It has been shown that even before his conversion, in Palestine, Paul must have become acquainted with the facts about Jesus' life and death. 14-21). According to Acts iv. He could not have failed to obtain information even if he had been anxious to avoid it. Why did they say rather, "Despite His death, He is the Messiah? ii. Was Paul a visionary, with his head always in the clouds, indifferent to the concrete problems of individual men, indifferent to what men had to tell him about their various earthly relationships, indifferent to their bodily needs? That relationship, Baur believed, was fundamentally a relationship of conflict; Paul and Peter, according to Baur, established at best only a modus vivendi, an agreement to disagree; really they were separated by a deep-seated difference of principle. If, however, they did appeal to Peter in this latter way, if they did appeal to Peter in support of their legalistic contentions, such an appeal does not overthrow the conclusions which have just been reached about the harmony of Peter and Paul; it does not really make Peter an advocate of legalism. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. 1-17 of the escape of Peter from prison. This question has never been answered. •A. It will probably be admitted to-day by the majority of scholars that Barnabas really had a place in the primitive Jerusalem Church. The sources of information about Jesus are the four Gospels. Yet they had really nothing new to offer. This hypothesis not only accepts the Messianic consciousness of Jesus, but in one direction at least it even exaggerates the implications of that consciousness. What little-known fact about Paul surprised you the most? 10,11). It is all very learned and very eloquent. The presumption is strongly in favor of the presence there of some who had known Jesus in the days of His flesh; the independence of which Paul is speaking in Galatians is independence over against the Jerusalem apostles, not over against humble disciples in Damascus, and it does not relate to information about details. Thus, Paul established for the Galatians that he received the Gospel by the same means as the other apostles —directly from Jesus. It is hardly to be supposed that at the conference any more than at the first visit of Paul to Jerusalem the subject of the words and deeds of Jesus was carefully avoided. Thus the testimony of Paul is plain. It must always be remembered that Paul blames Peter not for false opinions, but for "hypocrisy"—that is, for concealment of true opinions. For I have made Jesus and the Spirit and the gospel just as fully known to you as they have." The peculiarities of the passage may perhaps be due partly to the fact that Paul is here using catchwords of his adversaries. Even in Phil. He speaks of his native city to a Roman soldier, saying, “I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city.” (Acts 21:39). The Church has always accepted the apostle Paul, not at all as a religious philosopher, but simply and solely as a witness to Jesus. God cares for all, but He is not said to be the Father of all. Finally both in Jesus and in Paul the Kingdom appears partly as present and partly as future. Did Paul really suppose the risen Christ to have given him all this detailed information about the night of the betrayal and the rest? 14-21 be a report of what was said at Antioch, and however much be what Paul now wishes to say to the Galatians, one thing is clear—when Paul begins in verse 14 to report what he said to Peter, he means to call attention to something in which he and Peter were agreed; he means to say: "You and I, though we had all the advantages of the Law, relinquished such advantages, in order to be justified by faith in Christ. When he says, therefore, that he did not receive his gospel from men he does not mean that he received no information from Peter or Barnabas or Mark or James or the five hundred brethren who had seen the risen Lord. There was preparation in Old Testament revelation, here as elsewhere, for the coming of the Messiah. 1 4. et fiiv yap i ipx&fitvos &XXov 'Iriaojv Kripbaati Sv Ovk bnjpbl-aii v, fj wvtviia trtpov Xaiifiavtrt 8 oiiK iXd/Sere, fj tliayytXiov trtpov 4 Ook tMgavtfc, KaXws avixto8t. Apparently they had come into the Church in the period of quiet that followed the persecution of Stephen; they had come in from the sect of the Pharisees, and they continued to be Pharisees at heart. The man who is in Christ, on the contrary, even when he uses ordinary means of information, is acquiring knowledge of spiritual relationships, relationships which exist in the new world. In Colossians, indeed, it is more definitely set forth, and apparently in opposition to errorists who failed to recognize its full implications. ii. They can only be commands given by Jesus during His earthly ministry.1. But apparently it never occurred to Paul that any one might say, "By Jesus Christ and therefore by man." But exactly the same answer was given by Paul himself. Imitation of Christ (1 Thess. Some interpreters have discovered in the words, "even though we have known Christ after the flesh," a reference to a fleshly conception of Christ which laid stress upon His Davidic descent, His connection with the Jewish people, and in general His ordinary human relationships, to the neglect of His higher, divine nature. But the conversion occurred only a very few years, at the most, after the crucifixion of Jesus. ii. So it is also with the knowledge of Christ. That oppressive plus of triviality and formalism places an impassable gulf between Jesus and the Jewish teachers. Paul had abundant opportunity for acquainting himself with the words and deeds of Jesus. 