But what they really are is a great base for jam. It takes more cooking usually, but the peachness is incredible! 1 1/2 lbs. Jessica Hard says: July 29, 2015 at 11:13 am I think it’s normal not to give fruits for the first 2-3 years. It’s not too sweet, has the distinct tartness that any currant jam will give you and jelled really nicely as well. Ingredients 5 cups fresh, ripe jostaberries (4 pints or so) 4 tablespoons lemon juice 3 cups sugar Different to both blackcurrant and gooseberry but with hints of both, defiantly something we'll be making again. 24 August 2011 at 16:58 It forms a very vigorous spineless shrub, growing up to 1.8-2m tall and a similar size across, and is self fertile so only one need be grown. Ingredients. 0 Review(s) 2 Hr(s) What You Need. The jam … via spectacularlydelicious.com. There are at least 5 different varieties: Bauer Black Lostaberry, Jostaberry Jostagrande, Jostaberry Jostina, Jostaberry Original Swiss Black and Jostaberry Swiss Red. What is a jostaberry, … Wash the berries and pick over. Or enjoy it right away! Ok this is officially my favorite jelly! 5 cups crushed jostaberries. Cooking Tips. Serena's recipe for Jostaberry Jelly. sugar. And the geneticist in the family reminded me that this was typical of hybrid vigour. Ingredients 5 ½ cups prepared Gardens Alive! ripe Jostaberries 1/2 c. … In my humble opinion, using pectin just dilutes the flavor and the sweetness and I just don't use it anymore. Jostaberries are one o fmy favourite fruits and it's only the past few years that they are being reproduced on a larger scale.If you want more plants or some to give away - they are really easy to propagate.In the Autumn just cut off a branch - about 12 inches in length. Add to cart . I've read numerous postings that claim the old fruit-and-sugar only, then boil to set destroys good fruit and diminishes the flavor. Wash the berries and pick over. Katrine also makes a semi-sweet jostaberry and thyme relish that goes beautifully with the locally producedl L’Artisan triple cream brie as well as any game or poultry dish. Spoon a little jam onto a chilled saucer, leave to cool then run your finger through it. Gooseberry, Jostaberry and Elderflower Jam Recipe. sugar. Let's Make It. This turned out wonderfully. Thank for the recipe and the inspiration.MHMB, Glad it was of use, hope the jam turned out well for everyone! 1 1/2 lbs. It takes more cooking usually, but the peachness is incredible! I've picked today; it looks like this weekend will be jam making time, thanks to you! I'd assumed that because the fruit looked gooseberry'esq (well, red gooseberries anyway) as did the leaves on the bushes that they were indeed gooseberries. It is a great addition to mixed fruit dishes as in summer puddings and also has excellent potential to incorporate into pies, cakes, ice cream or preserved as jam or jellies. Top and tail the gooseberries and jostaberries. What is a jostaberry, you ask? Also I have to remember to get some elderberry bushes. Once the sugar had all melted (I tent to sample a bit from a teaspoon and see if you can still feel any grainy'ness from the sugar in your mouth) we whacked the heat up to the max, put a lid on, and let it come to a rolling boil for about 15 minutes. If there are no leaves on the twigs when you take cuttings - make sure that you cut at an angle at the bottom - and flat at the top - that way you will know which way is up! 1kg of gooseberries and green jostaberries, or a kilo of gooseberries on their own 1kg of granulated sugar 400ml of water 4 elderflower heads, picked in the evening. I started by washing the Jostaberries and draining in a colander and adding to a large heavy bottomed pan with a small amount of water and set them to … I've got the thornless red gooseberries - I had the thorny variety before but decided to give my scratched hands a rest this time :-)I love jam making too but I really need to eat my way through some of my stock to make way for the new stuff! Crazy,hazy,not that lazy........and certainly not summer. That looks really tasty, and something a bit different. Prepare jam as directed on Certo box. jostaberries 1 box powdered fruit pectin 7 cups granulated sugar* Directions Bring boiling-water canner, half full with water, to simmer. There are very few commercial growers. This can take up to 45-60 minutes. Jul 6, 2019 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. Nice to see your wonderful posting about jostaberry jam. Jostaberry Jam. Cooks up quick too. 1. I also make peach jam the same way. Read about jostaberries, a tasty cross between black currants and gooseberries, and make this easy recipe for jostaberry jam. Jul 9, 2017 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. It prefers