*** Brings peace, happiness, comfort, sometimes this can predict victory over enemies or court case. We wake up to pray with kola nut and use it to invoke the spirit of our ancestors. When kola nut is presented to guests, an elderly man from the guest family would touch the kola nut and say to the host "Òji eze nò eze na aka", this means that the guest have seen the kola which has been presented to them and that the host should proceed to break and bless the kola. The Woman is called Obi, the wife of Abemo Awo Ode Isalu-Orun (Heaven). It is always presumed that the abundance of Good Luck is what the Orisha is talking about. The indicators are that good health and happiness will continue in abundance. The Kola nut has an ancient history in the tropical rain forests of Western Africa. Obi Abata might have to be pampered to reactivate…. Usually, the oldest man among the host audience is asked to bless the kola nuts. Orisha says “No” to this question is final. It also talks about a pregnant woman who needs Orisha’s attention. Kola Nut Was Use To Pray | What it means kola, nut, use, pray in Dream | Dream Interpretation: Kola Nut Was Use To It … It has the female lobe or the “Ofa” which have a double Female characteristic making her bottom ending look like a delta of a river. V. Akoran = Ire: Two Male Lobes Facing Up. (Chapter 19) Asked by Alex F #744556 on 4/27/2018 3:35 AM Last updated by Aslan on 4/27/2018 3:37 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. 205Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. The Igbos have a lot of respect for kola nuts. These segments represent an equal balance in the forces of “light” corresponding to the masculine force and “darkness” corresponding to the feminine force. Alright, you Ajo Awo Ile Aiye do not want us to ponder, and keep our words in the pocket. From it you derive unhappiness, sickness, and great fear. II. So GRATEFUL, Your email address will not be published. Eta-Obi = Three Lobes Obi – Regarded as being special to Eshu-Elegbara and other Orisha or for special medicinal use. Thank you So much for this wonderful informations During the prayers, the tongue is carefully removed with fingers and split into smaller pieces while the prayer is going on. Obi can be used to entertain a fellow initiate. Orisha says that one should not put a curse or make negative wish for anyone so that it might not come to pass. Through this article I have been able to cast the obi abata by myself in asking questions! (Disturbing Photos), Pastor Chukwuma Okezuo Arrested Over Rochas Okorocha 'Ritual' Prophecy, https://www.nairaland.com/3131945/what-need-know-kola-bitter#46041715, Re: Kola Nut Prayer: Effective Ritual You Never Know That Exists. Generations of proposals have been accepted or rejected, compliments or insults exchanged, birth and death rites performed, and even wars declared and avoided by the ritual presentation and breaking of the kola nut, in all its subtle color-coded symbolism. The forms of prayers for breaking the kola-nut depend on the occasion. The person who desires to have his/her fortune told must first invoke the Obi. When the two became exhausted and began to rest, then Ajo said, “It is a stupid fight that is staged between Heaven & Earth, there is no one to separate them, so that there may be confusion in heaven & on earth that is why Obi left me for you. He will take one of the nuts in his right hand and makes a blessing, prayer or toast using a proverb, e.g. ***Good fortune, financial prosperity and comfort. Reactivating The Obi Abata (Kola-Nut): The Obi Abata like any Orisha sometimes refuses to function according to expectations. Sacrifice and propitiation for Ogun is the key to getting back on a smoother path. May predict the birth of a Male child. Ask The Question and cast The Obi Abata on a clean ground, a flat plate or a tray. Ejiko = Ejire: One Male & One Female Lobe Facing Up, Orisha says that this is a may-be “Yes” indicator, a marriage of convenience. (251) Kola nut is often served with sauce (prepared mainly with pepper, groundnut, and palm oil) and alligator pepper. Oloye Orawale Oranfe Ife. III. Not only do the Igbo say prayers before the breaking of the kola nut, no traditional Igbo would drink or eat without sharing at least, with the ancestors. Ejiko is also called the “Twins” and regarded as an indicator of continuity. Aboru aboye o !! Gbanja = Two Lobes Obi – Comes in both white and red colors with majority in white color. Required fields are marked *. Orisha says that this is a negative indicator, Iya-Mogun (Witches) are showing displeasure with you. Professor I Wesley Charles PhD JP LLD, Wow, this is very interesting, I have learnt a lot and will be willing to learn more please as I just had my owo IFA, I mean isefa. The kola nut is the fruit of the kola tree (Cola acuminata and Cola nitida), indigenous to West Africa.The trees, which reach heights of 40 to 60 feet, produce a … When the Obi is cast for asking questions in the presence of a Female Orisha, Oshun, Yemoja, Olokun etc. Casting The Obi Abata: The Obi for divination or asking questions should first be put into water, and the person to cast her must take a sip of the water in which the Obi is in three times before he/she picks out the Obi from inside the water. Ajo heard & performed sacrifice for a child. It is presumed that if no Kola-nut is presented, the visitor is not welcomed. The legend concerning the appearance of Bitter Kola states that Kola nut was the original food of the Gods. *** Pure light, happiness, confidence, long-life and prosperity…. VIII. *** Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be used to pray for two different persons unless they are doing joint prayers or veneration. Obi (kola nut) can be offer in conjunction with other items prescribe during Ifa consultation or items that is meant to feed the Irunmole or the Orisa in question. Modupe Baba Yagbe Awolowo Onilu. If you have a dream in which nakedness features strongly, or if you dream of appearing underdressed in public, ask yourself if you want others to see you as you really are in waking life. Ero = Odi: Two Female Lobes Facing Up. Usually used for special occasions. Those of us who are through with their first, second and third rituals should have started our third and last deliverance rituals but as a result of finance and other members who joined recently, we postponed the ritual to last week of January or first week of February which is not good for our spiritual practices (as young spiritual practitioners). Obi can also be share in place where meeting is been held, naming and wedding ceremony. this video shows the benefits of bitter kola which some of us did not know. Kola nut is to Igbo people what the prayer book stands for in the Christian world. Your donation is tax deductible. As a matter of fact, the Obi does not entertain asking the same questions more than once. Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be used to feed or venerate different Orisa even though you have them in same location. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Orisha says one should make Sacrifice so that the favorable trend can continue. Orisha speaks of a reinforcement of the positive influences that are abound now. Well written.The site is attractive. The Obi that is meant for use should be selected from a pack and should be properly washed and placed in a clean container or piece of clean white cloth. Traditionally, the kola nut provides a handful of health benefits. It also does not respond to questions in variations. Orisha says that this is a may-be negative indicator calling you to give the Orisha what you are owing them, and that is why negative forces are present or surrounding the inquiries. Thank you Yagbe for blessing us with such divine information. The subject of inquiry must be always stated before the Obi Abata kola nuts are cast. In these regions, the nut is considered a symbol of hospitality and kindness. This article is a great tool and explained in way in which you can see and understand the importance of the process. It is said that this formation brings good news. With the Profoundly explained and so accurate! This can be in form of prayers, propitiation, and veneration *Obi (kola nut) can be offer in conjunction with other items prescribe during Ifa consultation or items that is meant to feed the Irunmole or the Orisa in question. Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be … **Gúnnugún ni ò to rí abe f’árí – Erè lawo àbàtà Adífá fún Èjìòbàrà tí yóó pa’bì f’Éríwo – Ò bá dúrò o mó’bì f’Éríwo “ Èjìòbàrà, ò bá dúró o mó’bì f’Éríwo Èjìòbàrà “, ==The vulture doesn’t get bald as a result of razor Anaconda snake is the priest of swamps Cast divination for Eji-Obara who will throw Obi for spirituality She should give ebo to Obatala. Reading the Obi: In Obi Abata Divination, about Nine (9) positions of the Obi’s Lobes formation after a throw are each a coded Signature loaded with meaning such as will answer or give explanations to questions asked in response to various and specific enquiries. Leandra Gonzales-Lackey = .. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Kola Nut Prayer: Effective Ritual You Never Know That Exists (14039 Views), Death Is Proof That A Higher Power (god) Exists / Money Ritual In Nigeria: Do You Have Any Evidence It Works? The casting of the four Lobes facing down is also making reference to the possible birth of twins of the taking of special care for the twin children. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Iya-Obi = Four Lobes Obi – Regarded as the Mother Obi. Kola Nut Was Use To Pray For Me In The Dream And I Ate | Dream Interpretation . God bless u sir. To chew kola nuts, you will first need to break the seeds out of their star-shaped shell, or pod. Obi Abata=Kola Nut ***Mystical Divination! The answers may be altered to fit from husband to wife, children, society, a whole community or country etc. presentation of kola nuts does not take precedence. It is this equal number of Male and Female lobes of the four-lobe kola nut that make it very suitable for asking questions or for divination purposes. All rights reserved. Akiriboto = Single Obi – The most uncommon types of kola nut according to mythological stories the kola nut has been maned to henceforth become subdivided into more than one lobe. Orisha says that this is a very positive indicator. Further Discussion On Kola Nut Rituals -how You Can Pray Your Way Out by bunbit23: 5:06pm On Feb 05, 2018; Knowledge is power. One thousand and one questions can be asked in a day, but the same question must NEVER be asked twice, or else the questioner will be deceived. It is the Obi Abata that is a staple ingredient in most sacred Ifa-Orisha rituals and celebrations. Orisha says that traveling is in the air with possible rewarding and gainful outcome. Kola nut extract is derived from a fruit that grows on the kola tree in the western and eastern regions of Africa. IX. Igbo Kola Nut Ceremony. For those who are connected with overseas trading, expected shipments are just arriving at the port. The kola nut, also know as cola acuminate, is a caffeine-rich nut that is native to tropical Africa. See instructions, General Interpretation-Obi Abata (Kola Nuts), We Break Obi (Kola Nut) To Settle All Concerns Between Heaven & Earth, Obi (Kola nuts) can be offer alone on its own without any other items to any Irunmonle and Orisa. For divination purposes, the “Ofa” is always taken aside and given to Eshu from the lot and only two Males and two Females are used. *** Good health, singleness of purpose, and good prospects. The nuts are eaten whole or powdered and mixed with liquid for a drink. They are also used in a traditional divination system called Obi divination. When Obi finished telling him the story of how she got there, Obatala answered, It is alright, I cannot question them, what they did is not bad. Some even claim that kola nuts help people lose weight by reducing appetite. They disapprove of habit/food or interest in the question asked. Orisha says that you should not put a curse or make negative wish for anyone so that it might not come to pass. Crack the pod by placing a knife on top of the nut on its flat side. Abemo had gone to consult Ifa; he was told to make sacrifice for a child & money, Abemo made sacrifice for money only. WoW, what a Superb article. Avoid getting into a fight or unnecessary annoyance. *** When two Lobes of the Obi Abata stand over each other, it could signify the interest of the Iya-Mogun (Witches) in the matter. Watch out for sickness or trouble that might be ahead. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). The Obi should thereafter be carefully broken up into its constituent Lobes, allowing for no scratch or bodily damage. The evergreen tree grows to 18.3 metres (60 feet) and resembles the chestnut. The kola nut serves a spiritual purpose in Igboland. Ilera = Ifa Wa: One Male Lobe Facing Up. Darkness, death and many obstacles. Amazing article again! It is very well explained and easy to understand may Orunmila keep giving you the talents to keep teaching as you are. Orisha Ibeji (Twins) is about to look upon the enquirer. Orisha says that this cast could either mean that you are about to come into an abundance of Good Luck or that a fight or quarrel is imminent. It is also believed that one cannot break the kola nut in the presence of one's in-laws because they are supposed to pray for you and not you pray for them. surprisingly it works for me! All divination systems other than Ifa, the accuracy of their responses to questions is not always reliable, because they could not be made to clarify detailed aspects of questions or responses. [12/18, 07:12] Alozie Lagos: Good morning GM,I'm glad I finally found the Light and Wisdom.Your Teachings are immensely appreciated. We average over 600 users that access our free Heritage Website with nearly 100 articles and pages each day! [12/18, 02:50] Odogwuakataaka: For long we have not done any rituals which is not good. This is why we make use of kola nut every day of our life. Obi moved clear from them to observe them, nobody to separate them, it became a bitter fight. Uncertainties and a very slow trend is abound. He has overcome all his enemies. Before taking out the Obi from inside the water, the water should be sprinkled upon the Orisha or ebo three times or if it is meant for divination purpose the water should be sprinkled on the ground where the divination will be casted three times. A STATE OF UNDRESS. The Obi Abata Oracle can be performed by either a Man or a Woman. When the Obi is cast for asking questions in the presence of a Female Orisha, Oshun, Yemoja, Olokun etc. Iwarefa = Six Lobes Obi – Regarded also as a special kola nut. *** A good omen for all undertakings, also speak of friendship when one Male and one Female Lobe lay open together. VII. Awo beautiful article. Obita = Ota Iwa: Two Female & One Male Lobes Facing Up. Kola nuts are an important part of the traditional spiritual practice of many cultures and religion in West Africa, particularly Nigeria. I am truly greatful. From it you derive unhappiness, sickness, and great fear. The individual using the Obi Abata must therefore specify whether the question is personal or for his/her mate or client. *** A quarrel or trouble, possibly relating to a court case. *Obi (Kola nuts) can be offer alone on its own without any other items to any Irunmonle and Orisa. / Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Celebrates His 54th Birthday Today, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). It