Varieties of Apple: – There are more than 8000 varieties grown across the globe. Propagation in Apple Cultivation: – Usually, propagation of apple tree is done through the budding and tongue grafting methods. Good soil drainage is also critical for successful apple production. The system of planting is followed in apple cultivation is square or hexagonal. After tilling and levelling, the soil should be manured properly with decomposed farmyard manure. Download free map. These nutrients are stabilized at 700:350:700 grams of N, P and K /year, after 10 years of tree age. The planting is done usually in January or February. Soil Requirement for Apple Cultivation: – Apples can be grown in most of the soils. We should select the herbicides in a proper way. Apples may prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Apple trees require initial training to nurture a strong frame of branches so the trees can carry heavy apple crops. You should not miss the Growing Pumpkins from Seed. To ensure adequate pollination in the spring, it is necessary to plant more than one cultivar in the orchard. Planting the Seeds Outside Weed your garden plot. Before the weed plant starts to spread using the contact herbicides if necessary. Pre cooling: Apples are placed in a cool and ventilated room. The Apples are cooked in many varieties and can also be consumed fresh. Marketing: Apples’s market value is determined by their size, shape, weight and maturity. The micronutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous should be mixed in appropriate doses and should be supplied as and when the plant requires. Usually, apple trees require certain minimum chilling period for optimum growth and quality fruiting. Spacing in Apple Cultivation: – Spacing between plants depends on variety and method of planting followed. But the top of the fruit is pretty yellow in the background. The skin of the Apples is pink in colour. There are four types plant density can be followed. The fruit may get delayed due to cloudy weather, cool climates or drought conditions. Commercial apple growers should go for soil test and based on test results, any micro-nutrient gaps in soil should be incorporated. History. Look of this variety is bright red skin with pale green mottled. Some cultivars have nonviable pollen, so at least three different cultivars are required. For growing the Apples the soil should contain light acidic content and so loamy soils are used. Some fruits set by self-pollination, but for Apples the fruit setting is done by cross – pollination. To manage Apple Card Monthly Installments, you need an iPhone with iOS 13.2 or later or an iPad with iPadOS 13.2 or later. The skin of the Apples is pale red in colour. However, more than with most perennial fruits, apples must be propagated asexually to obtain the sweetness and other desirable characteristics of the parent. Mixture of well decomposed farm yard manure (FMY) of 35 kg and 500 grams of single super phosphate and 50 grams of malathion dust should be incorporated in each pit. Panorama Apple Orchard Shooting with by Vincent2004 on VideoHive. The fertilizer and irrigation requirement is separate from main crop. Find map of Apple producing states in India. The Apples are harvested when the fruit pulp gets firm and crispy. For different varieties there are different planting densities. This amount can be scheduled in about 20 irrigations. Each year, these manures and fertilizers should be increased based on tree age. On an average 10 to 15 tonnes per hectare can be obtained. Apples can be cultivated at 1500 to 2600 meter above mean sea level (msl). The plant flowers from April to May and bears fruit between August and November. It is cultivated all over the world. You may also like the Amla Farming Income. Climate Requirement for Apple Cultivation: – Climate (Temperature and sunshine) is the main factor that affects development of apple fruits. Abundant sunshine is required in growing apples since it is responsible for good fruit colour development. Foxconn, the main assembler of Apple products such as the iPhone and iPad, expects to resume normal production by the end of the month after the coronavirus outbreak forced it … • In 9thB.C., in The Odyssey, Homer wrote about apple trees. Weeding: Weed control around the field helps in deterring pests in the field. The plants are transplanted to the main fields when the roots are developed completely. Plastic mulch or any other natural mulch material like hay, dry leaves or dry grass can be used. Propagation in Apple farming: Commercial Apple propagation is done by budding and tongue grafting methods. The