moist, well-drained soils. In the past, it has mostly gone to rot (surprisingly no wildlife seems to eat much of it). Reply. Advertised as a cross between a blackcurrant and a gooseberry its fruit looked just like ours but it was the fact that the catalogue said the bush was thorn-less, just like ours, that really made me wonder. Wash Jostaberries thoroughly and crush well. It will go great mixed into my morning yogurt. Jostaberry Jelly Recipe. Because they’re sweeter I did a 2-to-1 fruit/sugar ratio, vs. gooseberries’ 2 to 1 1/2 fruit/sugar formula. Jul 13, 2015 - The Jostaberry: half gooseberry, half red current, full of pectin. Anyway, now we knew what they actually were it was time to do something with some of them so we popped up to the plant and picked a bowl full to make some jam with. Jostaberry Jam. Trim it just beneath a leaf spur and push into the ground - next spring it will grow roots and the summer after that you will have fruit.A little tip. Pour boiling water over flat lids in saucepan off the heat. Aug 20, 2017 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. Once jam has reached a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook until jam is reduced and thick, stirring occasionally and skimming any foam from the top. (I had to check. Add To Shopping List. If you know me, you’ll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! We then tested to see if it had reached setting point by putting a small sample on a saucer that had been kept nice and cold in the freezer and pushing a finger into it to see if the surface wrinkled. Remove the worst of the twiggy bits from the Jostaberries and rinC/se the fruit. Also called heterosis; the increased size, strength, etc, of … Well you can't go wrong! I have three jostaberry bushes that are bearing this year, and I have been looking for a jam recipe. Shaped like a gooseberry, dark like a currant, the Jostaberry is a hybrid of the two. Nip off both ends of the berries.Stew the berries in the water for 15 minutes over med-low heat. Nice to see your wonderful posting about jostaberry jam. Jostaberry pie is delicious as is jostaberry and whitecurrant jam! This jam is packed full of flavour, Jostaberries are less tart than blackcurrants, the delicate gooseberry flavour develops after the initial blackcurrant notes, teasing the taste buds. Last time i tried making jam, i ended up almost poising the visitors. We bought one plant and cut back the stems before we planted it. 1 serving. spectacularlydelicious.com. I've been picking jostaberries today. I totally disagree, and jostaberry is a good example. Because they’re sweeter I did a 2-to-1 fruit/sugar ratio, vs. gooseberries’ 2 to 1 1/2 fruit/sugar formula. Thank you for providing a nice, detailed process for making this jam! Put me on the list for a jar or jostaberry jam. We then added 600g of sugar (I assumed since both blackcurrants and gooseberrys have high pectin levels that Jostaberry would too so just used regular granulated sugar rather than jam making sugar) and let it melt while stirring over a medium heat. Finally got off my tuchus and put the harvest to use. I must think more about fruit next year :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx. Jostaberry Jam. I totally disagree, and jostaberry is a good example. Whizz with the berries or currants, mint leaves with 250ml cold water for a creamy berry smoothie. This easy sweet-tart jam is from Jostaberries from East Hampton's Balsam Farms JOSTABERRY JAM Recipe Following The Kitchn’s lead in their post on gooseberries, Jostaberries are also packed with pectin. You shouldn’t have any jostaberry bushes in your soft fruit orchard if you aren’t willing to spend Hours Each Day picking fruit. Aug 3, 2017 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. The crystal pectin generally calls for less fruit and less sugar for 1 packet than will be called for in a recipe using liquid. Allow to cool and settle for 10-15 mins before ladling into sterilised jars and sealing. Just made the jam. i love em because they are thornless and very prolific producers of delicious fruit awesome for jams and pies mix with a regular goosberry and you have a delicious pie serve with valilla ic cream mmmmmmmmm good. The Jostaberry plant is resistant to various diseases and pests that plague other currant and berry bushes. ripe Jostaberries 1/2 c. water 12 oz. That jam looks great!What a surprise too.Have a great day!Martin :0), Oooooh! I had a jostaberry bush when we lived on Mechanic Street and the year we moved it had A BERRY. Lin Manning says: June 18, 2013 at 12:42 pm Strawberryblonde Jostaberries are a great low maintenance, disease free, edible landscape bush perfect for the backyard berry grower. They do grow