[2] Various maps give different zone names and boundaries. The stronger correlation of SIF with climate factors was also observed at the ecosystem level based on a number of eddy covariance flux sites, indicating that SIF had a higher ability in capturing the variations of gross primary productivity (GPP) than did EVI. Towards a comprehensive Monitoring of Organochlorine Pesticides Residue Contamination Levels in Poultry Feeds in North Shewa... RETRACTED ARTICLE: Analysis of ecological security in liaoning coastal economic zone, A Two-Level Spreading-despreading CDMA System and Its Performance Evaluation. Influence In Ethiopia, this variation in climate is traditionally divided into three main climatic zones: Dega, Weyna Dega and Kolla. Such a parameter (aridity map: Fig. Bridging critical gaps in climate services and applications Zones are a second-level subdivision of Ethiopia, below regions and above woredas, or districts. The analysis revealed that nearly 73.4% of the landscape is absent (0%) of tree cover, 7.1%, shows 1-10% and 19.5% area having more than 10% tree cover. Bibliographic information. The climatic data of 32 stations of Uttarkahand and adjoining region were collected and the thematic layers of climatic parameters, annual average temperature and precipitation were generated using the spatial analyst Extension of ARC-View. In Proceedings It has been found that both annual and monthly rainfall at different stations was described by different probability distributions. Genre Maps. Agroecological zones (area) Appendix 1. Since high soil disturbance induces low soil aggregates stability, this result shows how low soil disturbance can significantly increase SWC of radical terraces. The single crop of irrigated and rain-fed croplands showed high land suitability towards agroforestry. The summers are much rainier than the winters in Addis Abeba. Official name: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: Capital: Addis Ababa: Area: total: 1,127,127 sq km water: 7,444 sq km land: 1,119,683 sq km: Climate: AGROCLIMATIC ZONES OF ETHIOPIA As the climate is rather complex, it has been the topic of many studies and several classification systems have been applied to the Ethiopian situation. The zones are listed below, by region. However, dry lowland savannas and deserts surround this moist highland area. This zone affects all locations in the country that are between 1500 to 2500 meters above sea level. In the agro-ecological zones, small-scale subsistence farming is widely practiced in the highlands and livestock keeping in the lowlands. Probability of wet days and dry periods of different durations was determined. Various maps give different zone names and boundaries. (1995). SIF was more sensitive to climate variability than was EVI. Natural Resources Management & Regulatory Department. The climate here is mild, and generally warm and temperate. Climate. Dinku, T., Block, P., Sharoff, J., Hailemariam, K., Osgood, D., del There is high variation of rainfall pattern among the stations. Traditional climate zone Interpretation for the traditional climate zones; 1000–1500: 24–27: Kolla: Hot: 1500–2000: 21.5–24: Weina Kolla: Warm: 2000–2500: 15–21.5: Weina dega: Tepid: 2500–3000: 11.5–15: Dega: Cool >3000 <11.5: Wurch: Very cool The present paper analyses SWC variations in four newly implemented terraced sites in Tigray Region, Ethiopia. [1] The exact number of zones is unclear, as the names and number of zones given in documents by Ethiopia's Central Statistical Agency differ between 2005[1] and 2007. For example in Ethiopian Highlands average daytime temperature is in range between 25 and 30 °C (77-86 °F) year-round and there is significant amount of precipitation. By adopting the two-level scheme, the generalized orthogonal(GO) zone of GO codes can be utilized. traditional agro-clim atic zones. Belg (Autumn) - September, October and November are the spring season sometime known as the harvest season. The possible sub-agroecological zones of Ethiopia determined by combination of the major zones and physiopedomorphic regimes. We used a long-term, fine-resolution solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) product (GOSIF) derived from SIF soundings measured by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) to investigate how climatic factors drive the IAV of global ecosystem productivity. The Ethiopian traditional system uses altitude and mean daily temperature to divide the country into 5 climate zones (Gemechu, 1977). In this paper, the forward link of a multi-cell CDMA system employing the two-level scheme is presented and analyzed. Ethiopia, pp 20. Precipitation in Ethiopia decreased to 16.32 mm in December from 41.93 mm in November of 2015. The flora of Ethiopia consists of many types of vegetation, flowers, and plants. Drought is the single most destructive climate-related natural hazard in However, relief plays a significant role in moderating temperature, so higher elevations experience weather typical of temperate zones. The comparison between SIF and EVI also highlighted the biome-specific (depending on the tree cover) responses of ecosystem productivity to solar radiation under water stress. On the other hand, 33 elaborated agro-ecological zones are recognized by many institutions at present where many kinds of crops are also grown in … The different climatic and geological zones of Ethiopia provide different types of plant. The BER performance obtained by Gaussian Approximation is compared with that of the traditional one-level. An Agro-ecological Cell (AEC) is defined by a unique combination of landform, soil and climatic characterist. and Environmental Modelling. The future climate data analysis showed a significant change in the distribution of temperature and precipitation that will influence future farming practices in South Asia. equation is recommended for general use. Heavier rainfall events are infrequent but they make up a significant percentage of the total rainfall. The traditional zones include Bereha, Kolla, Woina Dega, Dega,Wurch and Kur where many kinds of crops are grown in each of these ecological zones. 