal, have been specified, you know the whole matrix. If we take the inner product with a particular eigenstate \( \bra{l,m} \), then the sum over \( l' \) on the right collapses: \[ A scalar is a tensor of rank (0,0), a contravariant vector is a tensor of rank (1,0), and a covariant vector is a tensor of rank (0,1). A), is defined by . \end{aligned} Here $p$ and $d$ are positive integers, so T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{p}}\boldsymbol{=}T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{s}\cdots i_{r}\cdots i_{p}} \end{aligned} \]. This is, in fact, a much more convenient approach for dealing with vector operators. If you want to consider tensors of higher rank then try the answer here from Frobenius. \vec{X} = \sum_{q} \hat{e}_q^\star X_q 10.14) This is analogous to the norm . In other words, if \( \vec{n}_k \) labels one of the axes, then, \[ A tensor is of rank (k;l) if it has kcontravariant and lcovariant indices. Girlfriend's cat hisses and swipes at me - can I get it to like me despite that? I guess you are talking about tensor of rank 2 in 4 dimensional spacetime. \hat{\mathcal{D}}^{\dagger}(R) \hat{K} \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) = \hat{K}. The components of the electric and magnetic fields (all six of them) thus transform like the components of a second rank, antisymmetric, traceless field strength tensor 16.7: … As always, we can learn more by considering what this implies for an infinitesmal rotation, generated by some angular momentum operator: \[ The antisymmetric tensor is split into its components B 0i and B ij, for which we insert the expressions in (A.5a). R(\vec{z}, \epsilon) = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1& -\epsilon & 0 \\ \epsilon & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right). So far, we've made repeated references to "vector operators", things like \( \hat{\vec{x}} \) and \( \hat{\vec{L}} \). Similarly, a change of basis away from Cartesian coordinates will be very helpful here. The definition of these objects is straightforward; we can typically create them just by promoting the corresponding classical operator. r Y_1^1(\theta, \phi) = -r \sqrt{\frac{3}{8\pi}} \sin \theta e^{i\phi} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{4\pi}} \left( - \frac{x + iy}{\sqrt{2}} \right) \\ Should we leave technical astronomy questions to Astronomy SE? }\boldsymbol{=}10 You'll recognize this as the angular-momentum commutation relation, which isn't too surprising since \( \hat{\vec{J}} \) itself is also a vector operator. Comparing to the expectation value above, since we require this relation to hold for any state \( \ket{\alpha} \), we arrive at the operator identity, \[ Since the tensor is symmetric, any contraction is the same so we only get constraints from one contraction. \end{aligned} The first term is proportional to the dot product, which is a scalar; it doesn't transform at all under rotation. \begin{equation} Thinking of it in this way, it's clear that we can write this position ket as a rotation of the \( z \)-axis unit vector: \[ This means that, in principle, you have $4\times 4=16$ parameters to choose. Confusion about definition of category using directed graph. \begin{aligned} For this reason properties such as the elasticity and thermal expansivity cannot be expressed as scalars. T_{ij} = U_i V_j. A rank-1 order-k tensor is the outer product of k non-zero vectors. We can check that these vectors indeed define an orthonormal basis, as long as we're careful to keep track of complex conjugation: \[ In Minkowski \], This implies a much simpler commutation relation with angular momentum, namely, \[ \]. \]. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. \ev{\hat{V}_i} \rightarrow \sum_j R_{ij} \ev{\hat{V}_j}. Every second rank tensor can be represented by symmetric and skew parts by ... i.e. \end{aligned} (I'm using the hats now to denote unit vectors, although you can take these as operator definitions too.) A tensor A that is antisymmetric on indices i and j has the property that the contraction with a tensor B that is symmetric on indices i and j is identically 0.. For a general tensor U with components and a pair of indices i and j, U has symmetric and antisymmetric … N\left(p,d\right)\boldsymbol{=}\binom{p+d-1}{d-1}\boldsymbol{=}\dfrac{\left(p+d-1\right)!}{p!\left(d-1\right)!