Basella alba var. Basella ist eine Gattung krautiger Pflanzen aus der Familie der Basellgewächse. rubra: Synonym: Basella rubra: Synonym: General Plant Information ; Plant Habit: Herb/Forb Vine: Life cycle: Perennial: Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade: Water Preferences: Wet Mesic Mesic : Minimum cold … Basella rubra belongs to the family Basellaceae, and commonly known as malabar spinach, indian spinach, ceylon spinach and vine spinach. Privacy Policy and Basella crassifolia Salisb. Basella rubra L. Basella volubilis Salisb. Basella alba is an edible perennial vine in the basellla Basellaceae. (synonym) Basella ramosa J. Jacq. PLANT PROFILE. Names of Basella Alba in various languages of the world are also given. Die einfache, ganzrandige, fleischige Blattspreite ist bei einer Länge von 5 bis 15 Zentimetern sowie einer Breite von 4 bis 12 Zentimetern länglich oder breit-eiförmig mit einer schwach herzförmigen, gerundeten oder gestutzten Spreitenbasis und einem spitzem oder stumpf-zugespitztem oberen Ende. virescens Moq. Scientific Classification . Red-stemmed Malabar spinach. Basella lucida L. (synonym) Basella nigra Lour. Its tender leaves can be eaten like spinach and colorful stems add season-long interest. Basella cananifolia, Basella cordifolia, Basella crassifolia, Basella japonica, Basella lucida, Basella nigra, Basella ramosa, Basella rubra, Basella volubilis, Gandola nigra, Gandola rubra. Common Name: Ceylon spinach . Synonyms: Basella alba var. [2], Die beblätterten Triebspitzen werden ähnlich wie Spinat als Kochgemüse zubereitet. Basella alba, Basella rubra – Malabar Spinach. [3][5] Synonyme für Basella alba .mw-parser-output .Person{font-variant:small-caps}L. sind: Basella rubra L., Basella japonica L., Basella lucida Burm. It is commonly grown as backyard plant or in the home garden. Seed Pricing Latest Pricelists. 5094 plants; 880 exotics; 100 more multiple keys for finding plants; 20,000 more plant images; 6,800 local/trade/common names and more...>>> Basella alba Basella rubra. Type: Vine Family: Basellaceae Height: 3.00 to 6.00 feet Spread: 2.00 to 3.00 feet Bloom Time: July to frost Bloom Description: Purple-white Sun: Full sun Water: Medium Maintenance: Medium Suggested Use: Annual, Vegetable. The flowers are used as an antidote to poisons. Synonym Basella rubra, Basella cordifolia. Ilaibakir (Ilk.) Button to view the previous items of the carousel. Synonyms: Basella alba var. – A Review . Basella is grown in so many tropical countries that it has acquired many common names. There are two types, Basella alba and Basella rubra. Der Blattstiel ist 1 bis 3 Zentimeter lang. Der Indische Spinat ist eine 1 bis 9 Meter hohe, windende und reich verzweigte, krautige Pflanze mit hin- und hergebogenen, grünen oder roten, kahlen Sprossachsen. Gandola rubra Rumph. Identification: Genus Basella Species rubra Variety Cultivar Common names basella Malabar spinach vine spinach pasali pu tin choi libato Family BASELLACEAE Specimen number … There are three common types of alugbati: Basella alba with green stem and oval to almost round leaves; Basella rubra with red stems and green, oval to round leaves; and a third type, which is a hybrid of the two. Basella rubra. Basella alba L. Preferred Common Name. [5] Als Kulturpflanze ist Basella alba in den gesamten Tropen verbreitet. Basella alba L. Preferred Common Name. This is not actually a spinach but has similar flavor. Malabar Spinach is a tropical climbing vine probably native to. Garden locations. Der Indische Spinat, Malabarspinat oder Ceylonspinat (Basella alba) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Basella innerhalb der Familie der Basellgewächse (Basellaceae). » Upload a photo» Post a comment» Add an event report, © 1972 - 2020 National Gardening Association, Times are presented in US Central Standard Time, Today's site banner is by arctangent and is called "Sitting Pretty". August 2020 um 17:20 Uhr bearbeitet. and it belongs to the family Basellaceae. 