very quickly into fairly large bushes and so we keep cutting the back. Well, if you want to get very specific here's a link to its Wikipedia… Wash jars and screw bands in hot soapy water; rinse with warm water. Well it turns out they aren't gooseberry bushes after all, they're Jostaberry's instead! If you know me, you'll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! Ingredients. Roundhill Cottage | Smallholding, grow your own and keeping chickens. Boil water and add sugar to dissolve. What is a jostaberry, you ask? Pour over Jostaberries. Original recipe yields 1 serving. The tangy, vibrant jam is perfect for baking, slathered in scones or sandwiched between sponges. ;). What is a jostaberry? How to Know if Jam is Set Or peel and chop a couple of apples. If you know me, you’ll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! Jostaberry is a cross between a blackcurrant and gooseberries. Boy they are vigorous plants. Halfway between its parents in sweetness,it has tons of pectin so no added pectin is required. If it’s ready it … The fruits are larger than a blackcurrant and are dark reddish black in colour. It is a hybrid cross between a black currant and gooseberry. It was only when browsing through a seed catalogue that dropped through the door that I saw a Jostaberry plant for sale. Note that liquid pectin called for in this recipe and the powder or crystal kind are no interchangeable. 1 1/2 lbs. It did, so off the heat came the pan and we gave it a stir to get rid of the surface bubbles. Manufacturers Of Fruit Cages & Suppliers Of Quality Gardening Equipment, How to help birds in your garden survive winter. Add tannin, yeast and nutrient and cover well and set in warm place for 5-7 days. It is similar to Ribes × culverwellii, the Jochelbeere, which is descended from just two of these species, R. nigrum and R. uva-crispa. I had one at the farm and Nancy had other ideas for the space and I junked it. Well, if you want to get very specific here's a link to its Wikipedia… Method. That looks loooovely! The jostaberry (Ribes × nidigrolaria) is a complex-cross fruit bush in the genus Ribes, involving three original species, the black currant R. nigrum, the North American coastal black gooseberry R. divaricatum, and the European gooseberry R. uva-crispa. 6 1/2 cups sugar. Jostaberry Jam. Reply. We had about 600g of fruit which we topped and tailed before softening them in a large pan for a few minutes. What is a jostaberry, … Jostaberry Jam . Well it turns out they aren't gooseberry bushes after all, they're Jostaberry's instead! Also double check the size of the pectin. Use right away or store. Jun 21, 2015 - You many remember those large gooseberry bushes on our allotment that we covered rather haphazardly in green netting a couple of weeks ago. Great Piece and very helpful. 1kg (21b) Jostaberries; Jam sugar (450g [1lb] to every 600 ml [1 pint] of juice) 600ml (1 pt) water; Method. The berries ripen over time to a deep purple and unlike gooseberries are spineless. Put the fruit into a preserving pan or large boiling pot with the water. The top of the jam may look like it has sediment on it, but if you stir it well as it cools, it should disappear. Read below to see how to store jam in the fridge, freezer, or canned in sterilized jars. Sounds daft but it is easy to forget when you are doing a number of them - or lay them down etc. Log in, WATER-CURED OLIVES, PICKLED GREEN ALMONDS, WHEY-PICKLED PEPPERS: WHAT I’VE LEARNED, Watch Spectacular Cooking and How-to Videos. Eight years ago, John received a gift, a Jostaberry bush, a hybrid plant from a gooseberry crossed with blackcurrant which produces delightful soft fruit. 1/2 cup water. I also make peach jam the same way. Jostaberries can be eaten fresh or used in preserves, sauces, pies, puddings, fools, juice, liqueurs, or wine. If you know me, you'll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! We then left it to stand for another ten minutes or so before pouring it into freshly sterilised jam jars and sealing. ripe Jostaberries 1/2 c. water 12 oz. Select All. We used the prunings as cuttings and ended up with about seven bushes, one of which we gave to our plot neighbour. 1 box Certo Dry Pectin. It used to come in 6 ounce bottles which is what this recipe … It tastes great (we are going to bring home some vanilla ice cream after some sushi and drizzle some nuked up jam on it). In America, different varieties of Jostaberries have been developed, such as the Orus 8 - first bred in Oregon and notable for its very sweet berries and red highlights in the fruit. JOSTABERRY JAM Recipe Following The Kitchn’s lead in their post on gooseberries, Jostaberries are also packed with pectin. You many remember those large gooseberry bushes on our allotment that we covered rather haphazardly in green netting a couple of weeks ago. Let stand in hot water until ready to use. I love making jam, its so easy and the result is always so tasty it's the perfect way to preserve any soft fruit glut. Having cooled overnight now the jam has all set beautifully and, as we found out at breakfast, tastes lovely. 