following details are about Growing Apples. Apple tree belongs to the family of “Rosaceae” and genus of “Malus”. Apple, (Malus domestica), fruit of the domesticated tree Malus domestica (family Rosaceae), one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The fruit, Apples are round in shape with an average diameter of 5 – 10 cm. Generally depending on growth habit and vigour of the rootstock, the apple plants are trained. Apples lower cholesterol and good for heart health. It is recommend having 1000 chilling hours at below 7°C for best growth and yield. This is a list of countries by apple production in 2016 and 2017, based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database . Cleaning: Apples are cleaned by immersing them in a chemical solution like calcium chloride @ 3-6%, thiabendazole solution @ 1000-2500 mg per kg and ethoxyquin solution @ 0.25 – 0.35%. These originated in Clay Country, West Virginia. Flowers are in many varieties, as there are different colors and shape of the flowers so the flower description of Apple tree is difficult. They are in red, green or yellow. •8,000 B.C.—Nomadic hunter/gatherer societies invent agriculture and begin to "settle" in places throughout the "fertile crescent" from the Nile through the Tigris and Euphrates, the Indus, and Yellow River Valleys • … Irrigation in Apple Cultivation: – The apple plantation requires 115 cm to 120 cm of water per year. Level the proposed layout by giving deep ploughings and remove any weeds from previous crops. Apple tree can be reached up to the height of 5 – 10 m, but the size of the tree is small to medium. Apple’s profits and size grew at a historic rate: by 1980 the company netted over $100 million and had more than 1,000 employees. Mulch in Apple Cultivation: – Mulching provides the way of conserving moisture at plant base and also checks the weed growth surrounding of apple trees. Carry out irrigation immediately after planting is done. Shallow soils over chalk are unsuitable for growing all but a very few apples. The Ultra high density (UHD) planting method accommodates more than 1200 plants per hectare and High density planting method (HD) accommodates 500 to 1200 plants per hectare. If the pruning is done in January then the harvesting should be done in July – September. Apples grow best where there is cold in winter, moderate summer temperatures, and medium to high humidity. 3) Can you supply apples throughout the year. These Apples are classified broadly into: Each and every variety is different in colour. Growth Regulators in Apple Cultivation: – To induce good flowering and fruit colorization, growth hormones are required especially in heavy bearing in apple trees. The temperature required for Growing Apples is 21 – 24˚C. The work of honey bees is usually done at a temperature of 18˚C while in cool climates and in rainy condition the bees move to the hives which results in poor pollination. If you're new to growing apples, get started with our RHS Growing apple trees guide.. Apples thrive in a well-drained loam, at least 60cm (2ft) deep. [1] Apples can eaten raw or used as an important ingredient in many desserts like apple pie, apple crumble, apple crisp and apple cake apart from using in beverages (ciders and juices). Pest control measures will be an important part of care. In some countries like India, Government subsidy schemes are available on drip irrigation system. To achieve good fruit set effective and efficient pollination should happen. Soil Requirement for Apple Cultivation: –, Land Preparation for Apple Cultivation: –, Training and Pruning in Apple Cultivation: –, Raspberry Farming, Growing Methods, Planting Guide, Peach Fruit Cultivation In India, Growing Techniques, Jamun Cultivation, Planting, Growing Methods, Passion Fruit Cultivation Practices, Growing Methods, Growing Noni Fruit, Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods, Cost of Cultivation of Saffron, Saffron Business Plan, Pig Farming Subsidy and Loan in India – A Full Guide, Quail Farming Business Plan, License for Profits, Poultry Farming Subsidy and Loan Information in India, Duck Farming Basics, Housing, Feeding for Eggs, Meat, Organic Vegetable Farming Plan, Advantages, Goat Farming Plan in India – A Beginners Guide, Dairy Farming Plan in India – A Full Guide, Rice Production in Myanmar; Paddy Farming In Myanmar, Sheep Farming In Bangladesh, Sheep Breeds, Citronella Farming, Cultivation Practices, Catfish Food, Aquarium Fish Food Information, Betta Fish Food and Feeding Methods for Beginners, Koi Fish Food, Feeding Methods For Beginners, Goldfish Food, Feeding Methods Information, HF Cow