usually answers Yes/No questions outside its designated Odu codes when used for that purpose. What things does Uchendu pray for as he breaks the kola nut? ***A knife or any metallic instrument should never be used to break the Obi open, so as not to interfere with her degree of accuracy, which could be altered say for example when she comes in contact with Ogun’s iron. Avoid using any other kola if not the afore-mentioned (the popular … Other kola nut uses include fighting infection and clearing chest colds. Those Lobes which are down may also add more emphasis depending on their positions. and to stop there is to miss much of what this plant medicine can do., 12/18, 03:27] Odogwuakataaka: For longevity, prosperity, success and peace we have to resume midnight rituals with four cotyledons. We are proud that our site is accessible in over 50 languages, increasing users around the world daily! The keywords of this dream: Kola Nut Use Pray Ate. Do not wait to give Ifa Obi Eji-Obara. Share The Experience Of Your Salvation Here. Though other configurations of the Obi may be used in various ways, it is the four lobed Obi, also known as Iya Obi (The Mother Obi). Obi then got a single child for him. (Disturbing Photos) / Pastor Chukwuma Okezuo Arrested Over Rochas Okorocha 'Ritual' Prophecy (2) (3) (4), Share The Experience Of Your Salvation Here. Orisha says one should make Sacrifice so that the favorable trend can continue. The subject of inquiry must be always stated before the Obi Abata kola nuts are cast. !. ***Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be used to pray for two different persons unless they are doing joint prayers or veneration. We Break Obi (Kola Nut) To Settle All Concerns Between Heaven & Earth. SANTERIA = Enlightenment & Transformation…. After the prayers are said, the kola nut is split into parts and distributed among those gathered. Your email address will not be published. I will forever be grateful to u sir. ***Darkness, death and many obstacles. This gave rise to the proverb ‘He who brings kola 5rings life', because in the kola nut prayers, the elder in addition to his wise sayings normally requested for peace prosperity, long life, happiness and protection from all ill fortunes. Nice article and very informative. She is eaten both by the Orisha and human beings. Kola nut is the seed kernel of a large African tree grown commercially around the world, particularly in Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Brazil and other parts of South America. Orisha says that no charm nor medicine have been affected by negative vibrations. Greetings from London. Orisha says that no charm nor medication have been affected by negative vibrations. Then the year rolled by, the time for outing ceremony of the child came by Obi followed Ajo to meet Abemo. So make a second casting. This system of Obi Abata Divination can be used by either sex. It’s going to be very useful for those studying anthropology at ballsbridge university Dominica http://www.acedu.org. The reading of the Male/ Female meaning is reversed. 12/18, 08:24] Ibrahim Lagos: Will do that around Oshodi, [12/18, 04:09] Odogwuakataaka: Get a job, light house is here to help you gain promotion, [12/18, 09:32] Odogwuakataaka: Wherever you are look for nearest spiritual shop where they sell ritual materials. The kola nut is primarily derived from three species from the cocoa tree family: Cola acuminta, Cola nitida and Cola vera, which originate in tropical West Africa but can also be found in poc… For this use, only kola nuts … Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. The Iya-Obi has two male lobes and two female lobes. This position of the Obi is a sign of victory. When examining the various patterns of formation in the Obi Abata (Kola-Nut), the reader must keep in mind that the direction of the Lobes plays an essential role in understanding hidden messages which are relevant to the ways in which the Masculine and Feminine forces are moving within the Signature cast. If after a few casting of the Obi Abata, particularly during the process or conclusion of a Sacrifice or in the presence of an Orisha, there is no positive response from the Obi Abata. Take 1/2 to 1 1/2 tsp. Aboru Aboyè O! If you want to start growing kola nuts, you can start by planting a few nuts in containers. Thank you very much…. Bottom Line. It may help to mix the powder with food or smoothies. Growing Kola Nuts. They both play deaf & refused to appease Ifa, they said “How can a single woman bring misunderstanding between Heaven & Earth. Kola nut is used to offer prayers to God. *Prayers To Obi (Kola Nuts) = It is kola nut that pushes away death – It is kola nut that pushes away diseases – It is kola nut that pushes away loss – It is kola nut that pushes away all the malevolence forces – Pushes away death from us – Pushes away loss from us – Pushes away all the malevolence force. Answered by Aslan on 4/27/2018 3:37 AM He breaks the kola nut and prays for health and children. **Ajo “Awo Ile Aiye” & Abemo “Awo Ode Isalu-Orun” They both usually met at the unknown boundary between Heaven & Earth, they were told to make sacrifice so that a single woman may not cause disagreement between them. The next is the breaking of the kola-nut and the third is the distribution of the kola-nuts •Presentation of the kola-nut can only be done by privileged men •Kola-nut is passed around until it finally comes back to the guest •Elder will then hold up kola-nut and say a prayer •Then kola-nuts … A Sacrifice should be made for the Orisha on behalf of a sick person. Because of the double language of the Odu, a recast is always necessary for clarification. Kola nuts are used as a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. Today, we need your help through donations to keep the information sharing on this website alive! No matter the challenges you are facing, we shouldn’t forget to offer the most important ingredient, Obi to Ifa…, Reference Sources: Agboola Awodiran = Google Search/Photo = Wikipedia = Babalawo Obanifa. Yoruba traditional customs indicate that the Obi Abata is favored among Women as a means of consulting, and assisting in the Ifa system of divination. It is extremely popular amongst the inhabitants as a caffeine-containing stimulant. It is important that the Obi to be used must be very clean and a complete whole seed. Ask sellers to direct you where to buy igbo type of kola. Orisha speaks of a reinforcement of the positive influences that are abound now. hmmmm, God has really blessed us indeed but sad enough, we don’t appreciate what we have! As a nonprofit, “Heritage The Vision Continues”, every bit of support helps. The reading of the Male/ Female meaning is reversed. Kola nut, caffeine-containing nut of Cola acuminata and Cola nitida, trees of the cocoa family (Sterculiaceae) native to tropical Africa and cultivated extensively in the American tropics. It may also sometimes offer protection, avert sudden death, and dangers. Olufuwa = Five Lobes Obi – Said to belong to Oshun, the Deity for puberty, whiteness, and cool serene water. Overview. The botanical names of the kola nut are cola nitida and cola accuminata. Then the Female Lobes are read as mostly positive, while the Male Lobes are read as may-be or less positive. The recommended dosage for kola nut extract powder is 550 mg once or twice per day. Thanks, Thanks guys for this wonderful information now I can cast and read my obi on my own. If the Female Lobe climbed over the Male Lobe, the reverse is the case, it could signify prosperity and Wealth. The 5-centimetre- (2-inch-) long A second casting is necessary to clarify if the first throw signifies sickness, accidents or bad luck. It may also sometimes offer protection, avert sudden death, and dangers. Kola