1 Compare Knowling, The Witness of the Epistles, 1892, pp. Some pastors are accustomed to say the same thing no matter what questions are laid before them; they can only enunciate general principles without applying them to special problems; they are incapable of special friendships and incapable of analyzing actual situations. But all that Jesus said and did was for the purpose of the Cross. It should be observed that the terms which are now under discussion are incapable of real translation into English. This representation is contained not merely in one of the Gospels; it is contained in all of them. Other redeemers, in the pagan religion of the time, were protected from such questions; they were protected by the mists of antiquity; investigations about them were obviously out of 1 J. Weiss, Das alt est e Evangeluim, 1903, pp. The problem is a moral and psychological problem. This report also belongs with those passages in the Epistles which attest knowledge of the details of Jesus' life. It was three years before he saw any of them, and then he was with Peter only fifteen days. This conclusion is thought to be overthrown by two considerations. So much is usually being admitted to-day. 35), has been quoted as making God the Father of all men. But the expectation of the Messiah existed also in another form; the Messiah was sometimes regarded, not as a king of David's line, but as the heavenly Son of Man alluded to in Daniel and more fully described in the Similitudes of Enoch. It is adventurous exegetical procedure to hang a heavy weight upon the very obscure verse, 2 Cor. Evidently they were not conservative disciples, who appealed against the heavenly Christ of Paul to the facts about the historic Jesus. Neither in Jesus nor in Paul is sin covered up, nor the necessity of a great transformation concealed. The presumption is, therefore, that Paul was a true disciple of Jesus. Paul does not mean that he was indifferent to what Jesus said and did. Investigation of this Jesus was perfectly possible; His brothers, even, were still alive. This view is rejected in the above paraphrase, which diverges from the American Revision in other ways also. The early disciples, indeed, like the Jews, were still waiting for the establishment of the kingdom of God. contains the tradition of the Jerusalem Church with regard to the death and resurrection of Jesus. The meaning might conceivably be that the Jerusalem leaders only "seemed" or "were thought" to be something, or only thought themselves to be something (compare Gal. 'What is really significant in Colossians is the character of the errorists. Even in the early days, in Antioch, he had begun to abandon his Jewish manner of life; surely he must have abandoned it more fully when he went to the capital of the Gentile world. xiv. 1. ii. Unquestionably Paul included in his fundamental teaching an account of what Jesus said and did. 10 and Philem. himself with Jesus' words and deeds, that he does refer to them occasionally, that he could have done so oftener if he had desired, that the imitation of Jesus found a place in his life, and that his likeness to Jesus extends even to those elements in Jesus' life and teaching which are accepted by modern naturalistic criticism as authentic. But he is also not alluding to any lower, fleshly conception of Christ as being held by others. In recent criticism, such radicalism as that which has just been discussed is usually avoided. The word may mean merely "members of the same race," that is, "Jews"; or it may mean "members of the same family," that is, "relatives." 4-61 read as follows: "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or if ye receive a different spirit, which ye did not receive, or a different gospel, which ye did not accept, ye do well to bear with him. The plain fact remains that if imitation of Jesus had been central in the life of Paul, as it is central, for example, in modern liberalism, then the Epistles would be full of the words and deeds of Jesus. To account for the faith of the early Church, the supernatural must be found either in the life of Jesus on earth, or else in the appearances of the risen Christ. Even after the revelation he felt no need of instruction from those who had been apostles before him. The consciousness of belonging to God's chosen people and thus being under God's fatherly care was immensely valuable for