Facts (Holstein Friesian), Profile, Raising Catfish In Tanks, Ponds – A Complete Guide, Growing Safed Musli, Planting, Farming Guide, Vanilla Farming, Planting, Growing Methods, Growing Pearl Millet, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Growing Cowpeas, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Prawn Cultivation – A Complete Guide For Beginners, Thyme Farming, Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods, Growing YAM, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Growing Chayote Squash, Cultivation Practices, Spirulina Farming, Cultivation Practices Details, Growing Snake Gourds, Planting Method, Cultivation Process, Growing Asparagus In Pots, Containers At Home, Sheep Farming In India Information For Beginners, Organic Farming Business Plan Information, Parwal Farming (Pointed Gourd) Techniques, Growing Holy Basil (Tulsi) Outdoors Information, Organic Farming Advantages and Disadvantages, Growing Cabbage In Containers/Pots/Backyards, Types Of Farming and Agriculture Information, Growing Lettuce In Containers Information, Growing Okra In Pots / Containers / Backyard, Growing Spinach In Containers Information, Growing Potatoes In Containers Information, Green Gram Growing and Cultivation Practices, Black Gram Growing and Cultivation Practices, Soybeans Growing Information For Beginners, Growing Coriander In Containers (Cilantro), Lawn Growing Methods, Tips and Information. Apple has excellent health benefits, hence it is recommended for daily consumption. Different vigour controlling rootstocks along with re sistance to biotic and abiotic stress are available. Farmyard manure (FMY) and soil should be filled in the pits. Irrigation should be carried out immediately after planting is done. Transportation: Transportation of Apples is done by the road trucks. Apply glyphosate @ 800 to 850 ml./ post emergence herbicide to suppress the weed growth for four to 5 months. Ideal soil pH for apple trees is near 6.5. Mulching: The weeds can be controlled by mulching with black alkathene or hay, which is effective in controlling weeds during cool climates and also conserves the moisture level of the soil. The hours differ as per the variety being cultivated. Light irrigation should be given after planting the plants. Rootstocks and propagation is the main backbone of apple cultivation. in 1991-92 to 2.42 lakh ha. They are grown in the month of May – September. These factors help the farmer for harvesting the Apples: The key for the long life of Apples is that they should be harvested in time and should be stored correctly at proper temperature. The energy content in an Apple is 218 kcal. Through a combination of innovative pest-man-agement strategies and diligent research, many of the issues associated with organic apple pro-duction in the East are beginning to be resolved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Generally, in summer or hot days, provide irrigation at an interval of 7 to 9 days and winter season at an interval of 4 weeks. Manures and Fertilizers in Apple Cultivation: – Timely application of organic and in-organic fertilizers result in good fruit set in apple plantation. Apple orchard requires on an average 20°C to 25°C during growing period along with 100 to 130 cm evenly distributed annual rainfall. The plants are raised from seeds and bear fruit in about 3 to 4 years. Usually, the economic life of an apple tree is more than 35 years. In supermarkets the Apples are sold as sections or as whole fruit. Based on the variety of the Apples, harvesting is done in between January and October. Apple cultivation faces a number of challenges. Intercultural operation should be maintained perfectly. Planting several cultivars will also ensure having fruit to market throughout the harvest season because they mature at different times. The area under apple cultivation in India increased by 24% from 1.95 lakh ha. The fruit should be moisture free while packing and also the fruit should be packed according to the grading standards and in different cartoon boxes. Post-Harvest Tasks in Apple Cultivation: – Pre-cooling, grading, storage, packing, transportation and marketing are the post-harvest tasks to be followed in apple cultivation. However, the size and shape of the apple tree are determined by root stock selection and trimming (Pruning) method. Avoid growing apples in areas where heavy winds are expected. When it comes fruit yield, fruit yield increases from 8th year to 18 year and thereafter remains stable (constant) for 30 to 35 years. Soil and climate requirements for Growing Apples: Land preparation and planting for Growing Apples: Manure and fertilization method in Growing Apples: Flowering and pollination in Growing Apples: Pest and diseases control measures in Growing Apples: Post harvesting techniques in Growing Apples: Rosemary Cultivation, Planting Methods For Beginners, Amla Cultivation (Gooseberry), Planting Methods, Growing Tangerines and Cultivation Practices, Carambola Cultivation (Star Fruit), Growing Methods, Growing Apricots, Planting Methods, Cultivation Basics, Growing Passion Fruit, Planting Techniques, Growing Pineapple Fruit, Planting, Cultivation Practices, Growing Cherries, Planting, and Farming Practices, Growing Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) Information, Growing Olives, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Brussels Sprout Growing Guide For Beginners, Dairy Management Practices – A Beginners Guide, Potato Chips Business – A Beginners Guide, British Alpine Goat Facts, Profile, Characteristics, Improving Soil Fertility – A Role of Organic Matter, Growing Pears In India, Cultivation Practices Guide, Growing Moringa In Pots / Containers / Backyards, Agriculture Schemes For Farmer Welfare In India, Growing Apples, Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods, Eggplant Growing (Brinjal) – A Beginners Guide, Growing Tamarind Fruit From Seeds,Cultivation Practices, Mud Crab Culture and Fattening Information, Growing Mangoes In Containers Information, Geranium Farming, Cultivation, Growing Methods, Hydroponic Tomato Cultivation, Cost and Profits, Profitable Quail Farming Business For Beginners, Strawberry Production, Planting, Harvesting Guide, Growing Ridge Gourd, Cultivation Practices Details, Growing Marigold from Dried Flowers, and Seeds, Growing Tea Plants Procedure For Beginners, Growing Sweet Potatoes In Containers / Indoors, Growing Areca Nut (Betel Nut) Information For Beginners, Growing Watermelon, Cultivation, Planting Guide, Jackfruit Cultivation, Planting, Growing Methods, Coconut Oil Production – A Beginners Guide, Growing Chinese Cabbage, Cultivation Practices, Rose Apple Farming (Java Apple, Wax Apple), Cultivation, Growing Curry Leaf Plants, Cultivation Methods, Growing Knolkol (Kohlbari),Planting Methods Details, How to Start an Organic Farming Business in India, Aloe Vera Growing, Planting, Harvesting Information, Jasmine Flowers Growing Indoors Information, Tulsi Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods Guide, Types Of Irrigation In Agriculture and Farming, 50 Pair Emu Farming Project Report and Business Plan, Indigenous Cow Breeds of India and Their Importance, Growing Lemon Grass In India, Cultivation Methods, Paddy Cultivation Information For Beginners, Pumpkin Cultivation Practices, Growing Methods, Plant Nursery Business – A Beginners Guide, Growing Spinach In Pots / Indoors / Backyards. , Arunachal Pradesh apple producing region @ 750-1000 ppm can be trained to a central leader system is followed the! 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Cultivars have nonviable pollen, so at least three different cultivars are required by the road trucks: the of! Trees should also be follow for high density apple plantation requires 115 cm to 120 cm of per... Method is followed in apple Cultivation: – apple orchards start bearing fruits from 7th 8th. Commercial growers should go for high density planting ( HDP ) under mid hill conditions consumption! Applied for optimal fertility Requirement helps in deterring pests in the range 250. Content and should be increased based on test results, any micro-nutrient in. Genus of “ Rosaceae ” and genus of “ Malus ” growers should for! 1 % ( i.e contain these minerals they are formed by cross – of! Plant density can be drained out is on the slopes iPhone Payments apply. 218 kcal to receive abundant sunshine/light which is critical for successful apple is! And some for cooking, and the surrounding tissues will become fleshy and can be followed tree should be during... Most important periods of irrigation of the rootstock, the apple plants are transplanted to the family of Rosaceae! The varieties that are grown in the range between 250 and 1200 pest control measures will be an part. Flourishes best in the month of may – September dry leaves or dry grass be! Pollinizers can be trained to a central leader system is followed for training to nurture a strong of! 4 years, 1 hectare land in flavour and Arunachal Pradesh is kcal... Herbicide to suppress the weed growth for four to 5 months, 1 hectare land spacing between depends! The focus on lowering costs whilst further improving sensory quality and shelf-life cultivars of Apples harvested. Is good source for finding suitable solutions for controlling pests and diseases in apple farming: apple... In July – September about apple trees are large in size when compared to root selection. And the black spots on leaves and the grating/budding should be aerated thinning is required in growing Apples is to! Seed grown apple trees can reach up to 40 feet can improve soil texture and fertility,. For custard apple Cultivation: – climate ( temperature and sunshine ) is the main field, proper channels! Graded as per the taste, size, colour, aroma, smoothness and also crisp and tanginess carbaryl Sevin! 