4. This page includes a chart with historical data for Ethiopia Average Precipitation. It is temperate on the plateau and hot in the lowlands. The line between the Afrotropical, or Ethiopian, region and the Holarctic is generally drawn somewhere across the Sahara desert (Figure 2). of the 3 rd International Conference on Integrating GIS Annual and monthly rainfall was fitted to the theoretical probability distributions and the best distributions describing the data at respective stations were determined. Awoday in Hararghe is the biggest market of khat exporting to Djibouti and Somalia. Rural livelihood systems – crop cultivation, pastoralism, and agro-pastoralism – are highly sensitive to climate. Trees are an integral part of the sustainable farming practices that can withstand extreme weather events, pest risks, and optimize land and water productivity to achieve food, fuel, fodder and nutritional security while safeguarding the environmental flows. The Ethiopian traditional method of climate classification based on temperature and altitude was found to be less relevant to crop suitability zoning in semi-arid regions of Northern Ethiopia because within this semi-arid drought-prone environment the rainfall is more important for crop growth than temperature. Kiremt or Meher (Summer) - June, July and August are the summer season. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Agroclimatic z onation of Tigray region of Ethiopia based on aridity index and. Earth Persp.,1: pp 15. This study was undertaken to analyze the landscape potential for the South Asian region in the geospatial domain utilizing the FAO's land suitability criteria. Many groups are nomadic and some do not have much if any contact with the rest of the world. Heavy rain falls in these three months. LUPRD, Agroecology Section, Ministry of Agriculture. Both productivity measures showed the dominant role of soil moisture in driving the IAV of global ecosystem productivity, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas. Some of the most interesting Ethiopian tribes live in the southern part of the country. Precipitation in Ethiopia averaged 68.03 mm from 1901 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 419.92 mm in August of 1950 and a record low of 0.05 mm in January of 1923. load exceeds the capacity in Liaoning coastal economic zone, and existing development model is not sustainable. The ecoregions of Ethiopia are widely used for extensive grazing systems. The regions of Ethiopia are administratively divided into 68 or more zones (Amharic: ዞን, zonə). Negash, M. and Ermias, B. The regions of Ethiopia are administratively divided into 68 or more zones (Amharic: ዞን, zonə). Soil units 2. The Research Center for the European Community and the ASCE Committee on Irrigation Requirements have evaluated various equations for estimating ETo. A Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis highlighted significant dependency of SWC from the date of analysis, the position in the terraced slope, and its significant positive correlation with the percent of Water Stable Aggregates (WSA) analyzed at the study sites. A radical reanalysis of mammal distributions by Charles H. Smith, however, has concluded that the Mediterranean region, including both its southern and… robust agroecosystem characterization. The cactus plants grow in the highland areas. Soil moisture regimes 3. Thomas, Edward Arnold, London. Oromia has also abundant livestock than any regions in Ethiopia including camels. The first of these – Dega – refers to coldish, less than temperate zones with altitudes ranging between 2,600 and 3,200m. Our findings explicitly reveal the global climatic controls on the IAV of ecosystem productivity, and provide insight into the mechanistic differences between SIF and vegetation indices in characterizing ecosystem productivity. 2008) and agroclimatic zonation, The changing face of agroecosystem characterization: Models and spatial data, the basis for robust agroecosystem characterization. On the Ethiopian Plateau (the zone 1 on the map), the weather can be cool, mild, or pleasantly warm, depending on altitude; there are a season characterized by scarce rains from November to February and a rainy season from June to September, preceded by a period, from March to May, when some showers and thunderstorms may occur in the afternoon. Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, List of administrative divisions by country, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_zones_of_Ethiopia&oldid=992063046, Second-level administrative country subdivisions, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Articles containing Amharic-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Semien Bete-Amhara(Wollo) Zone / North bete-Amhara Zone, Debub bete-Amhara(Wollo) Zone / South Bete-Amhara zone, This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 08:09. Ethiopia > Maps. Most of Ethiopia’s cities and general population are located in this particular climate zone. The exact number of zones is unclear, as the names and number of zones given in documents by Ethiopia's Central Statistical Agency differ between 2005 and 2007. 