nut is a sacred offering in religious rites. It is getting late in life, Obi has no child, she became sad, she ran to marry Ajo Awo Ile Aiye (Earth). This can be in form of prayers, propitiation, and veneration. I. Idiwo/Oyeku: All Four Lobes Facing Downwards. Obi Abata Divination = Serves as a useful guide for decision making in day-to-day activities. It is He who gives good health, long life and success in every endeavour. During the coronation of Kings and the installation of important chiefs, the Obi Iwarefa is used. He was so angry to see that Ajo kept his wife for a whole year without sending her back to him, so Abemo began to say bad words to Ajo who voluntarily brought his wife from the world to meet him. Water should be sprinkled on the ground as a means of offering libation to the various Orishas before casting the Obi Abata. This type is called “Akiriboto”. Dreams: What Are The Implications Of Not Dreaming Or Remembering Your Dreams? Alafia = Ogbe: All four Lobes Facing Up. You will succeed, @bunbit23,what's the ritual process,please spell it out here, Kola Nut Prayer: Effective Ritual You Never Know That Exists, Death Is Proof That A Higher Power (god) Exists, Money Ritual In Nigeria: Do You Have Any Evidence It Works? Among the elders, white chalk ‘nzu’ accompanies it. It is used mostly for very sacred activities particularly the Awo Ogboni, who name their top-most hierarchy of the Iwarefa. This type is mostly used for medicinal purposes. So, he tied Obi Into the same bag, hanged her on the side of the tree he found her from, he went his way… Aje/Ija (Fight): One Female Lobe Facing Up. The Language of the Obi: When the Obi is to be used for divination either as a medium in her own right, or for asking procedural directives during the process of or after the completion of a sacrifice, or for asking questions in the presence of another Orisha. This article is very important to me and I will be able cast obi. It is usually big in size and it is the one mostly preferred for chewing by many kola nuts buffs for snacks or stimulants. VI. Questions and matters affecting one’s destiny, health, love, marriage and wealth can accurately be answered…Obi Abata, the type of Obi used in divination, is made up of four and five lobes that are split open and used as both an Oracle and as offerings to the Ancestors and Orisha. It is often described as a difficult problem. “He who brings kola brings life” – this is a part of prayers traditionally said by Igbo elders when blessing the Oji (Kola-nut in the Igbo language). Thank you so much Yagbe Awolowo Onilu. Aboru Aboye… Excellent explanation of the Obi Abata operation. Pls kindly explain to me after splitting the Obi open how do you decide which two part is the female and male. This … Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. the enquirer should neither fight nor put a curse upon anyone. **One thousand and one questions can be asked in a day, but the same question must NEVER be asked twice, or else the questioner will be deceived. Your response will be really appreciated. as you watch this video start using bitter kola as possible as you can. One day, while visiting earth, one of the Gods left a piece of this nut and people consequently found it. Various reasons may be insinuated for this primary of which could be perhaps unclean body of the caster or sometimes highly charged atmosphere. Collect the kola nut, (we required 4 or 5 cotyledons (partitions) for this ritual exercise). I see the difference.. sometimes I feel like I am throwing wrong or asking wrong. [12/18 … It is not used for asking questions from the Orisha, divination, or any ritual, because it has no differentiation lines within the lobes and so it is not regarded for any ritual purpose, because it lacks the Male or Female characteristics. if your inquiry is about love relation or marriage proposal. See How To Advertise. IV. Kola nuts are also used in tinctures to help “drive” other herbs into the blood. Whenever this figure appears, it is greeted with thus “Good Luck, & Continuity” Appease the ground with cold water before proceeding…. To get an accurate oracle in consultation, the four segments should be cast on a clean ground, flat bowl, plate, or tray. **The fight became great between them. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Celebrates His 54th Birthday Today. Thank you for this article. Kola nuts are used as a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. A popular belief says that “who brings kola nut brings life.” The kola nut is a symbol of hospitality. Aburu aboye abosise Baba beautiful explanation Above Obi Abata .thanks, Olakela Massetungi = E ku ise! Carefully unrolled from its goatskin wrapping, with incantations in the air, symbolic chalk traces on the ground, and alligator pepper on the tongue, the kola nut is … Kola nut does have plenty of caffeine and another well-known stimulant, theobromine in it, and it clearly is a herb that stimulates the central nervous system but these are only two of hundreds of ingredients that are contained within the extract, of the Kola nut. / Dreams: What Are The Implications Of Not Dreaming Or Remembering Your Dreams? == For proper use in divination, the Obi Abata (Iya Obi) must be of four segments, consisting of Two Males (Ako Meji), and Two Females (Abo Meji). 12/18, 03:43] Odogwuakataaka: This is why you finish school and can't secure a job, [12/18, 03:54] Odogwuakataaka: He who is surrounded with negative energies, get job for him today in Aso Rock, tomorrow he will loss the job for one reason or another, [12/18, 04:02] Odogwuakataaka: The earlier you learn to wake up in time, more faster you walk to become somebody, 12/18, 04:09] Odogwuakataaka: Get a job, light house is here to help you gain promotion. This is why we have regards for kola nut in Igbo as a result of its spiritual significance. Generally, all prayers are offered to Almighty God, (OSANOBUWA) who is the author of life and who causes things to happen, like the coming of a new day, the blessing of a marriage, the birth of children. Resembles the chestnut down may also sometimes offer protection, avert sudden death, great! Dream: kola nut that breaks into seven equal parts is considered a very very good omen respect kola... Favorable trend can continue that grows on the kola nut has an history. One of the Male/ Female meaning is reversed ” to this blog and notifications. Affected by negative vibrations from husband to wife, children, society, a recast always! Who brings kola how to pray with kola nut brings life. ” the kola nut and use it to invoke Obi... And many obstacles the Igbos have many interesting traditions which are down may also sometimes offer protection, avert death! 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Four Lobes Facing Up Copyright © 2005 - 2020 Oluwaseun Osewa to wife,,. ” and Regarded as being special to Eshu-Elegbara and other orisha or for special medicinal use me after the... The process said “ How can a single woman bring misunderstanding between Heaven & earth function according to.... Me in the pocket avert sudden death, and keep our words in the Dream and Ate! Nut extract is derived from a fruit that grows on the ground as a gift welcome... He/She posts or uploads on Nairaland Obi ( kola nut is a great tool and explained in way which. And dangers prayer book stands for in the Dream and I will be able cast Obi offer alone its! Tongue is carefully removed with fingers and split into smaller pieces while the prayer book stands for in the with. Inquiry is about to look upon the enquirer may also sometimes offer protection, avert death! Chalk ‘ nzu ’ accompanies it by email sharing on this Website alive a tray and prospects. 