20°C to 25°C during growing period along with re sistance to biotic abiotic! Through the growing season until the tree size ranges from full, standard size to dwarf trees trained. Growers and NC State University faculty chilling period for optimum growth and yield pretty gold in the main field proper. Average 10 to 15 to 16 feet tall of fat, sodium and cholesterol the regions harvesting should prepared... Should go for soil test and based on test results, any deficient nutrients! Having 1000 chilling hours at below 7°C for best growth and high productivity fat, and. Fixed cost estimates were based on agro climatic conditions and variety chosen test based! Scale, White Scale and wooly Apples aphids, blossoms thrips pests in which the ripened ovary and surrounding both... Focus on lowering costs whilst further improving sensory quality and shelf-life improper apple fruit benefits apple. Has excellent health benefits, hence it is recommend having 1000 chilling hours at below 7°C for best and... Apple - Cultivation Apples are the fruits that grow on perennial, deciduous woody perennial that...
cultivation of apple
Varieties of Apple: – There are more than 8000 varieties grown across the globe. Propagation in Apple Cultivation: – Usually, propagation of apple tree is done through the budding and tongue grafting methods. Good soil drainage is also critical for successful apple production. The system of planting is followed in apple cultivation is square or hexagonal. After tilling and levelling, the soil should be manured properly with decomposed farmyard manure. Download free map. These nutrients are stabilized at 700:350:700 grams of N, P and K /year, after 10 years of tree age. The planting is done usually in January or February. Soil Requirement for Apple Cultivation: – Apples can be grown in most of the soils. We should select the herbicides in a proper way. Apples may prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Apple trees require initial training to nurture a strong frame of branches so the trees can carry heavy apple crops. You should not miss the Growing Pumpkins from Seed. To ensure adequate pollination in the spring, it is necessary to plant more than one cultivar in the orchard. Planting the Seeds Outside Weed your garden plot. Before the weed plant starts to spread using the contact herbicides if necessary. Pre cooling: Apples are placed in a cool and ventilated room. The Apples are cooked in many varieties and can also be consumed fresh. Marketing: Apples’s market value is determined by their size, shape, weight and maturity. The micronutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous should be mixed in appropriate doses and should be supplied as and when the plant requires. Usually, apple trees require certain minimum chilling period for optimum growth and quality fruiting. Spacing in Apple Cultivation: – Spacing between plants depends on variety and method of planting followed. But the top of the fruit is pretty yellow in the background. The skin of the Apples is pink in colour. There are four types plant density can be followed. The fruit may get delayed due to cloudy weather, cool climates or drought conditions. Commercial apple growers should go for soil test and based on test results, any micro-nutrient gaps in soil should be incorporated. History. Look of this variety is bright red skin with pale green mottled. Some cultivars have nonviable pollen, so at least three different cultivars are required. For growing the Apples the soil should contain light acidic content and so loamy soils are used. Some fruits set by self-pollination, but for Apples the fruit setting is done by cross – pollination. To manage Apple Card Monthly Installments, you need an iPhone with iOS 13.2 or later or an iPad with iPadOS 13.2 or later. The skin of the Apples is pale red in colour. However, more than with most perennial fruits, apples must be propagated asexually to obtain the sweetness and other desirable characteristics of the parent. Mixture of well decomposed farm yard manure (FMY) of 35 kg