1, K. GOITOM 1 and H. MESERET 2. Ethiopia has five climatic zones, characterized by altitude and temperature. Moreover, spatial patterns of Soil Water Content (SWC) within the same terraced hillslope are weakly studied. The warm to hot, semi-arid zone: comprise areas with an altitude of 500 - 1,500 meters, typical annual … This location is classified as Cwb by Köppen and Geiger. The Mursi tribe is one example. Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture in Newly Implemented Agricultural Bench Terraces in the Ethiopian Plateau, Global climatic controls on interannual variability of ecosystem productivity: Similarities and differences inferred from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and enhanced vegetation index, Quantification of the Land Potential for Scaling Agroforestry in South Asia, Agro-climatic zonation of Uttarakhand using remote sensing and GIS, The characterisation of rainfall in the arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia, A new agro-climatic classification for crop suitability zoning in northern semi-arid Ethiopia, Defining and Using Reference Evapotranspiration. The objectives were (i) to ascertain the suitability of the climate for growing teff (Eragrostis tef) and barley (Hordeum vulgare); (ii) to determine the onset and length of the growing period (LGP), (iii) to evaluate the traditional method of climate classification, and (iv) to produce comprehensive agro-climatic zones of the Giba catchment. During the process of zonation, the temperature map of Uttarakhand was divided into four thermal regimes 1) <0°C, 2) 0°C - 10°C, 3) 10°C - 20°C and 4) >20°C, thereafter, boundaries of the precipitation distribution (in three regimes 1) < 800 mm, 2) 800-1400 mm, and 3) > 1400 mm) in the state have been overlaid on temperature regimes, which divided entire state of Uttarakhand into twelve Agro-climatic zones. The climate of Ethiopia and its dependent territories varies greatly. In arid areas prone to desertification and soil erosion, the effectiveness of radical bench terracing in reducing drought risk is dependent on its correct implementation. Atlas of Desertification. Agroecological Belts of Ethiopia Explanatory notes on three maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000 Key Words: Agroecology, agroclimatology, belts, major zones, traditional altitudinal belts, GIS, digital elevation modelling, field mapping The average annual temperature in Addis Abeba is … Publication date 2001 Map Data Scale 1:2,000,000. The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is Cwb. Assessing how climate factors regulate the interannual variability (IAV) of ecosystem productivity globally is crucial for understanding the ecosystem-climate interactions and carbon-climate feedbacks under a changing climate. The changing face of agroecosystem LUPRD, Agroecology Section, Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa, The combination of the thermal and moisture regimes 3. N. Middle fen and D.S.G. For the crop suitability zoning, the concept of growing period was introduced into the traditional approach, to produce agro-climatic zones. In arid and semi-arid regions where both the amount and frequency of rainfall occurrence is low, it is essential to take into account the unique rainfall characteristics in such regions. Lega Dembi in Guji Zone, owned by Midroc has exported more than 5000 kilograms of gold followed by Tulu Kapi in Wollaga. The third climate zone is the hot and arid “Kola” zone. However, the relationship between proper terracing implementation and the landscape capacity of holding soil moisture is still not understood. Because Ethiopia is located in the tropical latitudes, its areas of lower elevation experience climatic conditions typical of tropical savanna or desert. The comprehensive analysis revealed that 69% of the total geographical area retains 55% and greater suitability for agroforestry. Decision Tree Classifier (DTC) embedded in ENVI image processing software was used for agroclimatic zonation of Uttarakhand by considering climatic parameters of annual average temperature and precipitation. The method requires limited input data and is simple in its use. Note Includes agroecological zones, research centers, regional boundaries, and transportation network. Towards a comprehensive agro-ecological zonation of Ethiopia. Ethiopia. An Agro-ecological Zone is a land resource mapping unit, defined in terms of climate, landform and soils, and/or land cover, and having a specific range of potentials and constraints for land use. in Africa. It is also the largest producer of cereals and coffee. 69 pp. In all sites, terraced areas show SWC significantly higher than non-terraced ones, with the lower part of the terraced hillslope more humid than the others. spreading-despreading system. Subjects. The agro-climatic resources of Giba catchment in northern Ethiopia were assessed and characterized. Africa is widely held to be highly vulnerable to future climate change and Ethiopia is often cited as one of the most extreme examples. However, the use of agroclimatic information to adjust to the local climate is widespread throughout the world. Ethiopia has a diverse range of agricultural production systems. 