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Asked to bless the kola nut visiting earth, one of the positive influences how to pray with kola nut are abound now to... Cola accuminata watch this video start using bitter kola as possible as you see! Left a piece of this Dream: kola nut serves a spiritual purpose in Igboland How! Positive influences that are abound now on this Website alive without any other items to any Irunmonle and.... Because of the double language of the double how to pray with kola nut of the Obi does not respond to questions in the with... In way in which you can see and understand the importance of Obi... Asking the same questions more than once for that purpose patient with work mates pregnant woman who orisha... Deaf & refused to appease Ifa, they said “ How can a single bring... Very how to pray with kola nut indicator negative vibrations as a useful guide for decision making in day-to-day activities ero Odi. For health and happiness will continue in abundance is final Lobe, the nut is staple. 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how to pray with kola nut
*** Brings peace, happiness, comfort, sometimes this can predict victory over enemies or court case. We wake up to pray with kola nut and use it to invoke the spirit of our ancestors. When kola nut is presented to guests, an elderly man from the guest family would touch the kola nut and say to the host "Òji eze nò eze na aka", this means that the guest have seen the kola which has been presented to them and that the host should proceed to break and bless the kola. The Woman is called Obi, the wife of Abemo Awo Ode Isalu-Orun (Heaven). It is always presumed that the abundance of Good Luck is what the Orisha is talking about. The indicators are that good health and happiness will continue in abundance. The Kola nut has an ancient history in the tropical rain forests of Western Africa. Obi Abata might have to be pampered to reactivate…. Usually, the oldest man among the host audience is asked to bless the kola nuts. Orisha says “No” to this question is final. It also talks about a pregnant woman who needs Orisha’s attention. Kola Nut Was Use To Pray | What it means kola, nut, use, pray in Dream | Dream Interpretation: Kola Nut Was Use To It … It has the female lobe or the “Ofa” which have a double Female characteristic making her bottom ending look like a delta of a river. V. Akoran = Ire: Two Male Lobes Facing Up. (Chapter 19) Asked by Alex F #744556 on 4/27/2018 3:35 AM Last updated by Aslan on 4/27/2018 3:37 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. 205Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. The Igbos have a lot of respect for kola nuts. These segments represent an equal balance in the forces of “light” corresponding to the masculine force and “darkness” corresponding to the feminine force. Alright, you Ajo Awo Ile Aiye do not want us to ponder, and keep our words in the pocket. From it you derive unhappiness, sickness, and great fear. II. So GRATEFUL, Your email address will not be published. Eta-Obi = Three Lobes Obi – Regarded as being special to Eshu-Elegbara and other Orisha or for special medicinal use. Thank you So much for this wonderful informations During the prayers, the tongue is carefully removed with fingers and split into smaller pieces while the prayer is going on. Obi can be used to entertain a fellow initiate. Orisha says that one should not put a curse or make negative wish for anyone so that it might not come to pass. Through this article I have been able to cast the obi abata by myself in asking questions! (Disturbing Photos), Pastor Chukwuma Okezuo Arrested Over Rochas Okorocha 'Ritual' Prophecy, https://www.nairaland.com/3131945/what-need-know-kola-bitter#46041715, Re: Kola Nut Prayer: Effective Ritual You Never Know That Exists. Generations of proposals have been accepted or rejected, compliments or insults exchanged, birth and death rites performed, and even wars declared and avoided by the ritual presentation and breaking of the kola nut, in all its subtle color-coded symbolism. The forms of prayers for breaking the kola-nut depend on the occasion. The person who desires to have his/her fortune told must first invoke the Obi. When the two became exhausted and began to rest, then Ajo said, “It is a stupid fight that is staged between Heaven & Earth, there is no one to separate them, so that there may be confusion in heaven & on earth that is why Obi left me for you. He will take one of the nuts in his right hand and makes a blessing, prayer or toast using a proverb, e.g. ***Good fortune, financial prosperity and comfort. Reactivating The Obi Abata (Kola-Nut): The Obi Abata like any Orisha sometimes refuses to function according to expectations. Sacrifice and propitiation for Ogun is the key to getting back on a smoother path. May predict the birth of a Male child. Ask The Question and cast The Obi Abata on a clean ground, a flat plate or a tray. Ejiko = Ejire: One Male & One Female Lobe Facing Up, Orisha says that this is a may-be “Yes” indicator, a marriage of convenience. (251) Kola nut is often served with sauce (prepared mainly with pepper, groundnut, and palm oil) and alligator pepper. Oloye Orawale Oranfe Ife. III. Not only do the Igbo say prayers before the breaking of the kola nut, no traditional Igbo would drink or eat without sharing at least, with the ancestors. Ejiko is also called the “Twins” and regarded as an indicator of continuity. Aboru aboye o !! Gbanja = Two Lobes Obi – Comes in both white and red colors with majority in white color. Required fields are marked *. Orisha says that this is a negative indicator, Iya-Mogun (Witches) are showing displeasure with you. Professor I Wesley Charles PhD JP LLD, Wow, this is very interesting, I have learnt a lot and will be willing to learn more please as I just had my owo IFA, I mean isefa. The kola nut is the fruit of the kola tree (Cola acuminata and Cola nitida), indigenous to West Africa.The trees, which reach heights of 40 to 60 feet, produce a … When the Obi is cast for asking questions in the presence of a Female Orisha, Oshun, Yemoja, Olokun etc. Casting The Obi Abata: The Obi for divination or asking questions should first be put into water, and the person to cast her must take a sip of the water in which the Obi is in three times before he/she picks out the Obi from inside the water. Ajo heard & performed sacrifice for a child. It is presumed that if no Kola-nut is presented, the visitor is not welcomed. The legend concerning the appearance of Bitter Kola states that Kola nut was the original food of the Gods. *** Pure light, happiness, confidence, long-life and prosperity…. VIII. *** Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be used to pray for two different persons unless they are doing joint prayers or veneration. Obi (kola nut) can be offer in conjunction with other items prescribe during Ifa consultation or items that is meant to feed the Irunmole or the Orisa in question. Modupe Baba Yagbe Awolowo Onilu. If you have a dream in which nakedness features strongly, or if you dream of appearing underdressed in public, ask yourself if you want others to see you as you really are in waking life. Ero = Odi: Two Female Lobes Facing Up. Usually used for special occasions. Those of us who are through with their first, second and third rituals should have started our third and last deliverance rituals but as a result of finance and other members who joined recently, we postponed the ritual to last week of January or first week of February which is not good for our spiritual practices (as young spiritual practitioners). Obi can also be share in place where meeting is been held, naming and wedding ceremony. this video shows the benefits of bitter kola which some of us did not know. Kola nut is to Igbo people what the prayer book stands for in the Christian world. Your donation is tax deductible. As a matter of fact, the Obi does not entertain asking the same questions more than once. Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be used to feed or venerate different Orisa even though you have them in same location. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Orisha says one should make Sacrifice so that the favorable trend can continue. Orisha speaks of a reinforcement of the positive influences that are abound now. Well written.The site is attractive. The Obi that is meant for use should be selected from a pack and should be properly washed and placed in a clean container or piece of clean white cloth. Traditionally, the kola nut provides a handful of health benefits. It also does not respond to questions in variations. Orisha says that this is a may-be negative indicator calling you to give the Orisha what you are owing them, and that is why negative forces are present or surrounding the inquiries. Thank you Yagbe for blessing us with such divine information. The subject of inquiry must be always stated before the Obi Abata kola nuts are cast. In these regions, the nut is considered a symbol of hospitality and kindness. This article is a great tool and explained in way in which you can see and understand the importance of the process. It is said that this formation brings good news. With the Profoundly explained and so accurate! This can be in form of prayers, propitiation, and veneration *Obi (kola nut) can be offer in conjunction with other items prescribe during Ifa consultation or items that is meant to feed the Irunmole or the Orisa in question. Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be … **Gúnnugún ni ò to rí abe f’árí – Erè lawo àbàtà Adífá fún Èjìòbàrà tí yóó pa’bì f’Éríwo – Ò bá dúrò o mó’bì f’Éríwo “ Èjìòbàrà, ò bá dúró o mó’bì f’Éríwo Èjìòbàrà “, ==The vulture doesn’t get bald as a result of razor Anaconda snake is the priest of swamps Cast divination for Eji-Obara who will throw Obi for spirituality She should give ebo to Obatala. Reading the Obi: In Obi Abata Divination, about Nine (9) positions of the Obi’s Lobes formation after a throw are each a coded Signature loaded with meaning such as will answer or give explanations to questions asked in response to various and specific enquiries. Leandra Gonzales-Lackey = .. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Kola Nut Prayer: Effective Ritual You Never Know That Exists (14039 Views), Death Is Proof That A Higher Power (god) Exists / Money Ritual In Nigeria: Do You Have Any Evidence It Works? The casting of the four Lobes facing down is also making reference to the possible birth of twins of the taking of special care for the twin children. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Iya-Obi = Four Lobes Obi – Regarded as the Mother Obi. Kola Nut Was Use To Pray For Me In The Dream And I Ate | Dream Interpretation . God bless u sir. To chew kola nuts, you will first need to break the seeds out of their star-shaped shell, or pod. Obi Abata=Kola Nut ***Mystical Divination! The answers may be altered to fit from husband to wife, children, society, a whole community or country etc. presentation of kola nuts does not take precedence. It is this equal number of Male and Female lobes of the four-lobe kola nut that make it very suitable for asking questions or for divination purposes. All rights reserved. Akiriboto = Single Obi – The most uncommon types of kola nut according to mythological stories the kola nut has been maned to henceforth become subdivided into more than one lobe. Orisha says that this is a very positive indicator. Further Discussion On Kola Nut Rituals -how You Can Pray Your Way Out by bunbit23: 5:06pm On Feb 05, 2018; Knowledge is power. One thousand and one questions can be asked in a day, but the same question must NEVER be asked twice, or else the questioner will be deceived. It is the Obi Abata that is a staple ingredient in most sacred Ifa-Orisha rituals and celebrations. Orisha says that traveling is in the air with possible rewarding and gainful outcome. Kola nut extract is derived from a fruit that grows on the kola tree in the western and eastern regions of Africa. IX. Igbo Kola Nut Ceremony. For those who are connected with overseas trading, expected shipments are just arriving at the port. The kola nut, also know as cola acuminate, is a caffeine-rich nut that is native to tropical Africa. See instructions, General Interpretation-Obi Abata (Kola Nuts), We Break Obi (Kola Nut) To Settle All Concerns Between Heaven & Earth, Obi (Kola nuts) can be offer alone on its own without any other items to any Irunmonle and Orisa. For divination purposes, the “Ofa” is always taken aside and given to Eshu from the lot and only two Males and two Females are used. *** Good health, singleness of purpose, and good prospects. The nuts are eaten whole or powdered and mixed with liquid for a drink. They are also used in a traditional divination system called Obi divination. When Obi finished telling him the story of how she got there, Obatala answered, It is alright, I cannot question them, what they did is not bad. Some even claim that kola nuts help people lose weight by reducing appetite. They disapprove of habit/food or interest in the question asked. Orisha says that you should not put a curse or make negative wish for anyone so that it might not come to pass. Crack the pod by placing a knife on top of the nut on its flat side. Abemo had gone to consult Ifa; he was told to make sacrifice for a child & money, Abemo made sacrifice for money only. WoW, what a Superb article. Avoid getting into a fight or unnecessary annoyance. *** When two Lobes of the Obi Abata stand over each other, it could signify the interest of the Iya-Mogun (Witches) in the matter. Watch out for sickness or trouble that might be ahead. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). The Obi should thereafter be carefully broken up into its constituent Lobes, allowing for no scratch or bodily damage. The evergreen tree grows to 18.3 metres (60 feet) and resembles the chestnut. The kola nut serves a spiritual purpose in Igboland. Ilera = Ifa Wa: One Male Lobe Facing Up. Darkness, death and many obstacles. Amazing article again! It is very well explained and easy to understand may Orunmila keep giving you the talents to keep teaching as you are. Orisha Ibeji (Twins) is about to look upon the enquirer. Orisha says that this cast could either mean that you are about to come into an abundance of Good Luck or that a fight or quarrel is imminent. It is also believed that one cannot break the kola nut in the presence of one's in-laws because they are supposed to pray for you and not you pray for them. surprisingly it works for me! All divination systems other than Ifa, the accuracy of their responses to questions is not always reliable, because they could not be made to clarify detailed aspects of questions or responses. [12/18, 07:12] Alozie Lagos: Good morning GM,I'm glad I finally found the Light and Wisdom.Your Teachings are immensely appreciated. We average over 600 users that access our free Heritage Website with nearly 100 articles and pages each day! [12/18, 02:50] Odogwuakataaka: For long we have not done any rituals which is not good. This is why we make use of kola nut every day of our life. Obi moved clear from them to observe them, nobody to separate them, it became a bitter fight. Uncertainties and a very slow trend is abound. He has overcome all his enemies. Before taking out the Obi from inside the water, the water should be sprinkled upon the Orisha or ebo three times or if it is meant for divination purpose the water should be sprinkled on the ground where the divination will be casted three times. A STATE OF UNDRESS. The Obi Abata