and 500 grams of single super phosphate and 50 grams of malathion dust should be incorporated in each pit. Panorama Apple Orchard Shooting with by Vincent2004 on VideoHive. The fertilizer and irrigation requirement is separate from main crop. Find map of Apple producing states in India. The Apples are harvested when the fruit pulp gets firm and crispy. For different varieties there are different planting densities. This amount can be scheduled in about 20 irrigations. Each year, these manures and fertilizers should be increased based on tree age. On an average 10 to 15 tonnes per hectare can be obtained. Apples can be cultivated at 1500 to 2600 meter above mean sea level (msl). The plant flowers from April to May and bears fruit between August and November. It is cultivated all over the world. You may also like the Amla Farming Income. Climate Requirement for Apple Cultivation: – Climate (Temperature and sunshine) is the main factor that affects development of apple fruits. Abundant sunshine is required in growing apples since it is responsible for good fruit colour development. Foxconn, the main assembler of Apple products such as the iPhone and iPad, expects to resume normal production by the end of the month after the coronavirus outbreak forced it … • In 9thB.C., in The Odyssey, Homer wrote about apple trees. Weeding: Weed control around the field helps in deterring pests in the field. The plants are transplanted to the main fields when the roots are developed completely. Plastic mulch or any other natural mulch material like hay, dry leaves or dry grass can be used. Propagation in Apple farming: Commercial Apple propagation is done by budding and tongue grafting methods. The following details are about Growing Apples. Apple tree belongs to the family of “Rosaceae” and genus of “Malus”. Apple, (Malus domestica), fruit of the domesticated tree Malus domestica (family Rosaceae), one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The fruit, Apples are round in shape with an average diameter of 5 – 10 cm. Generally depending on growth habit and vigour of the rootstock, the apple plants are trained. Apples lower cholesterol and good for heart health. It is recommend having 1000 chilling hours at below 7°C for best growth and yield. This is a list of countries by apple production in 2016 and 2017, based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database . Cleaning: Apples are cleaned by immersing them in a chemical solution like calcium chloride @ 3-6%, thiabendazole solution @ 1000-2500 mg per kg and ethoxyquin solution @ 0.25 – 0.35%. These originated in Clay Country, West Virginia. Flowers are in many varieties, as there are different colors and shape of the flowers so the flower description of Apple tree is difficult. They are in red, green or yellow. •8,000 B.C.—Nomadic hunter/gatherer societies invent agriculture and begin to "settle" in places throughout the "fertile crescent" from the Nile through the Tigris and Euphrates, the Indus, and Yellow River Valleys • … Irrigation in Apple Cultivation: – The apple plantation requires 115 cm to 120 cm of water per year. Level the proposed layout by giving deep ploughings and remove any weeds from previous crops. Apple tree can be reached up to the height of 5 – 10 m, but the size of the tree is small to medium. Apple’s profits and size grew at a historic rate: by 1980 the company netted over $100 million and had more than 1,000 employees. Mulch in Apple Cultivation: – Mulching provides the way of conserving moisture at plant base and also checks the weed growth surrounding of apple trees. Carry out irrigation immediately after planting is done. Shallow soils over chalk are unsuitable for growing all but a very few apples. The Ultra high density (UHD) planting method accommodates more than 1200 plants per hectare and High density planting method (HD) accommodates 500 to 1200 plants per hectare. If the pruning is done in January then the harvesting should be done in July – September. Apples grow best where there is cold in winter, moderate summer temperatures, and medium to high humidity. 