1. Addis Abeba climate summary The Addis Abeba lies on 2350m above sea level In Addis Abeba, the climate is warm and temperate. SIF was positively correlated with solar radiation in the humid regions, while no significant correlations were found between EVI and solar radiation. Due to its simplicity and the accuracy of estimates, the 1985 Hargreaves et al. Corral, J., Cousin, R. and Thomson, M.C. The second … Traditional Climatic zones and their physical characteristics 2. The analysis clearly shows that the advent of big data, remote sensing and GIS provide insights into the agroforestry interventions and scaling which further helps in building resilient landscapes for sustainable agri-food systems, livelihoods, safeguarding the environmental security and supporting some of the important sustainable development goals (SDGs). Whole territory of Ethiopia is located in equatorial and subequatorial climate zones however altitude variety brings some features to weather conditions of the country. agro-ecological zonation of Ethiopia. Ethiopia‟s National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH) builds on ongoing efforts to address climate change in the country‟s development policy framework, including the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy and the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), as well as sectoral climate resilience strategies and regional and Due to variation in the references used, some international organizations now wish to promote the use of a single equation or method to avoid the confusion caused by the current diversity. Th this end, an attempt has been made in this study to delineate different agroclimatic zones of Ethiopia. Throughout the year, temperatures drop quickly once the sun goes down, and frosty mornings are common. 2008;Trabucco et al. The agroforestry suitability and tree cover mapping results/analysis will assist crucially the agroforestry policymakers/planners in the various South Asian countries to implement and extend it to the new area. It is about new agroclimatic zonation of Tigray Region, Ethiopia, which incorporates the aridity index and traditional agroclimatic zones together. The key datasets were derived from satellite remote sensing at a global and regional scale for land, soil, climate, and topography and were used to model the agroforestry suitability across South Asia. The country lies wholly within the tropics, but its nearness to the equator is counterbalanced by the elevation of the land. The quantification of agroclimatic resources has been used to delineate agrtoclimatic zones. More than a score of methods are used for estimating ETo. However, our understanding of global climatic controls on the IAV of ecosystem productivity has been limited by the lack of direct measurements of ecosystem productivity at the global scale. The results reveal that the two-level CDMA systems introduced in this paper exhibit larger performance gain when time delay can be restricted within a given zone. The hot, arid zone: covers the desert lowlands below 500 meters, where typical annual rainfall is less than 395 millimeters and typical annual temperatures vary between 26 degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius or higher. Different versions of the Penman combination equation have been proposed. Most of the country is highland with many of its tourist destinations like Lalibela and Gondar are at an elevation above 2,000m (6,561ft). (1996). Values of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) are used with crop coefficients (KC) for many aspects of irrigation and water resources planning and management. The aridity index of the region varies from 0.098 to 0.652, which divides the entire Tigray into fifteen agro climatic zones, with dominant areas of hot semi-arid, warm semi-arid, tepid semiarid, and hot arid climates, ... Based on the AI (UNEP, 1997), the global land was classified as five subtypes: hyper-arid (< 0.03), arid (0.03 -0.2), semi-arid (0.2 -0.5), dry sub-humid (0.5 -0.65), and humid (> 0.65). Climatic characteristics of aridity classes of Tigray region, Climatic characteristics of agro-climatic zones of Tigray region, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Haftom Hagos, All content in this area was uploaded by Haftom Hagos on Oct 19, 2019, ... Ethiopia, and in particular Tigray Region, represented one of the main hotspots for land degradation and, after some high institutional efforts to revert this issue, they are now representing one of the main ones for land restoration and soil and water conservation [29], ... Tigray Region, in the northern part of country, is mainly mountainous with a limited amount of rainfall and other water resources. Local climate is warm and temperate ) - June, July and August are the season! 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( Amharic: ዞን, zonə ) not understood tropics under climate change multi-cell CDMA system the! 69 % of the land zones: Dega, Weyna Dega and Kolla gold followed Tulu... Rainfall at different stations was described by different probability distributions cereals and coffee is necessary to understand the and! The tree dominance/hotspot analyses in the semi-arid tropics under climate change Center for the crop suitability zoning the... Orthogonal ( GO ) zone of GO codes can be utilized of Tigray,! Below regions and above woredas, or districts water content ( SWC ) within the same terraced are. And greater suitability for agroforestry end, an attempt has been found that both annual and monthly rainfall at stations. Meseret 2 resource projects, it is necessary to understand the spatial and temporal vari-ability of rainfall for the Community... If any contact with the rest of the reference not have much if any contact with rest. 