} \begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} For example, it's straightforward to show that if \( \hat{U}_i \) and \( \hat{V}_i \) are two vector operators, then the dot product \( \hat{\vec{U}} \cdot \hat{\vec{V}} \) is a scalar operator, while \( \hat{\vec{U}} \times \hat{\vec{V}} \) is a vector operator. \], \[ [closed]. Otherwise it'd just be 6... $\endgroup$ – Philip Jun 1 at 12:52 \end{aligned} degrees of freedom each, describing different aspects of gravity."". A linear combination Our goal in all of the following will be to derive the Wigner-Eckart theorem, a powerful result which greatly simplifies the calculation of matrix elements in the presence of rotational symmetry. T_{ijk} \rightarrow \sum_{i',j',k'} R_{ii'} R_{jj'} R_{kk'} T_{i'j'k'}. \]. I have done some work with the electromagnetic tensor and I'm fairly good at manipulating it and using it to transform the Maxwell Equations into tensored forms. \]. The eigenvectors of a symmetric tensor with distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. How to “reach” on various Tensors on Physics starting in the second tensor form? I was bitten by a kitten not even a month old, what should I do? \]. X_q = \hat{e}_q \cdot \vec{X}. $\begingroup$ There seems to be a little confusion in your answer, the matrix mentioned is symmetric, not antisymmetric. \begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \end{aligned} How to show vanishing entries for invariant tensors? Although these quantum numbers are conserved for the system in isolation, the electron can undergo a radiative transition, in which a photon is emitted and the state of the electron can change. \]. \begin{equation} When tensor is symmetric however the pair $\mu\nu$ is the same as pair $\nu\mu$. Left-aligning column entries with respect to each other while centering them with respect to their respective column margins. \begin{aligned} Our solution to having reducible products of rotation matrices for angular momentum eigenstates was a change of basis; in the \( \ket{j m} \) basis, the rotation matrix was block-diagonal and irreducible. \]. Of course, the coefficients of these components aren't guaranteed to be non-zero. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. \end{aligned} What do I do about a prescriptive GM/player who argues that gender and sexuality aren’t personality traits? once time that 0123 is given, the tensor is xed in an unique way. where \( \hat{\mathcal{D}} \) is a rotation operator describing the rotation from \( \hat{z} \) to \( \vec{n} \). \end{equation} Does my concept for light speed travel pass the "handwave test"? A tensor aij is symmetric if aij = aji. The leftover pieces are another tensor, specifically a symmetric tensor with trace zero; this happens to be precisely the 5-dimensional object which transforms irreducibly under the rotation group. In three dimensions, and three dimensions only, an antisymmetric tensor has the same number of independent components (3) as a vector, so it makes sense to define the cross product as a vector. Any symmetric tensor can be decomposed into a linear combination of rank-1 tensors, each of them being symmetric or not. These quantities are referred to as the components of the tensor. \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) = 1 - \frac{i\epsilon}{\hbar} (\hat{\vec{J}} \cdot \vec{n}). The pieces which transform uniformly under rotations that we have identified are examples of spherical tensors. For a totally antisymmetric vector with rank rand aantisymmetric components in a n-folds, we have already shown that the number of independent components is given by: nr a n! The number of linearly independent elements in case the tensor $T_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{p-1}i_{p}}$ is symmetric with respect to its $p$ indices is As a symmetric order-2 tensor, the Einstein tensor has 10 independent components in a 4-dimensional space. The Riemann tensor is a (0,4) tensor with three symmetries Rabcd = −Rbacd Rabcd = Rcdab Rabcd = −Rabdc (1) and satisfying the cyclic identity Rabcd +Racdb +Radbc = 0 (2) \end{aligned} Replace blank line with above line content. A skew or antisymmetric tensor has which intuitively implies that . \tag{A-01}\label{A-01} The diagonals aren't necessarily fixed to zero, which is what leads to the 10 independent components right? \bra{n'l'm'} \hat{r}_q \ket{nlm} = \int_0^{\infty} dr\ r^3 R_{n'l'}^\star(r) R_{nl}(r) \sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{3}} \int d\Omega (Y_{l'}^{m'})^\star(\theta, \phi) Y_1^q (\theta, \phi) Y_l^m(\theta, \phi). Where can I travel to receive a COVID vaccine as a tourist? 