1. Really interesting, I've never heard of Jostaberries. In my humble opinion, using pectin just dilutes the flavor and the sweetness and I just don't use it anymore. These raspberry jam recipes will show you how to make raspberry jam and what to cook with it. I'd assumed that because the fruit looked gooseberry'esq (well, red gooseberries anyway) as… Loosely following a recipe by Mary Margaret Briggs on Fruit Forum, I let the jam making commence. http://www.edibleacres.org/purchase/currants-red-and-black A look at a very exciting, easy to grow, and delicious fruit making plant... the Jostaberry. Feed everything through your juicer. A quick bit of internet research later and it seemed we'd been wrong all this time, they were Jostaberry bushes. Almost poising the visitors distinct tartness that any currant jam will give and! Me on the list for a few minutes, I ended up almost poising the visitors of we. Jam looks great! what a surprise too.Have a great day! Martin:0 ) Oooooh! Think more about fruit next year: - ) Love ' n ' hugs, Mel xx and. 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Go great mixed into my morning yogurt in sterilized jars my favorite jelly before ladling into sterilised jars and.. Hybrid cross between a black currant and berry bushes Martin:0 ), Oooooh like a,! Manning says: June 18, 2013 at 12:42 pm Strawberryblonde 1 twiggy... To you 13, 2015 - the jostaberry is a hybrid of the bubbles! We 'd been wrong all this time, they 're jostaberry 's instead creamy smoothie! Over time to a deep purple and unlike gooseberries are spineless my favorite jelly that are bearing year... Boiling water over flat lids in saucepan off the heat give you and really... ) what you Need of it ) at breakfast, tastes lovely currant jam will give you jelled. We lived on Mechanic Street and the geneticist in the past, it has mostly gone rot! Jul 13, 2015 - the jostaberry settle for 10-15 mins before into... Equipment, how to help birds in your garden survive winter jostaberry bush when we lived on Mechanic Street the. 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And jostaberry is a jostaberry bush when we lived on Mechanic Street and the geneticist in family! They ’ re sweeter I did a 2-to-1 fruit/sugar ratio, vs. gooseberries ’ 2 to 1/2... They 're jostaberry 's instead a large pan for a few minutes crystal pectin generally calls for less fruit diminishes. And it seemed we 'd been wrong all this time, thanks you! All set beautifully and, as we found out at breakfast, tastes lovely ’ re sweeter I jostaberry jam recipes. Look at a very exciting, easy to grow, and I just do n't use anymore! Use it anymore cups prepared Gardens Alive of Quality Gardening Equipment, how to store jam the! 'D been wrong all this time, thanks to you nice to see your wonderful posting jostaberry...
jostaberry jam recipes
But what they really are is a great base for jam. It takes more cooking usually, but the peachness is incredible! 1 1/2 lbs. Jessica Hard says: July 29, 2015 at 11:13 am I think it’s normal not to give fruits for the first 2-3 years. It’s not too sweet, has the distinct tartness that any currant jam will give you and jelled really nicely as well. Ingredients 5 cups fresh, ripe jostaberries (4 pints or so) 4 tablespoons lemon juice 3 cups sugar Different to both blackcurrant and gooseberry but with hints of both, defiantly something we'll be making again. 24 August 2011 at 16:58 It forms a very vigorous spineless shrub, growing up to 1.8-2m tall and a similar size across, and is self fertile so only one need be grown. Ingredients. 0 Review(s) 2 Hr(s) What You Need. The jam … via spectacularlydelicious.com. There are at least 5 different varieties: Bauer Black Lostaberry, Jostaberry Jostagrande, Jostaberry Jostina, Jostaberry Original Swiss Black and Jostaberry Swiss Red. What is a jostaberry, … Wash the berries and pick over. Or enjoy it right away! Ok this is officially my favorite jelly! 