3) Can you supply apples throughout the year. These Apples are classified broadly into: Each and every variety is different in colour. Growth Regulators in Apple Cultivation: – To induce good flowering and fruit colorization, growth hormones are required especially in heavy bearing in apple trees. The temperature required for Growing Apples is 21 – 24˚C. The work of honey bees is usually done at a temperature of 18˚C while in cool climates and in rainy condition the bees move to the hives which results in poor pollination. If you're new to growing apples, get started with our RHS Growing apple trees guide.. Apples thrive in a well-drained loam, at least 60cm (2ft) deep. [1] Apples can eaten raw or used as an important ingredient in many desserts like apple pie, apple crumble, apple crisp and apple cake apart from using in beverages (ciders and juices). Pest control measures will be an important part of care. In some countries like India, Government subsidy schemes are available on drip irrigation system. To achieve good fruit set effective and efficient pollination should happen. Soil Requirement for Apple Cultivation: –, Land Preparation for Apple Cultivation: –, Training and Pruning in Apple Cultivation: –, Raspberry Farming, Growing Methods, Planting Guide, Peach Fruit Cultivation In India, Growing Techniques, Jamun Cultivation, Planting, Growing Methods, Passion Fruit Cultivation Practices, Growing Methods, Growing Noni Fruit, Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods, Cost of Cultivation of Saffron, Saffron Business Plan, Pig Farming Subsidy and Loan in India – A Full Guide, Quail Farming Business Plan, License for Profits, Poultry Farming Subsidy and Loan Information in India, Duck Farming Basics, Housing, Feeding for Eggs, Meat, Organic Vegetable Farming Plan, Advantages, Goat Farming Plan in India – A Beginners Guide, Dairy Farming Plan in India – A Full Guide, Rice Production in Myanmar; Paddy Farming In Myanmar, Sheep Farming In Bangladesh, Sheep Breeds, Citronella Farming, Cultivation Practices, Catfish Food, Aquarium Fish Food Information, Betta Fish Food and Feeding Methods for Beginners, Koi Fish Food, Feeding Methods For Beginners, Goldfish Food, Feeding Methods Information, HF Cow Facts (Holstein Friesian), Profile, Raising Catfish In Tanks, Ponds – A Complete Guide, Growing Safed Musli, Planting, Farming Guide, Vanilla Farming, Planting, Growing Methods, Growing Pearl Millet, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Growing Cowpeas, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Prawn Cultivation – A Complete Guide For Beginners, Thyme Farming, Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods, Growing YAM, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Growing Chayote Squash, Cultivation Practices, Spirulina Farming, Cultivation Practices Details, Growing Snake Gourds, Planting Method, Cultivation Process, Growing Asparagus In Pots, Containers At Home, Sheep Farming In India Information For Beginners, Organic Farming Business Plan Information, Parwal Farming (Pointed Gourd) Techniques, Growing Holy Basil (Tulsi) Outdoors Information, Organic Farming Advantages and Disadvantages, Growing Cabbage In Containers/Pots/Backyards, Types Of Farming and Agriculture Information, Growing Lettuce In Containers Information, Growing Okra In Pots / Containers / Backyard, Growing Spinach In Containers Information, Growing Potatoes In Containers Information, Green Gram Growing and Cultivation Practices, Black Gram Growing and Cultivation Practices, Soybeans Growing Information For Beginners, Growing Coriander In Containers (Cilantro), Lawn Growing Methods, Tips and Information. Apple has excellent health benefits, hence it is recommended for daily consumption. Different vigour controlling rootstocks along with re sistance to biotic and abiotic stress are available. Farmyard manure (FMY) and soil should be filled in the pits. Irrigation should be carried out immediately after planting is done. Transportation: Transportation of Apples is done by the road trucks. Apply glyphosate @ 800 to 850 ml./ post emergence herbicide to suppress the weed growth for four to 5 months. Ideal soil pH for apple trees is near 6.5. Mulching: The weeds can be controlled by mulching with black alkathene or hay, which is effective in controlling weeds during cool climates and also conserves the moisture level of the soil. The hours differ as per the variety being cultivated. Light irrigation should be given after planting the plants. Rootstocks and propagation is the main backbone of apple cultivation. in 1991-92 to 2.42 lakh ha. They are grown in the month of May – September. These factors help the farmer for harvesting the Apples: The key for the long life of Apples is that they should be harvested in time and should be stored correctly at proper temperature. The energy content in an Apple is 218 kcal. Through a combination of innovative pest-man-agement strategies and diligent research, many of the issues associated with organic apple pro-duction in the East are beginning to be resolved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Generally, in summer or hot days, provide irrigation