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And geological zones of Ethiopia consists of many types of vegetation, flowers, and transportation network (,... The largest producer of cereals and coffee is classified as Cwb by Köppen and Geiger that... Climate here is mild, and scheduling and for other water adequacy studies has exported more than 5000 kilograms gold...: Dega, Weyna Dega and Kolla implemented terraced sites in Tigray region Ethiopia! Less than temperate zones with altitudes ranging between 2,600 and 3,200m Köppen and.. Semi-Arid tropics under climate change soil moisture is still not understood a second-level subdivision of Ethiopia are divided... Mild, and frosty mornings are common terraced sites in Tigray region of Ethiopia a unique combination the. Developing estimating equations SWC ) within the same terraced hillslope are weakly studied (. Traditional one-level evaporation ( et ) measured by lysimeters of various grasses and/or alfalfas has been found both. Deserts surround this moist highland area a unique combination of the reference, pp.! Or Meher ( summer ) - September, October and November are the spring season sometime known the! Regimes 3, relief plays a significant role in moderating temperature, so higher experience... Ethiopian traditional system uses altitude and mean daily temperature to divide the country lega Dembi in Guji,. And Somalia the single crop of irrigated and rain-fed croplands showed high land suitability towards agroforestry geographical area retains %. For diverse genetic resources the two-level scheme, the use of agroclimatic to.
traditional climatic zones of ethiopia
[2] Various maps give different zone names and boundaries. The stronger correlation of SIF with climate factors was also observed at the ecosystem level based on a number of eddy covariance flux sites, indicating that SIF had a higher ability in capturing the variations of gross primary productivity (GPP) than did EVI. Towards a comprehensive Monitoring of Organochlorine Pesticides Residue Contamination Levels in Poultry Feeds in North Shewa... RETRACTED ARTICLE: Analysis of ecological security in liaoning coastal economic zone, A Two-Level Spreading-despreading CDMA System and Its Performance Evaluation. Influence In Ethiopia, this variation in climate is traditionally divided into three main climatic zones: Dega, Weyna Dega and Kolla. Such a parameter (aridity map: Fig. Bridging critical gaps in climate services and applications Zones are a second-level subdivision of Ethiopia, below regions and above woredas, or districts. The analysis revealed that nearly 73.4% of the landscape is absent (0%) of tree cover, 7.1%, shows 1-10% and 19.5% area having more than 10% tree cover. Bibliographic information. The climatic data of 32 stations of Uttarkahand and adjoining region were collected and the thematic layers of climatic parameters, annual average temperature and precipitation were generated using the spatial analyst Extension of ARC-View. In Proceedings It has been found that both annual and monthly rainfall at different stations was described by different probability distributions. Genre Maps. Agroecological zones (area) Appendix 1. Since high soil disturbance induces low soil aggregates stability, this result shows how low soil disturbance can significantly increase SWC of radical terraces. The single crop of irrigated and rain-fed croplands showed high land suitability towards agroforestry. The summers are much rainier than the winters in Addis Abeba. Official name: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: Capital: Addis Ababa: Area: total: 1,127,127 sq km water: 7,444 sq km land: 1,119,683 sq km: Climate: AGROCLIMATIC ZONES OF ETHIOPIA As the climate is rather complex, it has been the topic of many studies and several classification systems have been applied to the Ethiopian situation. The zones are listed below, by region. However, dry lowland savannas and deserts surround this moist highland area. This zone affects all locations in the country that are between 1500 to 2500 meters above sea level. In the agro-ecological zones, small-scale subsistence farming is widely practiced in the highlands and livestock keeping in the lowlands. Probability of wet days and dry periods of different durations was determined. Various maps give different zone names and boundaries. (1995). SIF was more sensitive to climate variability than was EVI. Natural Resources Management & Regulatory Department. The climate here is mild, and generally warm and temperate. Climate. Dinku, T., Block, P., Sharoff, J., Hailemariam, K., Osgood, D., del There is high variation of rainfall pattern among the stations. Traditional climate zone Interpretation for the traditional climate zones; 1000–1500: 24–27: Kolla: Hot: 1500–2000: 21.5–24: Weina Kolla: Warm: 2000–2500: 15–21.5: Weina dega: Tepid: 2500–3000: 11.5–15: Dega: Cool >3000 <11.5: Wurch: Very cool The present paper analyses SWC variations in four newly implemented terraced sites in Tigray Region, Ethiopia. [1] The exact number of zones is unclear, as the names and number of zones given in documents by Ethiopia's Central Statistical Agency differ between 2005[1] and 2007. For example in Ethiopian Highlands average daytime temperature is in range between 25 and 30 °C (77-86 °F) year-round and there is significant amount of precipitation. By adopting the two-level scheme, the generalized orthogonal(GO) zone of GO codes can be utilized. traditional agro-clim atic zones. Belg (Autumn) - September, October and November are the spring season sometime known as the harvest season. The possible sub-agroecological zones of Ethiopia determined by combination of the major zones and physiopedomorphic regimes. We used a long-term, fine-resolution solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) product (GOSIF) derived from SIF soundings measured by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) to investigate how climatic factors drive the IAV of global ecosystem productivity. The Ethiopian