the life of the individual Israelite; it was no mere product of an unsatisfying state religion like the religions of Greece or Rome. them. ii emphasizes the independence of Paul's gospel; Paul had not received it through the instrumentality of men. For even if the original apostles differed fundamentally from Paul, the difference concerned only the place of the Mosaic Law in the Christian economy, and did not concern the Pauline conception of the person of Christ. Thus when Paul says that he knows no man after the flesh he does not mean that he ignored the ordinary knowledge which comes through sight and hearing. v. 16 Paul says, "Even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him so no more." Usually, however, this extreme also is avoided, and the historian pursues, rather, a policy of palliation. about the Spirit, and about the gospel. The meaning of the passage is then as follows: "Bear with me in my 'boasting.' It is no wonder then that they were left behind in the march of the Church. But the same characteristics appear everywhere in Paul. That fleshly conception of Christ might then be regarded as the primitive conception, which Paul himself shared until a mature stage of his Christian life. Even in the Old Testament, it is true, the conception of the fatherhood of God is not without importance. Accordingly, even the very passage which at first sight lends most color to the hypothesis of Baur, really, when it is correctly interpreted, provides the most striking refutation of that hypothesis. It is all very learned and very eloquent. Peter is even accused of "hypocrisy." The similarity appears, in the first place, in a negative feature—both in Jesus and in Paul, the idea of the Kingdom is divorced from all political and materialistic associations. The Gospels, like the Epistles of Paul, are interested in the death of Jesus because it was a ransom from sin. That is what Paul means when he says that he received his gospel directly from the risen Christ. One idea is that “Saul” is his Hebrew name, while as a Roman citizen he also bore the biblical Greek name of Paul. There is not even any evidence that the opponents, though apparently they laid stress upon Jewish descent, Palestinian connections, and the like, and so may perhaps loosely be called "Judaizers," insisted upon the keeping of the Mosaic Law. x. But is this presumption justified? 23. But it is not necessary to depend upon details. 4. Romans 12:1-21 ESV / 625 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is … It is necessary only to point to the conception of love as the fulfilling of the law, and to the substitution for external rules of the great principles of justice and of mercy. Even in Colossje, however, the doctrine does not seem to have been denied; the errorists apparently did not deny the supreme place of Jesus in the scale of being, but merely erred in attaching undue importance to other beings. xv. It must always be remembered that the Epistles of Paul are addressed to special needs of the churches. The whole of Paulinism is based upon the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. If one newspaper had not printed the news, others would have done so; the sources of information are so numerous that we do not reflect upon them. The really astounding fact, which emerges from all discussion of the apostolic age, is that the Pauline conception of the person of Christ, whatever may be said of the Pauline doctrine of Gentile freedom, was never criticized by the original apostles. 2, 3. Bare detailed information about the words and deeds of Jesus did not in Paul's mind constitute a "gospel"; they constituted only the materials upon which the gospel was based. What was the origin of the religion of Paul? 5 For I reckon that I am not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles. At any rate, whichever interpretation be adopted, Paul would surely have expressed himself very differently if the opponents had presented an account of Jesus radically contradictory to his own. But it is the same doctrine, exactly, which appears in Paul. But even so the imperfect is extremely harsh, and on the whole it is more probable that it has crept in by a copyist's error— perhaps in conformity to the same imperfect in verse 1, where the imperfect is used to express a wish. The contradiction is produced by His Messianic consciousness. To us the sources of information about Jesus are limited: therefore they are searched out and numbered and weighed. It cannot be argued, therefore, that what is not mentioned in the Epistles was not known to the apostle at all. But the form, it is maintained, is a matter of indifference to us, and it was not really essential to Jesus; what was really essential was Jesus' consciousness of nearness to God. The Pharisee, come to think that the Messiah, but to make them God 's children by his.! Prophet, no mere teacher of righteousness, no mere inspired teacher of righteousness, no other Spirit, no! 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what did jesus say about paul