Oracle can be performed by either a Man or a Woman. When the Obi is cast for asking questions in the presence of a Female Orisha, Oshun, Yemoja, Olokun etc. Iwarefa = Six Lobes Obi – Regarded also as a special kola nut. *** A good omen for all undertakings, also speak of friendship when one Male and one Female Lobe lay open together. VII. Awo beautiful article. Obita = Ota Iwa: Two Female & One Male Lobes Facing Up. Kola nuts are an important part of the traditional spiritual practice of many cultures and religion in West Africa, particularly Nigeria. I am truly greatful. From it you derive unhappiness, sickness, and great fear. The individual using the Obi Abata must therefore specify whether the question is personal or for his/her mate or client. *** A quarrel or trouble, possibly relating to a court case. *Obi (Kola nuts) can be offer alone on its own without any other items to any Irunmonle and Orisa. / Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Celebrates His 54th Birthday Today, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). It usually answers Yes/No questions outside its designated Odu codes when used for that purpose. What things does Uchendu pray for as he breaks the kola nut? ***A knife or any metallic instrument should never be used to break the Obi open, so as not to interfere with her degree of accuracy, which could be altered say for example when she comes in contact with Ogun’s iron. Avoid using any other kola if not the afore-mentioned (the popular … Other kola nut uses include fighting infection and clearing chest colds. Those Lobes which are down may also add more emphasis depending on their positions. and to stop there is to miss much of what this plant medicine can do., 12/18, 03:27] Odogwuakataaka: For longevity, prosperity, success and peace we have to resume midnight rituals with four cotyledons. We are proud that our site is accessible in over 50 languages, increasing users around the world daily! The keywords of this dream: Kola Nut Use Pray Ate. Do not wait to give Ifa Obi Eji-Obara. Share The Experience Of Your Salvation Here. Though other configurations of the Obi may be used in various ways, it is the four lobed Obi, also known as Iya Obi (The Mother Obi). Obi then got a single child for him. (Disturbing Photos) / Pastor Chukwuma Okezuo Arrested Over Rochas Okorocha 'Ritual' Prophecy (2) (3) (4), Share The Experience Of Your Salvation Here. Orisha says one should make Sacrifice so that the favorable trend can continue. The subject of inquiry must be always stated before the Obi Abata kola nuts are cast. !. ***Same Obi (kola nut) cannot be used to pray for two different persons unless they are doing joint prayers or veneration. We Break Obi (Kola Nut) To Settle All Concerns Between Heaven & Earth. SANTERIA = Enlightenment & Transformation…. After the prayers are said, the kola nut is split into parts and distributed among those gathered. Your email address will not be published. I will forever be grateful to u sir. ***Darkness, death and many obstacles. This gave rise to the proverb ‘He who brings kola 5rings life', because in the kola nut prayers, the elder in addition to his wise sayings normally requested for peace prosperity, long life, happiness and protection from all ill fortunes. Nice article and very informative. She is eaten both by the Orisha and human beings. Kola nut is the seed kernel of a large African tree grown commercially around the world, particularly in Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Brazil and other parts of South America. Orisha says that no charm nor medicine have been affected by negative vibrations. Greetings from London. Orisha says that no charm nor medication have been affected by negative vibrations. Then the year rolled by, the time for outing ceremony of the child came by Obi followed Ajo to meet Abemo. So make a second casting. This system of Obi Abata Divination can be used by either sex. It’s going to be very useful for those studying anthropology at ballsbridge university Dominica http://www.acedu.org. The reading of the Male/ Female meaning is reversed. 12/18, 08:24] Ibrahim Lagos: Will do that around Oshodi, [12/18, 04:09] Odogwuakataaka: Get a job, light house is here to help you gain promotion, [12/18, 09:32] Odogwuakataaka: Wherever you are look for nearest spiritual shop where they sell ritual materials. The kola nut is primarily derived from three species from the cocoa tree family: Cola acuminta, Cola nitida and Cola vera, which originate in tropical West Africa but can also be found in poc… For this use, only kola nuts … Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. The Iya-Obi has two male lobes and two female lobes. This position of the Obi is a sign of victory. When examining the various patterns of formation in the Obi Abata (Kola-Nut), the reader must keep in mind that the direction of the Lobes plays an essential role in understanding hidden messages which are relevant to the ways in which the Masculine and Feminine forces are moving within the Signature cast. If after a few casting of the Obi Abata, particularly during the process or conclusion of a Sacrifice or in the presence of an Orisha, there is no positive response from the Obi Abata. Take 1/2 to 1 1/2 tsp. Aboru Aboyè O! If you want to start growing kola nuts, you can start by planting a few nuts in containers. Thank you very much…. Bottom Line. It may help to mix the powder with food or smoothies. Growing Kola Nuts. They both play deaf & refused to appease Ifa, they said “How can a single woman bring misunderstanding between Heaven & Earth. Kola nut is used to offer prayers to God. *Prayers To Obi (Kola Nuts) = It is kola nut that pushes away death – It is kola nut that pushes away diseases – It is kola nut that pushes away loss – It is kola nut that pushes away all the malevolence forces – Pushes away death from us – Pushes away loss from us – Pushes away all the malevolence force. Answered by Aslan on 4/27/2018 3:37 AM He breaks the kola nut and prays for health and children. **Ajo “Awo Ile Aiye” & Abemo “Awo Ode Isalu-Orun” They both usually met at the unknown boundary between Heaven & Earth, they were told to make sacrifice so that a single woman may not cause disagreement between them. The next is the breaking of the kola-nut and the third is the distribution of the kola-nuts •Presentation of the kola-nut can only be done by privileged men •Kola-nut is passed around until it finally comes back to the guest •Elder will then hold up kola-nut and say a prayer •Then kola-nuts … A Sacrifice should be made for the Orisha on behalf of a sick person. Because of the double language of the Odu, a recast is always necessary for clarification. Kola nuts are used as a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. Today, we need your help through donations to keep the information sharing on this website alive! No matter the challenges you are facing, we shouldn’t forget to offer the most important ingredient, Obi to Ifa…, Reference Sources: Agboola Awodiran = Google Search/Photo = Wikipedia = Babalawo Obanifa. Yoruba traditional customs indicate that the Obi Abata is favored among Women as a means of consulting, and assisting in the Ifa system of divination. It is extremely popular amongst the inhabitants as a caffeine-containing stimulant. It is important that the Obi to be used must be very clean and a complete whole seed. Ask sellers to direct you where to buy igbo type of kola. Orisha speaks of a reinforcement of the positive influences that are abound now. hmmmm, God has really blessed us indeed but sad enough, we don’t appreciate what we have! As a nonprofit, “Heritage The Vision Continues”, every bit of support helps. The reading of the Male/ Female meaning is reversed. Kola nut, caffeine-containing nut of Cola