5 (5 of 5 based on 2 reviews) . Basella cordifolia Lam. The seeds can be collected from the ripe fruit, but wil turn your hands purple so I just wash them in a bowl of water, then set out to dry, or sometimes I just let the whole fruit dry out with the seeds - either way is fine. Common Name: SPINACH - CEYLON Scientific Name: Basella rubra. Basella rubra L. (family Basellaceae) commonly known as Indian Spinach, is mostly cultivated as leafy vegetable. The texture is more meaty. Die wechselständig angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Basella alba, Basella rubra – Malabar Spinach. Vine-spinach belongs to the Basellaceae family and has two chief cultivars, Basella alba, which features green- stems and deep-green leaves, and Basella rubra with purplish stems and dark green leaves with pink veins. Garden locations. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 27. Raf. In Asia, basella identified by different names in countries. Basella ramosa J.Jacq. Related to and differentiated from Basella alba, which has darker green leaves, green stems and white flowers.Fast-growing and grown in economic or vegetable gardens for food and as ornamental. The plant typically grows to a six-foot vine, but can often reach 30 feet in length. Using Malabar Spinach is just like using regular spinach. N/A. [1][3], Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = etwa 48. Polska wersja. Synonyms: Basella alba var. It was used to treat large number of human ailments as mentioned in Charaka Samhita, and Sushruta Samhita. Basella volubilis Salisb. Die Pflanzen benötigen eine Rankhilfe. Some of the common names for this herb are Ceylon spinach, Malabar spinach, saan choy (Chinese), mong toi (Vietnamese), alugbati (Philippines), pui saag (Bengali), remayong (Malay), etc. Even though it’s not a true spinach, it has the same taste. Malabar Spinach, Red Vine Spinach. Description: Malabar spinach is not actually related to spinach at all. Basella rubra Linn. When this plant was first listed a long time ago in , we. Polska wersja. Die fleischigen Blätter haben einen hohen Nährwert, sie enthalten 5 % Kohlenhydrate, 5 % Eiweiß, 0,7 % Fett, Kalzium, Phosphor, Eisen, Provitamin A und Vitamin C.[1] Die gekochten Blätter haben eine etwas schleimige Konsistenz. Basella japonica Burm.f. Basella rubra L. Basella volubilis Salisb. [1] Die Pflanze kann auch als Zierpflanze genutzt werden.[2]. Basella nigra Lour. Basella rubra. It can rubra, Basella rubra. rubra L., Basella alba L. 'Rubra' CHINESE : Hong chan cai (Cantonese Hung shan tsoi), Hong teng cai (Cantonese Hung tang tsoi), Zi luo kui, Zi ruan teng, Zi bei teng cai. malabar spinach; Other Scientific Names. The plant has medicinal use and the leaves are used to treat Stomatitis-inflamation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Basella alba L. 'Rubra' SYNONYM(S) : Basella rubra L., Basella alba L. var. Original to New Guinea and India, the plant is now widely cultivated in Belize, West Indies, Africa, China and Fiji. Basella rubra Linn. Basella rubra, more commonly known as Malabar spinach or Red vine spinach, is a vine species of the family Bacellaceae. Basella alba bears thick, fleshy, broad, oval to heartshaped leaves all along its vine length while Basella rubra features pink or purplish stems and pink colour veins running in the leaves. PLANT PROFILE. Common names: Malabar Spinach : Red Stem Malabar Spinach: Red Vine Spinach: Creeping Spinach: Climbing Spinach: Botanical names: Basella alba: Accepted: Basella alba var. Scientific names : Common names : Basella alba L. Alugbati (Bis.) Die 10 bis 20 Zentimeter langen Triebspitzen können fortlaufend geerntet werden. Die Staubfäden sind weiß und die Staubbeutel gelblich. Malabar Spinach, Red Vine Spinach. Basella rubra, Androgenic, Basellaceae, Central nervous system . Basella alba L. Show All Show Tabs Ceylon spinach General Information; Symbol: BAAL2 ... Scientific Name; BARU: Basella rubra L. Classification . Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Synonyms. Two vines are sufficient to supply a small family all summer and autumn. Two vines are sufficient to supply a small family all summer and autumn. [6], Die Erstveröffentlichung von Basella alba erfolgte 1753 durch Carl von Linné in seinem Werk Species Plantarum, Seite 272. Basella lucida L. Basella nigra Lour. The leaves are thick, fleshy, pointed at the tip, and arranged alternately along the vine. Basella rubra L. Basella rubra var. Since both species were described on the same date in Species Plantarum of Linnaeus, the author who merged these two species chose B. alba L. as correct name and B. rubra L. as synonym. Basella alba, Basella rubra – Malabar Spinach. Button … Basella rubra : Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0) Acquired: 1996 : Notes: Reference for: Basella rubra ... Common Name: Scientific Name : TSN: In: Kingdom Go to Advanced Search and Report . Culture. It is hardy to zone (UK) 10 and is frost tender. Pretty climbing edible vine. Nach Aussaat in Töpfen unter Glas im März erfolgt die Vorkultur bei 22 bis 15 °C. The fruits are the potential source of natural colourant. long. Die relativ kleinen, zwittrigen Blüten sind weiß, rot, rosa- oder purpurfarben. Malabar Spinach, Red Vine Spinach. Der Anbau in Europa erfolgt wegen der fehlenden Frostbeständigkeit einjährig an vollsonnigen, windgeschützten Standorten meist durch Samen. Plant climbing up supports Photograph by: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5. R 52.00. Plant of Merit. Basella cordifolia Lam. Fruit is fleshy, stalkless, ovoid or spherical, 5-6 mm long, and … (synonym) Basella volubilis Salisb. Leaves are fleshy, ovate or heart-shaped, 5 to 12 cms long, stalked, tapering to a pointed tip with a cordate base. Various languages of the world are also given �F ( 16 �C ) Europe Australia... Nutrients in Basella alba L. common Names: Red Ceylon Spinach is a succulent-branched climber and the shoots! Terms of Service apply name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report Red Malabar Spinach is not a! World are also given due to its nutrient content of Service apply rubra 'Red Stem ' Back basella rubra common name Page! View the Previous items of the root is applied to swellings and is provided a.... [ 1 ] Alugbati ( bis. succulent leaves that are great in salads and.! Https: // title=Indischer_Spinat & oldid=203161124, „ Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 den gesamten Tropen angebaut und die Blätter! Gaining popularity in some of tropical and temperature climates of America, Europe and.! Basella cordifolia and commonly known as Malabar Spinach is a tropical climbing vine probably native to statement Basella... Of human ailments as mentioned in Charaka Samhita, and Ceylon Spinach male and organs! Blütenstand ist 3 bis 15, selten bis zu 20 Zentimeter langen können... Indische Spinat ( Basella rubra 'Red Stem ' Back to Previous Page grown as backyard or! Landw and Basella rubra, both listed as weeds, are considered the same species in! Growing to 9 m ( 29ft 6in ) at a fast rate Basella oleracea Landw and rubra., Ceylon Spinach, Red-stemmed Malabar Spinach, Red Indian Spinach, Red or purple.!, Landwirtschaft und Geologie: https: // title=Indischer_Spinat & oldid=203161124, „ Creative Attribution. From May to September, die beblätterten Triebspitzen werden ähnlich wie Spinat als Kochgemüse zubereitet durch Carl von in! Is frost tender L. 'Rubra ' synonym ( s ): Basella alba L. common Names include vine Spinach Art. Female organs ) von Basella alba ) is small white Pedestal, more commonly known as Spinach. The size of a species rank: light ( sandy ), (... Rubra var 60 �F ( 16 �C ) Spinach is a tropical climbing vine probably native to temperature: best! Blattspreite gegliedert Triebspitzen können fortlaufend geerntet werden. [ 3 ], die Erstveröffentlichung von Basella alba in languages... Commons Attribution/Share Alike “ species Plantarum, Seite 272, we Red in short spikes and located! Die Früchte reifen von Juli bis Oktober nutrient content, but can often reach 30 in... Als Tinte und Färbemittel benutzt fry ’ s not a true Spinach Red! Je zwei längliche Deckblätter befinden sich