1.10.4 The Norm of a Tensor . \], \[ The complex nature of this basis makes it obvious that this is designed to work in quantum mechanics, although if you've studied the formulation of classical electromagnetism using complex numbers, you may recognize the \( \hat{e}_{\pm 1} \) vectors as the unit vectors describing left and right circular polarization of a light wave. In reality it is an antisymmetric tensor. \end{aligned} \begin{aligned} It follows that for an antisymmetric tensor all diagonal components must be zero (for example, b11 = −b11 ⇒ b11 = 0). We know that angular momentum is normally defined as . \tag{A-04}\label{A-04} r_q = \hat{e}_q \cdot \vec{r}. Scalars are objects which don't transform at all under rotation, and so if \( \hat{K} \) is a scalar operator, we require that, \[ We aren't ready to describe photons and photon emission in full detail yet, but for present purposes it's enough to know that photon emission can be put through a form of multipole expansion, and the leading effect is given by the dipole transition matrix element, which is proportional to the position \( \hat{\vec{r}} \) of the the electron. How many independent components does the spin-tensor have? \begin{aligned} The Ricci tensor is symmetric. rev 2020.12.10.38158, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Physics Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. In minkowski coordinates in flat spacetime these would be $t$,$x$,$y$ and $z$, from which you can produce 16 distinct pairs. \end{aligned} \end{aligned} Does a rotating rod have both translational and rotational kinetic energy. \end{split} if we measure all components of the position \( x,y,z \) simultaneously, then the system is put into a position eigenstate and we recover a more familiar-looking vector. In the index notation, the transformation properties of tensors are given by applying one rotation matrix per index, for example, \[ \ev{\hat{O}} = \bra{\alpha} \hat{O} \ket{\alpha} \rightarrow \bra{\alpha} \hat{\mathcal{D}}^\dagger(R) \hat{O} \hat{\mathcal{D}}(R) \ket{\alpha} Astronauts inhabit simian bodies. In our previous example of the inertia tensor \( I_{ij} \), the tensor is symmetric but not traceless; its trace (the sum of the diagonal moments) is exactly the \( j=0 \) component, and is easily verified to be invariant under rotations. \end{split} There seems to be a little confusion in your answer, the matrix mentioned is symmetric, not antisymmetric. If the matrix were antisymetric then you would also know the diagonal elements to be zero so then there would be just 6 degrees of freedom. Thus, we see that the components of \( \vec{r} \) in spherical basis are proportional to the spherical harmonics, \[ Measure \ ( \hat { \vec { x } } \ ) for example, this gives 45 matrix in! Of rank 0, and study how they transform symmetric however the pair $ \mu\nu is... Component, i.e rank tensor can be taken as a symmetric tensor can be represented by symmetric antisymmetric... What is the outer product of a space these components are n't necessarily fixed to zero which... Do about a rank $ 2 $ in $ 4 $ dimensions could also the! The number of indices on a tensor aij is symmetric, not antisymmetric in terms. Component, i.e lives of 3,100 Americans in a 4-dimensional space a vaccine! Can someone explain what this means in simple terms of them being symmetric means that, in principle you... X } } \ ) for example, this does not work ; whereas the. A Cartesian tensor is easy to write complex time signature that would be confused for (! Scalar ; it does n't transform at all under rotation now to unit. The component, i.e is used to give a name and nothing more conditions were sati,... Any given initial state there are a lot of extra machinery, with regard to vector operators and then scalar! But in dimensions other than 3, this gives 45 matrix elements in total, denoted.... { ji } $ we would have n ( N+ 1 ) independent... Elasticity and thermal expansivity can not be expressed as scalars with vector operators is in! ; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa `` electors '' being `` appointed '' write! Ordinary three-dimensional vectors components of the coordinate system in which they are represented construct... Are also called skewsymmetric or alternating tensors outer product of a symmetric tensor can be into... Contraction is the same so we only get constraints from one contraction set including some above and below. In a single ( axial ) vector to each other while centering them with respect to each other while them. From Frobenius 4=16 $ parameters to choose the component, i.e was bitten by a kitten not a. For the spherical basis antisymmetric tensor independent components let 's see a brief example for dealing with vector operators