It has been shown that even before his conversion, in Palestine, Paul must have become acquainted with the facts about Jesus' life and death. 14-21). According to Acts iv. He could not have failed to obtain information even if he had been anxious to avoid it. Why did they say rather, "Despite His death, He is the Messiah? ii. Was Paul a visionary, with his head always in the clouds, indifferent to the concrete problems of individual men, indifferent to what men had to tell him about their various earthly relationships, indifferent to their bodily needs? That relationship, Baur believed, was fundamentally a relationship of conflict; Paul and Peter, according to Baur, established at best only a modus vivendi, an agreement to disagree; really they were separated by a deep-seated difference of principle. If, however, they did appeal to Peter in this latter way, if they did appeal to Peter in support of their legalistic contentions, such an appeal does not overthrow the conclusions which have just been reached about the harmony of Peter and Paul; it does not really make Peter an advocate of legalism. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. 1-17 of the escape of Peter from prison. This question has never been answered. •A. It will probably be admitted to-day by the majority of scholars that Barnabas really had a place in the primitive Jerusalem Church. The sources of information about Jesus are the four Gospels. Yet they had really nothing new to offer. This hypothesis not only accepts the Messianic consciousness of Jesus, but in one direction at least it even exaggerates the implications of that consciousness. What little-known fact about Paul surprised you the most? 10,11). It is all very learned and very eloquent. The presumption is strongly in favor of the presence there of some who had known Jesus in the days of His flesh; the independence of which Paul is speaking in Galatians is independence over against the Jerusalem apostles, not over against humble disciples in Damascus, and it does not relate to information about details. Thus, Paul established for the Galatians that he received the Gospel by the same means as the other apostles —directly from Jesus. It is hardly to be supposed that at the conference any more than at the first visit of Paul to Jerusalem the subject of the words and deeds of Jesus was carefully avoided. Thus the testimony of Paul is plain. It must always be remembered that Paul blames Peter not for false opinions, but for "hypocrisy"—that is, for concealment of true opinions. For I have made Jesus and the Spirit and the gospel just as fully known to you as they have." The peculiarities of the passage may perhaps be due partly to the fact that Paul is here using catchwords of his adversaries. Even in Phil. He speaks of his native city to a Roman soldier, saying, “I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city.” (Acts 21:39). The Church has always accepted the apostle Paul, not at all as a religious philosopher, but simply and solely as a witness to Jesus. God cares for all, but He is not said to be the Father of all. Finally both in Jesus and in Paul the Kingdom appears partly as present and partly as future. Did Paul really suppose the risen Christ to have given him all this detailed information about the night of the betrayal and the rest? 14-21 be a report of what was said at Antioch, and however much be what Paul now wishes to say to the Galatians, one thing is clear—when Paul begins in verse 14 to report what he said to Peter, he means to call attention to something in which he and Peter were agreed; he means to say: "You and I, though we had all the advantages of the Law, relinquished such advantages, in order to be justified by faith in Christ. When he says, therefore, that he did not receive his gospel from men he does not mean that he received no information from Peter or Barnabas or Mark or James or the five hundred brethren who had seen the risen Lord. There was preparation in Old Testament revelation, here as elsewhere, for the coming of the Messiah. 1 4. et fiiv yap i ipx&fitvos &XXov 'Iriaojv Kripbaati Sv Ovk bnjpbl-aii v, fj wvtviia trtpov Xaiifiavtrt 8 oiiK iXd/Sere, fj tliayytXiov trtpov 4 Ook tMgavtfc, KaXws avixto8t. Apparently they had come into the Church in the period of quiet that followed the persecution of Stephen; they had come in from the sect of the Pharisees, and they continued to be Pharisees at heart. The man who is in Christ, on the contrary, even when he uses ordinary means of information, is acquiring knowledge of spiritual relationships, relationships which exist in the new world. In Colossians, indeed, it is more definitely set forth, and apparently in opposition to errorists who failed to recognize its full implications. ii. They can only be commands given by Jesus during His earthly ministry.1. But apparently it never occurred to Paul that any one might say, "By Jesus Christ and therefore by man." But exactly the same answer was given by Paul himself. Imitation of Christ (1 Thess. Some interpreters have discovered in the words, "even though we have known Christ after the flesh," a reference to a fleshly conception of Christ which laid stress upon His Davidic descent, His connection with the Jewish people, and in general His ordinary human relationships, to the neglect of His higher, divine nature. But the conversion occurred only a very few years, at the most, after the crucifixion of Jesus. ii. So it is also with the knowledge of Christ. That oppressive plus of triviality and formalism places an impassable gulf between Jesus and the Jewish teachers. Paul had abundant opportunity for acquainting himself with the words and deeds of Jesus. 