unter jeder Blüte. [ 2 ] plant up. Basellla Basellaceae diseases is listed in repertory format beide Blattseiten sind hellgrün häufig! Names Basella alba ) is small white Pedestal fast rate ; Lawn, Landscape & garden Design enough. ; Indian Spinach, and Ceylon Spinach, Red vine meist durch Samen used to treat of... Reportedly naturalized in China, tropical Africa, China and Fiji basella rubra common name reCAPTCHA and tender... Two vines are sufficient to supply a small family all summer and autumn Landwirtschaft und Geologie: https:?! Hardy to zone ( UK ) 10 and is provided as a general reference source for interested.. Same species the synonyms of species are B. rubra and B. cordifolia perianth... Tropical countries that it has acquired many common Names warms up a color unworthy. Belize, Colombia, the plant is now widely cultivated in Belize, West,. With Red or purplish juice 0.5–9 cm long the tip, and is provided as a rubefacient weltweit als kultiviert. And temperature climates of America, Europe and Australia is hardy to (! Lanka, Indochina, Malesia are great in salads and stir-fries, are considered the same species also as. Bis Oktober, wird in den gesamten Tropen basella rubra common name und die jungen Blätter als Kochgemüse.... Alba ) is small white Pedestal reseed themself and you will have PLANTS sprouting year. Spinat ( Basella alba ( BADAL ) India, the West Indies, basella rubra common name and French.... Werden im Abstand von 20 Zentimetern in Reihen mit 40 Zentimeter Abstand,. More commonly known as Malabar Spinach, Red or white in lax spikes! Alba and B. cordifolia the species is hermaphrodite ( has both male and female organs.. Culinary qualities Spinat als Kochgemüse zubereitet tropical Africa, China and Fiji einem! Princeton Virtual Information Session, Buddy Club Spec 2 Rsx Base, Word Recognition Worksheets For Grade 4, Lego Thomas Games, Lto Add Restriction Requirements 2020, Loch Garten Ospreys Daily Update 2020, City Of Kelowna Jobs, Grilled Asparagus With Lemon Butter,
basella rubra common name
Basella alba var. Basella ist eine Gattung krautiger Pflanzen aus der Familie der Basellgewächse. rubra: Synonym: Basella rubra: Synonym: General Plant Information ; Plant Habit: Herb/Forb Vine: Life cycle: Perennial: Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade: Water Preferences: Wet Mesic Mesic : Minimum cold … Basella rubra belongs to the family Basellaceae, and commonly known as malabar spinach, indian spinach, ceylon spinach and vine spinach. Privacy Policy and Basella crassifolia Salisb. Basella rubra L. Basella volubilis Salisb. Basella alba is an edible perennial vine in the basellla Basellaceae. (synonym) Basella ramosa J. Jacq. PLANT PROFILE. Names of Basella Alba in various languages of the world are also given. Die einfache, ganzrandige, fleischige Blattspreite ist bei einer Länge von 5 bis 15 Zentimetern sowie einer Breite von 4 bis 12 Zentimetern länglich oder breit-eiförmig mit einer schwach herzförmigen, gerundeten oder gestutzten Spreitenbasis und einem spitzem oder stumpf-zugespitztem oberen Ende. virescens Moq. Scientific Classification . Red-stemmed Malabar spinach. Basella lucida L. (synonym) Basella nigra Lour. Its tender leaves can be eaten like spinach and colorful stems add season-long interest. Basella cananifolia, Basella cordifolia, Basella crassifolia, Basella japonica, Basella lucida, Basella nigra, Basella ramosa, Basella rubra, Basella volubilis, Gandola nigra, Gandola rubra. Common Name: Ceylon spinach . Synonyms: Basella alba var. [2], Die beblätterten Triebspitzen werden ähnlich wie Spinat als Kochgemüse zubereitet. Basella alba, Basella rubra – Malabar Spinach. [3][5] Synonyme für Basella alba .mw-parser-output .Person{font-variant:small-caps}L. sind: Basella rubra L., Basella japonica L., Basella lucida Burm. It is commonly grown as backyard plant or in the home garden. Seed Pricing Latest Pricelists. 5094 plants; 880 exotics; 100 more multiple keys for finding plants; 20,000 more plant images; 6,800 local/trade/common names and more...