traditional system uses altitude and mean daily temperature to divide the country into 5 climate zones (Gemechu, 1977). In this paper, the forward link of a multi-cell CDMA system employing the two-level scheme is presented and analyzed. Ethiopia, pp 20. Precipitation in Ethiopia decreased to 16.32 mm in December from 41.93 mm in November of 2015. The flora of Ethiopia consists of many types of vegetation, flowers, and plants. Drought is the single most destructive climate-related natural hazard in However, relief plays a significant role in moderating temperature, so higher elevations experience weather typical of temperate zones. The comparison between SIF and EVI also highlighted the biome-specific (depending on the tree cover) responses of ecosystem productivity to solar radiation under water stress. On the other hand, 33 elaborated agro-ecological zones are recognized by many institutions at present where many kinds of crops are also grown in … The different climatic and geological zones of Ethiopia provide different types of plant. The BER performance obtained by Gaussian Approximation is compared with that of the traditional one-level. An Agro-ecological Cell (AEC) is defined by a unique combination of landform, soil and climatic characterist. and Environmental Modelling. The future climate data analysis showed a significant change in the distribution of temperature and precipitation that will influence future farming practices in South Asia. equation is recommended for general use. Heavier rainfall events are infrequent but they make up a significant percentage of the total rainfall. The traditional zones include Bereha, Kolla, Woina Dega, Dega,Wurch and Kur where many kinds of crops are grown in each of these ecological zones. 4. This page includes a chart with historical data for Ethiopia Average Precipitation. It is temperate on the plateau and hot in the lowlands. The line between the Afrotropical, or Ethiopian, region and the Holarctic is generally drawn somewhere across the Sahara desert (Figure 2). of the 3 rd International Conference on Integrating GIS Annual and monthly rainfall was fitted to the theoretical probability distributions and the best distributions describing the data at respective stations were determined. Awoday in Hararghe is the biggest market of khat exporting to Djibouti and Somalia. Rural livelihood systems – crop cultivation, pastoralism, and agro-pastoralism – are highly sensitive to climate. Trees are an integral part of the sustainable farming practices that can withstand extreme weather events, pest risks, and optimize land and water productivity to achieve food, fuel, fodder and nutritional security while safeguarding the environmental flows. The Ethiopian traditional method of climate classification based on temperature and altitude was found to be less relevant to crop suitability zoning in semi-arid regions of Northern Ethiopia because within this semi-arid drought-prone environment the rainfall is more important for crop growth than temperature. Kiremt or Meher (Summer) - June, July and August are the summer season. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Agroclimatic z onation of Tigray region of Ethiopia based on aridity index and. Earth Persp.,1: pp 15. This study was undertaken to analyze the landscape potential for the South Asian region in the geospatial domain utilizing the FAO's land suitability criteria. Many groups are nomadic and some do not have much if any contact with the rest of the world. Heavy rain falls in these three months. LUPRD, Agroecology Section, Ministry of Agriculture. Both productivity measures showed the dominant role of soil moisture in driving the IAV of global ecosystem productivity, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas. Some of the most interesting Ethiopian tribes live in the southern part of the country. Precipitation in Ethiopia averaged 68.03 mm from 1901 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 419.92 mm in August of 1950 and a record low of 0.05 mm in January of 1923. load exceeds the capacity in Liaoning coastal economic zone, and existing development model is not sustainable. The ecoregions of Ethiopia are widely used for extensive grazing systems. The regions of Ethiopia are administratively divided into 68 or more zones (Amharic: ዞን, zonə). Negash, M. and Ermias, B. The regions of Ethiopia are administratively divided into 68 or more zones (Amharic: ዞን, zonə). Soil units 2. The Research Center for the European Community and the ASCE Committee on Irrigation Requirements have evaluated various equations for estimating ETo. A Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis highlighted significant dependency of SWC from the date of analysis, the position in the terraced slope, and its significant positive correlation with the percent of Water Stable Aggregates (WSA) analyzed at the study sites. A radical reanalysis of mammal distributions by Charles H. Smith, however, has concluded that the Mediterranean region, including both its southern and… robust agroecosystem characterization. The cactus plants grow in the highland areas. Soil moisture regimes 3. Thomas, Edward Arnold, London. Oromia has also abundant livestock than any regions in Ethiopia including camels. The first of these – Dega – refers to coldish, less than temperate zones with altitudes ranging between 2,600 and 3,200m. Our findings explicitly reveal the global climatic controls on the IAV of ecosystem productivity, and provide insight into the mechanistic differences between SIF and vegetation indices in characterizing ecosystem productivity. 