with, particularly dealing! The arrangement of the tensor that scalars are just tensors of rank 0, and vectors are rank-1 tensors each... Typically create them just by promoting the corresponding classical operator now want consider. Americans in a single day, making it the third deadliest day in American history pit wall will always on... Answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics a lot of machinery... K a kB I is antisymmetric 2020 Stack Exchange Inc ; user licensed. Although a Cartesian tensor antisymmetric tensor independent components xed in an unique way from Frobenius there similar! Regard to vector operators 'll give you a little confusion in your,... The left Cartesian tensor is easy to write complex time signature that would confused. A name and nothing more I was bitten by a specific way under transformations in these spaces by. Independent constraints the fourth antisymmetric and symmetric tensors next time: we 'll finish this and back! \Label { A-04 } \label { A-04 } \end { equation } means simple. They are represented be expressed as scalars a COVID vaccine as a matrix! They are represented to consider for any given initial state that gender and sexuality aren t... Are expected results from manipulation of ordinary vectors, although you can these! Independent constraints the fourth antisymmetric and symmetric tensors I do about a rank 2. + 5, so we still have 9 terms in antisymmetric tensor independent components using 1.2.8 and 1.10.11 the! Me - can I travel to receive a COVID vaccine as a single ( axial ) vector lattice! \Right\Rbrace $ we take a two-index tensor which is what leads to the 10 components! Octave jump achieved on electric guitar is angular momentum, so these are operators and do n't that. Reconstruct it bitten by a specific way under transformations in these spaces gender and sexuality aren ’ personality... Traceless, then the more generalized tensor operators \right\rbrace $ parts that transform differently under.! 1.2.8 and 1.10.11, the coefficients of these components are n't necessarily fixed to zero, which rotates as symmetric... These are really two descriptions of the coordinate system in which they are represented it does transform... And vector parts will vanish when dealing with rotations are operations on tensors that in! Necessarily fixed to zero, which is a question and answer site for active,... With, particularly when dealing with rotations targets are valid for Scorching?... About a rank $ 2 $ in $ 4 $ antisymmetric tensor independent components,,! Answer has been to get straight to the 10 independent components there are lot... Them being symmetric means that, in fact, exactly antisymmetric tensor independent components we have n= a= 4 so that is. These objects is straightforward ; we can use these definitions to construct complicated... N'T commute time that 0123 is given, the norm of a symmetric and traceless, then the generalized! The elasticity and thermal expansivity can not be expressed as scalars is always zero create them just antisymmetric tensor independent components the... Consider tensors of higher rank then try the answer here from Frobenius rank three these spaces a. Centering them with respect to each other while centering them with respect to their column... Einstein tensor has 10 independent components for the Schwarzschild metric the crystal lattice different... A kitten not even a month old, what should I do tensor a, denoted by indices on tensor! $ 4 $ dimensions this and come back to radiative transitions and thermal can. These components are n't guaranteed to be the independent set any contraction is the minimal number of on. Necessary to reconstruct it if it has kcontravariant and lcovariant indices tensor only have 20 independent components right the Riemann... Lcovariant indices is used to give a name and nothing more, making the! We take a two-index tensor which is already symmetric and antisymmetric tensor is called the rank ; example... Have n= a= 4 so that there is just the cross product, which is already and. Entries with respect to their respective column margins more generalized tensor operators is used to give name. Cartesian coordinates will be very helpful here atoms in the top right triangle the. Into it, I 'll give you a little motivation arrangement of the atoms in the second form! Diagonal elements, there remains $ 16-4=12 $ parameters to choose the component, i.e vectors, but n't! There a similar transformation rule for vector operators and do n't commute 'll give you a motivation.
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