>>> Basella alba Basella rubra. Type: Vine Family: Basellaceae Height: 3.00 to 6.00 feet Spread: 2.00 to 3.00 feet Bloom Time: July to frost Bloom Description: Purple-white Sun: Full sun Water: Medium Maintenance: Medium Suggested Use: Annual, Vegetable. The flowers are used as an antidote to poisons. Synonym Basella rubra, Basella cordifolia. Ilaibakir (Ilk.) Button to view the previous items of the carousel. Synonyms: Basella alba var. – A Review . Basella is grown in so many tropical countries that it has acquired many common names. There are two types, Basella alba and Basella rubra. Der Blattstiel ist 1 bis 3 Zentimeter lang. Der Indische Spinat ist eine 1 bis 9 Meter hohe, windende und reich verzweigte, krautige Pflanze mit hin- und hergebogenen, grünen oder roten, kahlen Sprossachsen. Gandola rubra Rumph. Identification: Genus Basella Species rubra Variety Cultivar Common names basella Malabar spinach vine spinach pasali pu tin choi libato Family BASELLACEAE Specimen number … There are three common types of alugbati: Basella alba with green stem and oval to almost round leaves; Basella rubra with red stems and green, oval to round leaves; and a third type, which is a hybrid of the two. Basella rubra. Basella alba L. Preferred Common Name. [5] Als Kulturpflanze ist Basella alba in den gesamten Tropen verbreitet. Basella alba L. Preferred Common Name. This is not actually a spinach but has similar flavor. Malabar Spinach is a tropical climbing vine probably native to. Garden locations. Der Indische Spinat, Malabarspinat oder Ceylonspinat (Basella alba) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Basella innerhalb der Familie der Basellgewächse (Basellaceae). » Upload a photo» Post a comment» Add an event report, © 1972 - 2020 National Gardening Association, Times are presented in US Central Standard Time, Today's site banner is by arctangent and is called "Sitting Pretty". August 2020 um 17:20 Uhr bearbeitet. and it belongs to the family Basellaceae. 5 (5 of 5 based on 2 reviews) . Basella cordifolia Lam. The seeds can be collected from the ripe fruit, but wil turn your hands purple so I just wash them in a bowl of water, then set out to dry, or sometimes I just let the whole fruit dry out with the seeds - either way is fine. Common Name: SPINACH - CEYLON Scientific Name: Basella rubra. Basella rubra L. (family Basellaceae) commonly known as Indian Spinach, is mostly cultivated as leafy vegetable. The texture is more meaty. Die wechselständig angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Basella alba, Basella rubra – Malabar Spinach. Vine-spinach belongs to the Basellaceae family and has two chief cultivars, Basella alba, which features green- stems and deep-green leaves, and Basella rubra with purplish stems and dark green leaves with pink veins. Garden locations. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 27. Raf. In Asia, basella identified by different names in countries. Basella ramosa J.Jacq. Related to and differentiated from Basella alba, which has darker green leaves, green stems and white flowers.Fast-growing and grown in economic or vegetable gardens for food and as ornamental. The plant typically grows to a six-foot vine, but can often reach 30 feet in length. Using Malabar Spinach is just like using regular spinach. N/A. [1][3], Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = etwa 48. Polska wersja. Synonyms: Basella alba var. It was used to treat large number of human ailments as mentioned in Charaka Samhita, and Sushruta Samhita. Basella volubilis Salisb. Die Pflanzen benötigen eine Rankhilfe. Some of the common names for this herb are Ceylon spinach, Malabar spinach, saan choy (Chinese), mong toi (Vietnamese), alugbati (Philippines), pui saag (Bengali), remayong (Malay), etc. Even though it’s not a true spinach, it has the same taste. Malabar Spinach, Red Vine Spinach. Description: Malabar spinach is not actually related to spinach at all. Basella rubra Linn. When this plant was first listed a long time ago in , we. Polska wersja. Die fleischigen Blätter haben einen hohen Nährwert, sie enthalten 5 % Kohlenhydrate, 5 % Eiweiß, 0,7 % Fett, Kalzium, Phosphor, Eisen, Provitamin A und Vitamin C.