Other names: Pacific black duck, pārera, parera, gray duck, black duck. Photo: R. Sutton, Crown Copyright © Department of Conservation. If you’re singing “All by Myseeeeelf” into a hairbrush on Saturday night, you’ll need a pint or two of Duck Island ice cream to go with. Grey duck. Grey ducks are uniformly darkish brown with most feathers edged with a paler buff. Grey ducks are seasonally monogamous, with all incubation and duckling care contributed by the female. They have suffered severely from loss of habitat, and competition with the introduced mallard duck Anas platyrhynchos. During the period from September to December they nest on the ground in dense grass cover or in a tree hollow, sometimes as far as 2 km from the feeding territory. Below: The green wing speculum of grey duck. Mallards have orange legs and feet. They tend to stay in or near rushes at the edge of ponds and lakes and like other Anas species, feed by upending. The ducklings leave the nest as soon as the brood is dry, and accompany the female for about 7-9 weeks, but feed themselves from the outset. The Grey Duck is similar to a female mallard ducks in appearance, and most birds now show signs of hybridisation with mallards. Marchant, S.J. Finally got around to mounting my NZ Grey Duck that I got in 2012. Developed as a dual-purpose duck, but usually kept for ornamental purposes. The upper wing is brown, with the speculum (on the trailing edge of the inner wing) an iridescent green with a trailing narrow white band (and no anterior band). As a result of rapid decline, the grey duck Anas superciliosa superciliosa was elevated to 'nationally critical' from 'nationally endangered' on the 2008 New Zealand Threat Classification System. The best opportunity to view grey duck is in forested headwater catchments and away from human settlements (where mallards and hybrids occur), in Northland, West Coast (South Island) and Fiordland. Sexes similar. View slideshow of larger images. Williams, M. 1981. Indigenous grey ducks Anas superciliosa and introduced mallards A. platyrhynchos in New Zealand: processes and outcome of a deliberate encounter. Image © Neil Fitzgerald by Neil Fitzgerald www.neilfitzgeraldphoto.co.nz. Pure grey ducks are now considered rare but no credible population estimates have been made. Title: Grey Duck x Mallard hybridisation in New Zealand Author: Department of Conservation Created Date: 3/3/2010 10:28:44 AM Grey duck have become one of New Zealand’s most threatened bird species due to extensive hybridisation with the superabundant introduced mallard. Using the key below if your duck scores more than 7 it … Since both sexes of the Grey Duck, as well as the female Shoveler, look similar to the female Mallard, only a ban on all duck-shooting will protect them. The grey duck, New Zealand's endemic subspecies of Pacific black duck, is critically endangered but still hunted. Mallard hens have a more mottled face and an orange bill with a black saddle. The 1999-2004 Ornithological Society of New Zealand atlas scheme showing grey ducks to still be widespread is erroneous and clearly confused grey duck with hybrids and mallards. The Black Swan can be another option if you are a trophy bird collector. The male is grey and brown with a glossy green head, whereas the female has brown speckled plumage and looks very similar to New Zealand's endemic Grey Duck, but with orange coloured feet. The male takes off after 5 days to mate again. 2. (ed.) It is usually called the grey duck in New Zealand, where it is also known by its Maori name, pārera It is the ancestor of all domestic ducks belonging to the subfamily Anatinae, with the exception of a few species derived from the Muscovy duck Cairinia moschata. Vol 2.OxfordUniversity Press,Oxford,UK. Most of the Anatidae in New Zealand are endemic, but a few have become naturalised here and several have been deliberately introduced. Ian is the Auckland Regional Representative for Birds New Zealand and has always been interested in the beauty and diversity of birds. Cart 0. The native Grey Duck is classified as “critically endangered”. Ducks, geese and swans. All duck species are in decline, including the abundant Mallard. Post WWII this airframe became ZK-AKU on 30-08-1946 with the New Zealand National Airways Corporation (NZNAC or just plain NAC) and was named Tawaka (Grey Duck). Reduction of the male mallard population would directly reduce cross-breeding, and is the surest way of reducing mallards. Black Duck are New Zealand’s largest supplier of canvas waterproof seat covers. The New Zealand grey duck population is believed to be extensively hybridised with introduced mallards to such an extent that few pure grey ducks may now exist, hence its “critical” conservation status. Birds Of New Zealand. A distinguishing feature is a pattern of stripes extending from the bill back onto the head, with a thick dark patch over the top of the head, a thinner brown stripe through the eye, and another fainter line below from the beak opening. Although now thinly scattered throughout the mainland, more prominent populations are found in the Northland, Waikato, Gisborne and Westland regions. Males give soft “raeb raeb” call of variable length. Grey ducks have olive legs and feet. The mallard/grey limit in Taranaki is 10, and in Southland it is 15 from 4 May to 26 July. Voice: females give a typical decrescendo call of about 6 loud quacks in a row, soft quacks in communication with ducklings, and a rapid “gag gag gag” repulsion call in courting displays and when pursued by males. Grey ducks disperse widely, but mostly occur in “wild” rather than pastoral landscapes. All rights reserved. Photo C.D. Grey ducks were still the most common dabbling duck in New Zealand up to the 1950s, but as introduced mallards became established the two species have interbred. home | sponsors | Although critically rare it remains a gamebird and can be legally hunted during the annual waterfowl season (May-June). Uniformly grey in flight. Mallards achieved numerical ascendency