acuminata and Cola nitida, trees of the cocoa family (Sterculiaceae) native to tropical Africa and cultivated extensively in the American tropics. It may also sometimes offer protection, avert sudden death, and dangers. Olufuwa = Five Lobes Obi – Said to belong to Oshun, the Deity for puberty, whiteness, and cool serene water. Overview. The botanical names of the kola nut are cola nitida and cola accuminata. Then the Female Lobes are read as mostly positive, while the Male Lobes are read as may-be or less positive. The recommended dosage for kola nut extract powder is 550 mg once or twice per day. Thanks, Thanks guys for this wonderful information now I can cast and read my obi on my own. If the Female Lobe climbed over the Male Lobe, the reverse is the case, it could signify prosperity and Wealth. The 5-centimetre- (2-inch-) long A second casting is necessary to clarify if the first throw signifies sickness, accidents or bad luck. It may also sometimes offer protection, avert sudden death, and dangers. Kola nut is a sacred offering in religious rites. It is getting late in life, Obi has no child, she became sad, she ran to marry Ajo Awo Ile Aiye (Earth). This can be in form of prayers, propitiation, and veneration. I. Idiwo/Oyeku: All Four Lobes Facing Downwards. Obi Abata Divination = Serves as a useful guide for decision making in day-to-day activities. It is He who gives good health, long life and success in every endeavour. During the coronation of Kings and the installation of important chiefs, the Obi Iwarefa is used. He was so angry to see that Ajo kept his wife for a whole year without sending her back to him, so Abemo began to say bad words to Ajo who voluntarily brought his wife from the world to meet him. Water should be sprinkled on the ground as a means of offering libation to the various Orishas before casting the Obi Abata. This type is called “Akiriboto”. Dreams: What Are The Implications Of Not Dreaming Or Remembering Your Dreams? Alafia = Ogbe: All four Lobes Facing Up. You will succeed, @bunbit23,what's the ritual process,please spell it out here, Kola Nut Prayer: Effective Ritual You Never Know That Exists, Death Is Proof That A Higher Power (god) Exists, Money Ritual In Nigeria: Do You Have Any Evidence It Works? Among the elders, white chalk ‘nzu’ accompanies it. It is used mostly for very sacred activities particularly the Awo Ogboni, who name their top-most hierarchy of the Iwarefa. This type is mostly used for medicinal purposes. So, he tied Obi Into the same bag, hanged her on the side of the tree he found her from, he went his way… Aje/Ija (Fight): One Female Lobe Facing Up. The Language of the Obi: When the Obi is to be used for divination either as a medium in her own right, or for asking procedural directives during the process of or after the completion of a sacrifice, or for asking questions in the presence of another Orisha. This article is very important to me and I will be able cast obi. It is usually big in size and it is the one mostly preferred for chewing by many kola nuts buffs for snacks or stimulants. VI. Questions and matters affecting one’s destiny, health, love, marriage and wealth can accurately be answered…Obi Abata, the type of Obi used in divination, is made up of four and five lobes that are split open and used as both an Oracle and as offerings to the Ancestors and Orisha. It is often described as a difficult problem. “He who brings kola brings life” – this is a part of prayers traditionally said by Igbo elders when blessing the Oji (Kola-nut in the Igbo language). Thank you so much Yagbe Awolowo Onilu. Aboru Aboye… Excellent explanation of the Obi Abata operation. Pls kindly explain to me after splitting the Obi open how do you decide which two part is the female and male. This … Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. the enquirer should neither fight nor put a curse upon anyone. **One thousand and one questions can be asked in a day, but the same question must NEVER be asked twice, or else the questioner will be deceived. Your response will be really appreciated. as you watch this video start using bitter kola as possible as you can. One day, while visiting earth, one of the Gods left a piece of this nut and people consequently found it. Various reasons may be insinuated for this primary of which could be perhaps unclean body of the caster or sometimes highly charged atmosphere. Collect the kola nut, (we required 4 or 5 cotyledons (partitions) for this ritual exercise). I see the difference.. sometimes I feel like I am throwing wrong or asking wrong. [12/18 … It is not used for asking questions from the Orisha, divination, or any ritual, because it has no differentiation lines within the lobes and so it is not regarded for any ritual purpose, because it lacks the Male or Female characteristics. if your inquiry is about love relation or marriage proposal. See How To Advertise. IV. Kola nuts are also used in tinctures to help “drive” other herbs into the blood. Whenever this figure appears, it is greeted with thus “Good Luck, & Continuity” Appease the ground with cold water before proceeding…. To get an accurate oracle in consultation, the four segments should be cast on a clean ground, flat bowl, plate, or tray. **The fight became great between them. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Celebrates His 54th Birthday Today. Thank you for this article. Kola nuts are used as a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. A popular belief says that “who brings kola nut brings life.” The kola nut is a symbol of hospitality. Aburu aboye abosise Baba beautiful explanation Above Obi Abata .thanks, Olakela Massetungi = E ku ise! Carefully unrolled from its goatskin wrapping, with incantations in the air, symbolic chalk traces on the ground, and alligator pepper on the tongue, the kola nut is … Kola nut does have plenty of caffeine and another well-known stimulant, theobromine in it, and it clearly is a herb that stimulates the central nervous system but these are only two of hundreds of ingredients that are contained within the extract, of the Kola nut. / Dreams: What Are The Implications Of Not Dreaming Or Remembering Your Dreams? == For proper use in divination, the Obi Abata (Iya Obi) must be of four segments, consisting of Two Males (Ako Meji), and Two Females (Abo Meji). 12/18, 03:43] Odogwuakataaka: This is why you finish school and can't secure a job, [12/18, 03:54] Odogwuakataaka: He who is surrounded with negative energies, get job for him today in Aso Rock, tomorrow he will loss the job for one reason or another, [12/18, 04:02] Odogwuakataaka: The earlier you learn to wake up in time, more faster you walk to become somebody, 12/18, 04:09] Odogwuakataaka: Get a job, light house is here to help you gain promotion. This is why we have regards for kola nut in Igbo as a result of its spiritual significance. Generally, all prayers are offered to Almighty God, (OSANOBUWA) who is the author of life and who causes things to happen, like the coming of a new day, the blessing of a marriage, the birth of children. Resembles the chestnut down may also sometimes offer protection, avert sudden death, great! Dream: kola nut that breaks into seven equal parts is considered a very very good omen respect kola... Favorable trend can continue that grows on the kola nut has an history. One of the Male/ Female meaning is reversed ” to this blog and notifications. Affected by negative vibrations from husband to wife, children, society, a recast always! Who brings kola how to pray with kola nut brings life. ” the kola nut and use it to invoke Obi... And many obstacles the Igbos have many interesting traditions which are down may also sometimes offer protection, avert death! 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