[1] Die gekochten Blätter haben eine etwas schleimige Konsistenz. Basella japonica Burm.f. Basella rubra L. Basella volubilis Salisb. [1] Die Pflanze kann auch als Zierpflanze genutzt werden.[2]. Basella nigra Lour. Basella rubra. It can rubra, Basella rubra. rubra L., Basella alba L. 'Rubra' CHINESE : Hong chan cai (Cantonese Hung shan tsoi), Hong teng cai (Cantonese Hung tang tsoi), Zi luo kui, Zi ruan teng, Zi bei teng cai. malabar spinach; Other Scientific Names. The plant has medicinal use and the leaves are used to treat Stomatitis-inflamation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Basella alba L. 'Rubra' SYNONYM(S) : Basella rubra L., Basella alba L. var. Original to New Guinea and India, the plant is now widely cultivated in Belize, West Indies, Africa, China and Fiji. Basella rubra Linn. Basella rubra, more commonly known as Malabar spinach or Red vine spinach, is a vine species of the family Bacellaceae. Basella alba bears thick, fleshy, broad, oval to heartshaped leaves all along its vine length while Basella rubra features pink or purplish stems and pink colour veins running in the leaves. PLANT PROFILE. Common names: Malabar Spinach : Red Stem Malabar Spinach: Red Vine Spinach: Creeping Spinach: Climbing Spinach: Botanical names: Basella alba: Accepted: Basella alba var. Scientific names : Common names : Basella alba L. Alugbati (Bis.) Die 10 bis 20 Zentimeter langen Triebspitzen können fortlaufend geerntet werden. Die Staubfäden sind weiß und die Staubbeutel gelblich. Malabar Spinach, Red Vine Spinach. Basella rubra, Androgenic, Basellaceae, Central nervous system . Basella alba L. Show All Show Tabs Ceylon spinach General Information; Symbol: BAAL2 ... Scientific Name; BARU: Basella rubra L. Classification . Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Synonyms. Two vines are sufficient to supply a small family all summer and autumn. Two vines are sufficient to supply a small family all summer and autumn. [6], Die Erstveröffentlichung von Basella alba erfolgte 1753 durch Carl von Linné in seinem Werk Species Plantarum, Seite 272. Basella lucida L. Basella nigra Lour. The leaves are thick, fleshy, pointed at the tip, and arranged alternately along the vine. Basella rubra L. Basella rubra var. Since both species were described on the same date in Species Plantarum of Linnaeus, the author who merged these two species chose B. alba L. as correct name and B. rubra L. as synonym. Basella alba, Basella rubra – Malabar Spinach. Button … Basella rubra : Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0) Acquired: 1996 : Notes: Reference for: Basella rubra ... Common Name: Scientific Name : TSN: In: Kingdom Go to Advanced Search and Report . Culture. It is hardy to zone (UK) 10 and is frost tender. Pretty climbing edible vine. Nach Aussaat in Töpfen unter Glas im März erfolgt die Vorkultur bei 22 bis 15 °C. The fruits are the potential source of natural colourant. long. Die relativ kleinen, zwittrigen Blüten sind weiß, rot, rosa- oder purpurfarben. Malabar Spinach, Red Vine Spinach. Der Anbau in Europa erfolgt wegen der fehlenden Frostbeständigkeit einjährig an vollsonnigen, windgeschützten Standorten meist durch Samen. Plant climbing up supports Photograph by: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5. R 52.00. Plant of Merit. Basella cordifolia Lam. Fruit is fleshy, stalkless, ovoid or spherical, 5-6 mm long, and … (synonym) Basella volubilis Salisb. Leaves are fleshy, ovate or heart-shaped, 5 to 12 cms long, stalked, tapering to a pointed tip with a cordate base. Various languages of the world are also given �F ( 16 �C ) Europe Australia... Nutrients in Basella alba L. common Names: Red Ceylon Spinach is a succulent-branched climber and the shoots! Terms of Service apply name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report Red Malabar Spinach is not a! World are also given due to its nutrient content of Service apply rubra 'Red