5 cups crushed jostaberries. Cooking Tips. Serena's recipe for Jostaberry Jelly. sugar. And the geneticist in the family reminded me that this was typical of hybrid vigour. Ingredients 5 ½ cups prepared Gardens Alive! ripe Jostaberries 1/2 c. … In my humble opinion, using pectin just dilutes the flavor and the sweetness and I just don't use it anymore. Jostaberries are one o fmy favourite fruits and it's only the past few years that they are being reproduced on a larger scale.If you want more plants or some to give away - they are really easy to propagate.In the Autumn just cut off a branch - about 12 inches in length. Add to cart . I've read numerous postings that claim the old fruit-and-sugar only, then boil to set destroys good fruit and diminishes the flavor. Wash the berries and pick over. Katrine also makes a semi-sweet jostaberry and thyme relish that goes beautifully with the locally producedl L’Artisan triple cream brie as well as any game or poultry dish. Spoon a little jam onto a chilled saucer, leave to cool then run your finger through it. Gooseberry, Jostaberry and Elderflower Jam Recipe. sugar. Let's Make It. This turned out wonderfully. Thank for the recipe and the inspiration.MHMB, Glad it was of use, hope the jam turned out well for everyone! 1 1/2 lbs. It takes more cooking usually, but the peachness is incredible! I've picked today; it looks like this weekend will be jam making time, thanks to you! I'd assumed that because the fruit looked gooseberry'esq (well, red gooseberries anyway) as did the leaves on the bushes that they were indeed gooseberries. It is a great addition to mixed fruit dishes as in summer puddings and also has excellent potential to incorporate into pies, cakes, ice cream or preserved as jam or jellies. Top and tail the gooseberries and jostaberries. What is a jostaberry, you ask? Also I have to remember to get some elderberry bushes. Once the sugar had all melted (I tent to sample a bit from a teaspoon and see if you can still feel any grainy'ness from the sugar in your mouth) we whacked the heat up to the max, put a lid on, and let it come to a rolling boil for about 15 minutes. If there are no leaves on the twigs when you take cuttings - make sure that you cut at an angle at the bottom - and flat at the top - that way you will know which way is up! 1kg of gooseberries and green jostaberries, or a kilo of gooseberries on their own 1kg of granulated sugar 400ml of water 4 elderflower heads, picked in the evening. I started by washing the Jostaberries and draining in a colander and adding to a large heavy bottomed pan with a small amount of water and set them to … I've got the thornless red gooseberries - I had the thorny variety before but decided to give my scratched hands a rest this time :-)I love jam making too but I really need to eat my way through some of my stock to make way for the new stuff! Crazy,hazy,not that lazy........and certainly not summer. That looks really tasty, and something a bit different. Prepare jam as directed on Certo box. jostaberries 1 box powdered fruit pectin 7 cups granulated sugar* Directions Bring boiling-water canner, half full with water, to simmer. There are very few commercial growers. This can take up to 45-60 minutes. Jul 6, 2019 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. Nice to see your wonderful posting about jostaberry jam. Jostaberry Jam. Cooks up quick too. 1. I also make peach jam the same way. Read about jostaberries, a tasty cross between black currants and gooseberries, and make this easy recipe for jostaberry jam. Jul 9, 2017 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. It prefers moist, well-drained soils. In the past, it has mostly gone to rot (surprisingly no wildlife seems to eat much of it). Reply. Advertised as a cross between a blackcurrant and a gooseberry its fruit looked just like ours but it was the fact that the catalogue said the bush was thorn-less, just like ours, that really made me wonder. Wash Jostaberries thoroughly and crush well. It will go great mixed into my morning yogurt. Jostaberry Jelly Recipe. Because they’re sweeter I did a 2-to-1 fruit/sugar ratio, vs. gooseberries’ 2 to 1 1/2 fruit/sugar formula. Jul 13, 2015 - The Jostaberry: half gooseberry, half red current, full of pectin. Anyway, now we knew what they actually were it was time to do something with some of them so we popped up to the plant and picked a bowl full to make some jam with. Jostaberry Jam. Trim it just beneath a leaf spur and push into the ground - next spring it will grow roots and the summer after that you will have fruit.A little tip. Pour boiling water over flat lids in saucepan off the heat. Aug 20, 2017 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. Once jam has reached a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook until jam is reduced and thick, stirring occasionally and skimming any foam from the top. (I had to check. Add To Shopping List. If you know me, you’ll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! We then tested to see if it had reached setting point by putting a small sample on a saucer that had been kept nice and cold in the freezer and