1 Compare Knowling, The Witness of the Epistles, 1892, pp. Some pastors are accustomed to say the same thing no matter what questions are laid before them; they can only enunciate general principles without applying them to special problems; they are incapable of special friendships and incapable of analyzing actual situations. But all that Jesus said and did was for the purpose of the Cross. It should be observed that the terms which are now under discussion are incapable of real translation into English. This representation is contained not merely in one of the Gospels; it is contained in all of them. Other redeemers, in the pagan religion of the time, were protected from such questions; they were protected by the mists of antiquity; investigations about them were obviously out of 1 J. Weiss, Das alt est e Evangeluim, 1903, pp. The problem is a moral and psychological problem. This report also belongs with those passages in the Epistles which attest knowledge of the details of Jesus' life. It was three years before he saw any of them, and then he was with Peter only fifteen days. This conclusion is thought to be overthrown by two considerations. So much is usually being admitted to-day. 35), has been quoted as making God the Father of all men. But the expectation of the Messiah existed also in another form; the Messiah was sometimes regarded, not as a king of David's line, but as the heavenly Son of Man alluded to in Daniel and more fully described in the Similitudes of Enoch. It is adventurous exegetical procedure to hang a heavy weight upon the very obscure verse, 2 Cor. Evidently they were not conservative disciples, who appealed against the heavenly Christ of Paul to the facts about the historic Jesus. Neither in Jesus nor in Paul is sin covered up, nor the necessity of a great transformation concealed. The presumption is, therefore, that Paul was a true disciple of Jesus. Paul does not mean that he was indifferent to what Jesus said and did. Investigation of this Jesus was perfectly possible; His brothers, even, were still alive. This view is rejected in the above paraphrase, which diverges from the American Revision in other ways also. The early disciples, indeed, like the Jews, were still waiting for the establishment of the kingdom of God. contains the tradition of the Jerusalem Church with regard to the death and resurrection of Jesus. The meaning might conceivably be that the Jerusalem leaders only "seemed" or "were thought" to be something, or only thought themselves to be something (compare Gal. 'What is really significant in Colossians is the character of the errorists. Even in the early days, in Antioch, he had begun to abandon his Jewish manner of life; surely he must have abandoned it more fully when he went to the capital of the Gentile world. xiv. 1. ii. Unquestionably Paul included in his fundamental teaching an account of what Jesus said and did. 10 and Philem. himself with Jesus' words and deeds, that he does refer to them occasionally, that he could have done so oftener if he had desired, that the imitation of Jesus found a place in his life, and that his likeness to Jesus extends even to those elements in Jesus' life and teaching which are accepted by modern naturalistic criticism as authentic. But he is also not alluding to any lower, fleshly conception of Christ as being held by others. In recent criticism, such radicalism as that which has just been discussed is usually avoided. The word may mean merely "members of the same race," that is, "Jews"; or it may mean "members of the same family," that is, "relatives." 4-61 read as follows: "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or if ye receive a different spirit, which ye did not receive, or a different gospel, which ye did not accept, ye do well to bear with him. The plain fact remains that if imitation of Jesus had been central in the life of Paul, as it is central, for example, in modern liberalism, then the Epistles would be full of the words and deeds of Jesus. To account for the faith of the early Church, the supernatural must be found either in the life of Jesus on earth, or else in the appearances of the risen Christ. Even after the revelation he felt no need of instruction from those who had been apostles before him. The consciousness of belonging to God's chosen people and thus being under God's fatherly care was immensely