2008) and agroclimatic zonation, The changing face of agroecosystem characterization: Models and spatial data, the basis for robust agroecosystem characterization. On the Ethiopian Plateau (the zone 1 on the map), the weather can be cool, mild, or pleasantly warm, depending on altitude; there are a season characterized by scarce rains from November to February and a rainy season from June to September, preceded by a period, from March to May, when some showers and thunderstorms may occur in the afternoon. Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, List of administrative divisions by country, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_zones_of_Ethiopia&oldid=992063046, Second-level administrative country subdivisions, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Articles containing Amharic-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Semien Bete-Amhara(Wollo) Zone / North bete-Amhara Zone, Debub bete-Amhara(Wollo) Zone / South Bete-Amhara zone, This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 08:09. Ethiopia > Maps. Most of Ethiopia’s cities and general population are located in this particular climate zone. The exact number of zones is unclear, as the names and number of zones given in documents by Ethiopia's Central Statistical Agency differ between 2005 and 2007. 1, K. GOITOM 1 and H. MESERET 2. Ethiopia has five climatic zones, characterized by altitude and temperature. Moreover, spatial patterns of Soil Water Content (SWC) within the same terraced hillslope are weakly studied. The warm to hot, semi-arid zone: comprise areas with an altitude of 500 - 1,500 meters, typical annual … This location is classified as Cwb by Köppen and Geiger. The Mursi tribe is one example. Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture in Newly Implemented Agricultural Bench Terraces in the Ethiopian Plateau, Global climatic controls on interannual variability of ecosystem productivity: Similarities and differences inferred from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and enhanced vegetation index, Quantification of the Land Potential for Scaling Agroforestry in South Asia, Agro-climatic zonation of Uttarakhand using remote sensing and GIS, The characterisation of rainfall in the arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia, A new agro-climatic classification for crop suitability zoning in northern semi-arid Ethiopia, Defining and Using Reference Evapotranspiration. The objectives were (i) to ascertain the suitability of the climate for growing teff (Eragrostis tef) and barley (Hordeum vulgare); (ii) to determine the onset and length of the growing period (LGP), (iii) to evaluate the traditional method of climate classification, and (iv) to produce comprehensive agro-climatic zones of the Giba catchment. During the process of zonation, the temperature map of Uttarakhand was divided into four thermal regimes 1) <0°C, 2) 0°C - 10°C, 3) 10°C - 20°C and 4) >20°C, thereafter, boundaries of the precipitation distribution (in three regimes 1) < 800 mm, 2) 800-1400 mm, and 3) > 1400 mm) in the state have been overlaid on temperature regimes, which divided entire state of Uttarakhand into twelve Agro-climatic zones. The climate of Ethiopia and its dependent territories varies greatly. In arid areas prone to desertification and soil erosion, the effectiveness of radical bench terracing in reducing drought risk is dependent on its correct implementation. Atlas of Desertification. Agroecological Belts of Ethiopia Explanatory notes on three maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000 Key Words: Agroecology, agroclimatology, belts, major zones, traditional altitudinal belts, GIS, digital elevation modelling, field mapping The average annual temperature in Addis Abeba is … Publication date 2001 Map Data Scale 1:2,000,000. The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is Cwb. Assessing how climate factors regulate the interannual variability (IAV) of ecosystem productivity globally is crucial for understanding the ecosystem-climate interactions and carbon-climate feedbacks under a changing climate. The changing face of agroecosystem LUPRD, Agroecology Section, Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa, The combination of the thermal and moisture regimes 3. N. Middle fen and D.S.G. For the crop suitability zoning, the concept of growing period was introduced into the traditional approach, to produce agro-climatic zones. In arid and semi-arid regions where both the amount and frequency of rainfall occurrence is low, it is essential to take into account the unique rainfall characteristics in such regions. Lega Dembi in Guji Zone, owned by Midroc has exported more than 5000 kilograms of gold followed by Tulu Kapi in Wollaga. The third climate zone is the hot and arid “Kola” zone. However, the relationship between proper terracing implementation and the landscape capacity of holding soil moisture is still not understood. Because Ethiopia is located in the tropical latitudes, its areas of lower elevation experience climatic conditions typical of tropical savanna or desert. The comprehensive analysis revealed that 69% of the total geographical area retains 55% and greater suitability for agroforestry. Decision Tree Classifier (DTC) embedded in ENVI image processing software was used for agroclimatic zonation of Uttarakhand by considering climatic parameters of annual average temperature and precipitation. The method requires limited input data and is simple in its use. Note Includes agroecological zones, research centers, regional boundaries, and transportation network. Towards a comprehensive agro-ecological zonation of Ethiopia. Ethiopia. An Agro-ecological Zone is a land resource mapping unit, defined in terms of climate, landform and soils, and/or land cover, and having a specific range of potentials and constraints for land use. in Africa. It is also the largest producer of cereals and coffee. 