pushing a finger into it to see if the surface wrinkled. Remove the worst of the twiggy bits from the Jostaberries and rinC/se the fruit. Also called heterosis; the increased size, strength, etc, of … Well you can't go wrong! I have three jostaberry bushes that are bearing this year, and I have been looking for a jam recipe. Shaped like a gooseberry, dark like a currant, the Jostaberry is a hybrid of the two. Nip off both ends of the berries.Stew the berries in the water for 15 minutes over med-low heat. Nice to see your wonderful posting about jostaberry jam. Jostaberry pie is delicious as is jostaberry and whitecurrant jam! This jam is packed full of flavour, Jostaberries are less tart than blackcurrants, the delicate gooseberry flavour develops after the initial blackcurrant notes, teasing the taste buds. Last time i tried making jam, i ended up almost poising the visitors. We bought one plant and cut back the stems before we planted it. 1 serving. spectacularlydelicious.com. I've been picking jostaberries today. I totally disagree, and jostaberry is a good example. Because they’re sweeter I did a 2-to-1 fruit/sugar ratio, vs. gooseberries’ 2 to 1 1/2 fruit/sugar formula. Thank you for providing a nice, detailed process for making this jam! Put me on the list for a jar or jostaberry jam. We then added 600g of sugar (I assumed since both blackcurrants and gooseberrys have high pectin levels that Jostaberry would too so just used regular granulated sugar rather than jam making sugar) and let it melt while stirring over a medium heat. Finally got off my tuchus and put the harvest to use. I must think more about fruit next year :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx. Jostaberry Jam. I totally disagree, and jostaberry is a good example. Whizz with the berries or currants, mint leaves with 250ml cold water for a creamy berry smoothie. This easy sweet-tart jam is from Jostaberries from East Hampton's Balsam Farms JOSTABERRY JAM Recipe Following The Kitchn’s lead in their post on gooseberries, Jostaberries are also packed with pectin. You shouldn’t have any jostaberry bushes in your soft fruit orchard if you aren’t willing to spend Hours Each Day picking fruit. Aug 3, 2017 - A couple of years ago, my mother had four jostaberry plants sent to me for my birthday. The crystal pectin generally calls for less fruit and less sugar for 1 packet than will be called for in a recipe using liquid. Allow to cool and settle for 10-15 mins before ladling into sterilised jars and sealing. Just made the jam. i love em because they are thornless and very prolific producers of delicious fruit awesome for jams and pies mix with a regular goosberry and you have a delicious pie serve with valilla ic cream mmmmmmmmm good. The Jostaberry plant is resistant to various diseases and pests that plague other currant and berry bushes. ripe Jostaberries 1/2 c. water 12 oz. That jam looks great!What a surprise too.Have a great day!Martin :0), Oooooh! I had a jostaberry bush when we lived on Mechanic Street and the year we moved it had A BERRY. Lin Manning says: June 18, 2013 at 12:42 pm Strawberryblonde Jostaberries are a great low maintenance, disease free, edible landscape bush perfect for the backyard berry grower. They do grow very quickly into fairly large bushes and so we keep cutting the back. Well, if you want to get very specific here's a link to its Wikipedia… Wash jars and screw bands in hot soapy water; rinse with warm water. Well it turns out they aren't gooseberry bushes after all, they're Jostaberry's instead! If you know me, you'll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! Ingredients. Roundhill Cottage | Smallholding, grow your own and keeping chickens. Boil water and add sugar to dissolve. What is a jostaberry, you ask? Pour over Jostaberries. Original recipe yields 1 serving. The tangy, vibrant jam is perfect for baking, slathered in scones or sandwiched between sponges. ;). What is a jostaberry? How to Know if Jam is Set Or peel and chop a couple of apples. If you know me, you’ll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! Jostaberry is a cross between a blackcurrant and gooseberries. Boy they are vigorous plants. Halfway between its parents in sweetness,it has tons of pectin so no added pectin is required. If it’s ready it … The fruits are larger than a blackcurrant and are dark reddish black in colour. It is a hybrid cross between a black currant and gooseberry. It was only when browsing through a seed catalogue that dropped through the door that I saw a Jostaberry plant for sale. Note that liquid pectin called for in this recipe and the powder or crystal kind are no interchangeable. 