at an interval of 7 to 9 days and winter season at an interval of 4 weeks. Manures and Fertilizers in Apple Cultivation: – Timely application of organic and in-organic fertilizers result in good fruit set in apple plantation. Apple orchard requires on an average 20°C to 25°C during growing period along with 100 to 130 cm evenly distributed annual rainfall. The plants are raised from seeds and bear fruit in about 3 to 4 years. Usually, the economic life of an apple tree is more than 35 years. In supermarkets the Apples are sold as sections or as whole fruit. Based on the variety of the Apples, harvesting is done in between January and October. Apple cultivation faces a number of challenges. Intercultural operation should be maintained perfectly. Planting several cultivars will also ensure having fruit to market throughout the harvest season because they mature at different times. The area under apple cultivation in India increased by 24% from 1.95 lakh ha. The fruit should be moisture free while packing and also the fruit should be packed according to the grading standards and in different cartoon boxes. Post-Harvest Tasks in Apple Cultivation: – Pre-cooling, grading, storage, packing, transportation and marketing are the post-harvest tasks to be followed in apple cultivation. However, the size and shape of the apple tree are determined by root stock selection and trimming (Pruning) method. Avoid growing apples in areas where heavy winds are expected. When it comes fruit yield, fruit yield increases from 8th year to 18 year and thereafter remains stable (constant) for 30 to 35 years. Soil and climate requirements for Growing Apples: Land preparation and planting for Growing Apples: Manure and fertilization method in Growing Apples: Flowering and pollination in Growing Apples: Pest and diseases control measures in Growing Apples: Post harvesting techniques in Growing Apples: Rosemary Cultivation, Planting Methods For Beginners, Amla Cultivation (Gooseberry), Planting Methods, Growing Tangerines and Cultivation Practices, Carambola Cultivation (Star Fruit), Growing Methods, Growing Apricots, Planting Methods, Cultivation Basics, Growing Passion Fruit, Planting Techniques, Growing Pineapple Fruit, Planting, Cultivation Practices, Growing Cherries, Planting, and Farming Practices, Growing Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) Information, Growing Olives, Cultivation Practices For Beginners, Brussels Sprout Growing Guide For Beginners, Dairy Management Practices – A Beginners Guide, Potato Chips Business – A Beginners Guide, British Alpine Goat Facts, Profile, Characteristics, Improving Soil Fertility – A Role of Organic Matter, Growing Pears In India, Cultivation Practices Guide, Growing Moringa In Pots / Containers / Backyards, Agriculture Schemes For Farmer Welfare In India, Growing Apples, Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods, Eggplant Growing (Brinjal) – A Beginners Guide, Growing Tamarind Fruit From Seeds,Cultivation Practices, Mud Crab Culture and Fattening Information, Growing Mangoes In Containers Information, Geranium Farming, Cultivation, Growing Methods, Hydroponic Tomato Cultivation, Cost and Profits, Profitable Quail Farming Business For Beginners, Strawberry Production, Planting, Harvesting Guide, Growing Ridge Gourd, Cultivation Practices Details, Growing Marigold from Dried Flowers, and Seeds, Growing Tea Plants Procedure For Beginners, Growing Sweet Potatoes In Containers / Indoors, Growing Areca Nut (Betel Nut) Information For Beginners, Growing Watermelon, Cultivation, Planting Guide, Jackfruit Cultivation, Planting, Growing Methods, Coconut Oil Production – A Beginners Guide, Growing Chinese Cabbage, Cultivation Practices, Rose Apple Farming (Java Apple, Wax Apple), Cultivation, Growing Curry Leaf Plants, Cultivation Methods, Growing Knolkol (Kohlbari),Planting Methods Details, How to Start an Organic Farming Business in India, Aloe Vera Growing, Planting, Harvesting Information, Jasmine Flowers Growing Indoors Information, Tulsi Cultivation Practices, Planting Methods Guide, Types Of Irrigation In Agriculture and Farming, 50 Pair Emu Farming Project Report and Business Plan, Indigenous Cow Breeds of India and Their Importance, Growing Lemon Grass In India, Cultivation Methods, Paddy Cultivation Information For Beginners, Pumpkin Cultivation Practices, Growing Methods, Plant Nursery Business – A Beginners Guide, Growing Spinach In Pots / Indoors / Backyards. , Arunachal Pradesh apple producing region @ 750-1000 ppm can be trained to a central leader system is followed the! 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