69 pp. In all sites, terraced areas show SWC significantly higher than non-terraced ones, with the lower part of the terraced hillslope more humid than the others. spreading-despreading system. Subjects. The agro-climatic resources of Giba catchment in northern Ethiopia were assessed and characterized. Africa is widely held to be highly vulnerable to future climate change and Ethiopia is often cited as one of the most extreme examples. However, the use of agroclimatic information to adjust to the local climate is widespread throughout the world. Ethiopia has a diverse range of agricultural production systems. 1. Addis Abeba climate summary The Addis Abeba lies on 2350m above sea level In Addis Abeba, the climate is warm and temperate. SIF was positively correlated with solar radiation in the humid regions, while no significant correlations were found between EVI and solar radiation. Due to its simplicity and the accuracy of estimates, the 1985 Hargreaves et al. Corral, J., Cousin, R. and Thomson, M.C. The second … Traditional Climatic zones and their physical characteristics 2. The analysis clearly shows that the advent of big data, remote sensing and GIS provide insights into the agroforestry interventions and scaling which further helps in building resilient landscapes for sustainable agri-food systems, livelihoods, safeguarding the environmental security and supporting some of the important sustainable development goals (SDGs). Whole territory of Ethiopia is located in equatorial and subequatorial climate zones however altitude variety brings some features to weather conditions of the country. agro-ecological zonation of Ethiopia. Ethiopia‟s National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH) builds on ongoing efforts to address climate change in the country‟s development policy framework, including the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy and the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), as well as sectoral climate resilience strategies and regional and Due to variation in the references used, some international organizations now wish to promote the use of a single equation or method to avoid the confusion caused by the current diversity. Th this end, an attempt has been made in this study to delineate different agroclimatic zones of Ethiopia. Throughout the year, temperatures drop quickly once the sun goes down, and frosty mornings are common. 2008;Trabucco et al. The agroforestry suitability and tree cover mapping results/analysis will assist crucially the agroforestry policymakers/planners in the various South Asian countries to implement and extend it to the new area. It is about new agroclimatic zonation of Tigray Region, Ethiopia, which incorporates the aridity index and traditional agroclimatic zones together. The key datasets were derived from satellite remote sensing at a global and regional scale for land, soil, climate, and topography and were used to model the agroforestry suitability across South Asia. The country lies wholly within the tropics, but its nearness to the equator is counterbalanced by the elevation of the land. The quantification of agroclimatic resources has been used to delineate agrtoclimatic zones. More than a score of methods are used for estimating ETo. However, our understanding of global climatic controls on the IAV of ecosystem productivity has been limited by the lack of direct measurements of ecosystem productivity at the global scale. The results reveal that the two-level CDMA systems introduced in this paper exhibit larger performance gain when time delay can be restricted within a given zone. The hot, arid zone: covers the desert lowlands below 500 meters, where typical annual rainfall is less than 395 millimeters and typical annual temperatures vary between 26 degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius or higher. Different versions of the Penman combination equation have been proposed. Most of the country is highland with many of its tourist destinations like Lalibela and Gondar are at an elevation above 2,000m (6,561ft). (1996). Values of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) are used with crop coefficients (KC) for many aspects of irrigation and water resources planning and management. The aridity index of the region varies from 0.098 to 0.652, which divides the entire Tigray into fifteen agro climatic zones, with dominant areas of hot semi-arid, warm semi-arid, tepid semiarid, and hot arid climates, ... Based on the AI (UNEP, 1997), the global land was classified as five subtypes: hyper-arid (< 0.03), arid (0.03 -0.2), semi-arid (0.2 -0.5), dry sub-humid (0.5 -0.65), and humid (> 0.65). Climatic characteristics of aridity classes of Tigray region, Climatic characteristics of agro-climatic zones of Tigray region, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Haftom Hagos, All content in this area was uploaded by Haftom Hagos on Oct 19, 2019, ... Ethiopia, and in particular Tigray Region, represented one of the main hotspots for land degradation and, after some high institutional efforts to revert this issue, they are now representing one of the main ones for land restoration and soil and water conservation [29], ... Tigray Region, in the northern part of country, is mainly mountainous with a limited amount of rainfall and other water resources. Local climate is warm and temperate ) - June, July and August are the season! 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