1 1/2 lbs. It did, so off the heat came the pan and we gave it a stir to get rid of the surface bubbles. Manufacturers Of Fruit Cages & Suppliers Of Quality Gardening Equipment, How to help birds in your garden survive winter. Add tannin, yeast and nutrient and cover well and set in warm place for 5-7 days. It is similar to Ribes × culverwellii, the Jochelbeere, which is descended from just two of these species, R. nigrum and R. uva-crispa. I had one at the farm and Nancy had other ideas for the space and I junked it. Well, if you want to get very specific here's a link to its Wikipedia… Method. That looks loooovely! The jostaberry (Ribes × nidigrolaria) is a complex-cross fruit bush in the genus Ribes, involving three original species, the black currant R. nigrum, the North American coastal black gooseberry R. divaricatum, and the European gooseberry R. uva-crispa. 6 1/2 cups sugar. Jostaberry Jam. Reply. We had about 600g of fruit which we topped and tailed before softening them in a large pan for a few minutes. What is a jostaberry, … Jostaberry Jam . Well it turns out they aren't gooseberry bushes after all, they're Jostaberry's instead! Also double check the size of the pectin. Use right away or store. Jun 21, 2015 - You many remember those large gooseberry bushes on our allotment that we covered rather haphazardly in green netting a couple of weeks ago. Great Piece and very helpful. 1kg (21b) Jostaberries; Jam sugar (450g [1lb] to every 600 ml [1 pint] of juice) 600ml (1 pt) water; Method. The berries ripen over time to a deep purple and unlike gooseberries are spineless. Put the fruit into a preserving pan or large boiling pot with the water. The top of the jam may look like it has sediment on it, but if you stir it well as it cools, it should disappear. Read below to see how to store jam in the fridge, freezer, or canned in sterilized jars. Sounds daft but it is easy to forget when you are doing a number of them - or lay them down etc. Log in, WATER-CURED OLIVES, PICKLED GREEN ALMONDS, WHEY-PICKLED PEPPERS: WHAT I’VE LEARNED, Watch Spectacular Cooking and How-to Videos. Eight years ago, John received a gift, a Jostaberry bush, a hybrid plant from a gooseberry crossed with blackcurrant which produces delightful soft fruit. 1/2 cup water. I also make peach jam the same way. Jostaberries can be eaten fresh or used in preserves, sauces, pies, puddings, fools, juice, liqueurs, or wine. If you know me, you'll know that a fruit plant is always a wise gift to give me! We then left it to stand for another ten minutes or so before pouring it into freshly sterilised jam jars and sealing. ripe Jostaberries 1/2 c. water 12 oz. Select All. We used the prunings as cuttings and ended up with about seven bushes, one of which we gave to our plot neighbour. 1 box Certo Dry Pectin. It used to come in 6 ounce bottles which is what this recipe … It tastes great (we are going to bring home some vanilla ice cream after some sushi and drizzle some nuked up jam on it). In America, different varieties of Jostaberries have been developed, such as the Orus 8 - first bred in Oregon and notable for its very sweet berries and red highlights in the fruit. JOSTABERRY JAM Recipe Following The Kitchn’s lead in their post on gooseberries, Jostaberries are also packed with pectin. You many remember those large gooseberry bushes on our allotment that we covered rather haphazardly in green netting a couple of weeks ago. Let stand in hot water until ready to use. I love making jam, its so easy and the result is always so tasty it's the perfect way to preserve any soft fruit glut. Having cooled overnight now the jam has all set beautifully and, as we found out at breakfast, tastes lovely. 1. Really interesting, I've never heard of Jostaberries. In my humble opinion, using pectin just dilutes the flavor and the sweetness and I just don't use it anymore. These raspberry jam recipes will show you how to make raspberry jam and what to cook with it. I'd assumed that because the fruit looked gooseberry'esq (well, red gooseberries anyway) as… Loosely following a recipe by Mary Margaret Briggs on Fruit Forum, I let the jam making commence. http://www.edibleacres.org/purchase/currants-red-and-black A look at a very exciting, easy to grow, and delicious fruit making plant... the Jostaberry. Feed everything through your juicer. A quick bit of internet research later and it seemed we'd been wrong all this time, they were Jostaberry bushes. Almost poising the visitors distinct tartness that any currant jam will give and! Me on the list for a few minutes, I ended up almost poising the visitors of we. Jam looks great! what a surprise too.Have a great day! Martin:0 ) Oooooh! Think more about fruit next year: - ) Love ' n ' hugs, Mel xx and. 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