valuable for the life of the individual Israelite; it was no mere product of an unsatisfying state religion like the religions of Greece or Rome. them. ii emphasizes the independence of Paul's gospel; Paul had not received it through the instrumentality of men. For even if the original apostles differed fundamentally from Paul, the difference concerned only the place of the Mosaic Law in the Christian economy, and did not concern the Pauline conception of the person of Christ. Thus when Paul says that he knows no man after the flesh he does not mean that he ignored the ordinary knowledge which comes through sight and hearing. v. 16 Paul says, "Even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him so no more." Usually, however, this extreme also is avoided, and the historian pursues, rather, a policy of palliation. about the Spirit, and about the gospel. The meaning of the passage is then as follows: "Bear with me in my 'boasting.' It is no wonder then that they were left behind in the march of the Church. But the same characteristics appear everywhere in Paul. That fleshly conception of Christ might then be regarded as the primitive conception, which Paul himself shared until a mature stage of his Christian life. Even in the Old Testament, it is true, the conception of the fatherhood of God is not without importance. Accordingly, even the very passage which at first sight lends most color to the hypothesis of Baur, really, when it is correctly interpreted, provides the most striking refutation of that hypothesis. It is all very learned and very eloquent. Peter is even accused of "hypocrisy." The similarity appears, in the first place, in a negative feature—both in Jesus and in Paul, the idea of the Kingdom is divorced from all political and materialistic associations. The Gospels, like the Epistles of Paul, are interested in the death of Jesus because it was a ransom from sin. That is what Paul means when he says that he received his gospel directly from the risen Christ. One idea is that “Saul” is his Hebrew name, while as a Roman citizen he also bore the biblical Greek name of Paul. There is not even any evidence that the opponents, though apparently they laid stress upon Jewish descent, Palestinian connections, and the like, and so may perhaps loosely be called "Judaizers," insisted upon the keeping of the Mosaic Law. x. But is this presumption justified? 23. But it is not necessary to depend upon details. 4. Romans 12:1-21 ESV / 625 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is … It is necessary only to point to the conception of love as the fulfilling of the law, and to the substitution for external rules of the great principles of justice and of mercy. Even in Colossje, however, the doctrine does not seem to have been denied; the errorists apparently did not deny the supreme place of Jesus in the scale of being, but merely erred in attaching undue importance to other beings. xv. It must always be remembered that the Epistles of Paul are addressed to special needs of the churches. The whole of Paulinism is based upon the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. If one newspaper had not printed the news, others would have done so; the sources of information are so numerous that we do not reflect upon them. The really astounding fact, which emerges from all discussion of the apostolic age, is that the Pauline conception of the person of Christ, whatever may be said of the Pauline doctrine of Gentile freedom, was never criticized by the original apostles. 2, 3. Bare detailed information about the words and deeds of Jesus did not in Paul's mind constitute a "gospel"; they constituted only the materials upon which the gospel was based. What was the origin of the religion of Paul? 5 For I reckon that I am not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles. At any rate, whichever interpretation be adopted, Paul would surely have expressed himself very differently if the opponents had presented an account of Jesus radically contradictory to his own. But it is the same doctrine, exactly, which appears in Paul. But even so the imperfect is extremely harsh, and on the whole it is more probable that it has crept in by a copyist's error— perhaps in conformity to the same imperfect in verse 1, where the imperfect is used to express a wish. The contradiction is produced by His Messianic consciousness. To us the sources of information about Jesus are limited: therefore they are searched out and numbered and weighed. It cannot be argued, therefore, that what is not mentioned in the Epistles was not known to the apostle at all. But the form, it is maintained, is a matter of indifference to us, and it was not really essential to Jesus; what was really essential was Jesus' consciousness of nearness to God. The Pharisee, come to think that the Messiah, but to make them God 's children by his.! Prophet, no mere teacher of righteousness, no mere inspired teacher of righteousness, no other Spirit, no! 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