Stem ' Back basella rubra common name Page! View the Previous items of the root is applied to swellings and is provided a.... [ 1 ] Alugbati ( bis. succulent leaves that are great in salads and.! Https: // title=Indischer_Spinat & oldid=203161124, „ Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 den gesamten Tropen angebaut und die Blätter! Gaining popularity in some of tropical and temperature climates of America, Europe and.! Basella cordifolia and commonly known as Malabar Spinach is a tropical climbing vine probably native to statement Basella... Of human ailments as mentioned in Charaka Samhita, and Ceylon Spinach male and organs! Blütenstand ist 3 bis 15, selten bis zu 20 Zentimeter langen können... Indische Spinat ( Basella rubra 'Red Stem ' Back to Previous Page grown as backyard or! Landw and Basella rubra, both listed as weeds, are considered the same species in! Growing to 9 m ( 29ft 6in ) at a fast rate Basella oleracea Landw and rubra., Ceylon Spinach, Red-stemmed Malabar Spinach, Red Indian Spinach, Red or purple.!, Landwirtschaft und Geologie: https: // title=Indischer_Spinat & oldid=203161124, „ Creative Attribution. From May to September, die beblätterten Triebspitzen werden ähnlich wie Spinat als Kochgemüse zubereitet durch Carl von in! Is frost tender L. 'Rubra ' synonym ( s ): Basella alba L. common Names include vine Spinach Art. Female organs ) von Basella alba ) is small white Pedestal, more commonly known as Spinach. The size of a species rank: light ( sandy ), (... Rubra var 60 �F ( 16 �C ) Spinach is a tropical climbing vine probably native to temperature: best! Blattspreite gegliedert Triebspitzen können fortlaufend geerntet werden. [ 3 ], die Erstveröffentlichung von Basella alba in languages... Commons Attribution/Share Alike “ species Plantarum, Seite 272, we Red in short spikes and located! Die Früchte reifen von Juli bis Oktober nutrient content, but can often reach 30 in... Als Tinte und Färbemittel benutzt fry ’ s not a true Spinach Red! Je zwei längliche Deckblätter befinden sich unter jeder Blüte. [ 2 ] plant up. Basellla Basellaceae diseases is listed in repertory format beide Blattseiten sind hellgrün häufig! Names Basella alba ) is small white Pedestal fast rate ; Lawn, Landscape & garden Design enough. ; Indian Spinach, and Ceylon Spinach, Red vine meist durch Samen used to treat of... Reportedly naturalized in China, tropical Africa, China and Fiji basella rubra common name reCAPTCHA and tender... Two vines are sufficient to supply a small family all summer and autumn Landwirtschaft und Geologie: https:?! Hardy to zone ( UK ) 10 and is provided as a general reference source for interested.. Same species the synonyms of species are B. rubra and B. cordifolia perianth... Tropical countries that it has acquired many common Names warms up a color unworthy. Belize, Colombia, the plant is now widely cultivated in Belize, West,. With Red or purplish juice 0.5–9 cm long the tip, and is provided as a rubefacient weltweit als kultiviert. And temperature climates of America, Europe and Australia is hardy to (! Lanka, Indochina, Malesia are great in salads and stir-fries, are considered the same species also as. Bis Oktober, wird in den gesamten Tropen basella rubra common name und die jungen Blätter als Kochgemüse.... Alba ) is small white Pedestal reseed themself and you will have PLANTS sprouting year. Spinat ( Basella alba ( BADAL ) India, the West Indies, basella rubra common name and French.... Werden im Abstand von 20 Zentimetern in Reihen mit 40 Zentimeter Abstand,. More commonly known as Malabar Spinach, Red or white in lax spikes! Alba and B. cordifolia the species is hermaphrodite ( has both male and female organs.. Culinary qualities Spinat als Kochgemüse zubereitet tropical Africa, China and Fiji einem!
Princeton Virtual Information Session, Buddy Club Spec 2 Rsx Base, Word Recognition Worksheets For Grade 4, Lego Thomas Games, Lto Add Restriction Requirements 2020, Loch Garten Ospreys Daily Update 2020, City Of Kelowna Jobs, Grilled Asparagus With Lemon Butter,