over grey duck throughout most of New Zealand by the late 1970s, merely 20 years But today, despite continued decline, it remains unprotected. The crown is almost black, and the face a clean cream crossed with two sharply-defined black stripes, one extending from the bill through the eye to link to the dark crown, the other from the gape and extending across the lower face and beyond the eye. The population declined drastically due to overhunting in the mid-20th century (Williams & Basse 2006). Grey Duck (Anas superciliosa) (Parera) Sexes are alike but both look similar to female mallards and have similar call. In doing so you will help us understand what is going on with Grey Ducks in New Zealand. Above: Grey duck Anas superciliosa superciliosa Acta Zoological Sinica 52(Supplement): 579-582. Pure strains are most likely to be found in Northland, Waikato and Gisborne, and on the West Coast. A large darkish brown duck with a grey bill, khaki legs, dark brown eyes, and pale buff-edged body feathers. A grey duck and mallard duck hybrid. Grey duck. We are adding more New Zealand Birds to this list with every newsletter. We challenge all using eBird to try a useful little key with ducks you suspect may be Grey Ducks to see if they really are. Because of its similarity to mallard both on the wing and in the hand, as well as uncertainty about characteristics of hybrids, only a cessation of all duck hunting will prevent it from being shot. Mounted on Ancient Swamp Kauri wood base. Prefers remote wetlands. According to the Wildlife Act 1953, grey duck and any cross of the species are "wildlife declared to be game". Copyright © 2009-2013 TerraNature Trust. The grey duck is a wetland feeder (cf. Protected native ducks include the other four Anas species which are all teal, New Zealand scaup, Aythya novaeseelandiae, and blue duck Hymenolaimus malachorhynchos. The clutch of 8-10 whitish to pale green eggs is incubated for 26-29 days. Photo Crown Copyright © Department of Conservation. Williams, M.; Basse, B. Mallards can cross-breed with 63 duck species, causing a serious worldwide threat to the genetic integrity of native waterfowl. From 1867 repeated attempts were made to acclimatise English game farm stock, but these failed. Grey duck were commonly found in shallow wetlands and fresh water streams, and occasionally in estuaries throughout New Zealand until the 1950s. Possible management actions include predator control, reduction of the mallard population, and protection of wetland habitats. 4. grey duck Post by spc19 » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 am As there is apparently some doubt about the status of grey duck in NZ I'm posting pics of a pair on the river at Turangi that look like classic examples of the species - they also had four young It belongs to the Anatidae family of swans, geese and ducks, which is part of the Anseriformes order. Pacific Black Duck 3305.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 5677: Pacific Black Duck 5680.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 6473.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 6476.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 6482.jpg And then again in 1953 - Also from Ed Coates. Four crested Water fowl is the common name for the Anatidae, the family of birds that includes ducks, geese and swans. 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grey duck nz
Other names: Pacific black duck, pārera, parera, gray duck, black duck. Photo: R. Sutton, Crown Copyright © Department of Conservation. If you’re singing “All by Myseeeeelf” into a hairbrush on Saturday night, you’ll need a pint or two of Duck Island ice cream to go with. Grey duck. Grey ducks are uniformly darkish brown with most feathers edged with a paler buff. Grey ducks are seasonally monogamous, with all incubation and duckling care contributed by the female. They have suffered severely from loss of habitat, and competition with the introduced mallard duck Anas platyrhynchos. During the period from September to December they nest on the ground in dense grass cover or in a tree hollow, sometimes as far as 2 km from the feeding territory. Below: The green wing speculum of grey duck. Mallards have orange legs and feet. They tend to stay in or near rushes at the edge of ponds and lakes and like other Anas species, feed by upending. The ducklings leave the nest as soon as the brood is dry, and accompany the female for about 7-9 weeks, but feed themselves from the outset. The Grey Duck is similar to a female mallard ducks in appearance, and most birds now show signs of hybridisation with mallards. Marchant, S.J. Finally got around to mounting my NZ Grey Duck that I got in 2012. Developed as a dual-purpose duck, but usually kept for ornamental purposes. The upper wing is brown, with the speculum (on the trailing edge of the inner wing) an iridescent green with a trailing narrow white band (and no anterior band). As a result of rapid decline, the grey duck Anas superciliosa superciliosa was elevated to 'nationally critical' from 'nationally endangered' on the 2008 New Zealand Threat Classification System. The best opportunity to view grey duck is in forested headwater catchments and away from human settlements (where mallards and hybrids occur), in Northland, West Coast (South Island) and Fiordland. Sexes similar. View slideshow of larger images. Williams, M. 1981. Indigenous grey ducks Anas superciliosa and introduced mallards A. platyrhynchos in New Zealand: processes and outcome of a deliberate encounter. Image © Neil Fitzgerald by Neil Fitzgerald www.neilfitzgeraldphoto.co.nz. Pure grey ducks are now considered rare but no credible population estimates have been made. Title: Grey Duck x Mallard hybridisation in New Zealand Author: Department of Conservation Created Date: 3/3/2010 10:28:44 AM Grey duck have become one of New Zealand’s most threatened bird species due to extensive hybridisation with the superabundant introduced mallard. Using the key below if your duck scores more than 7 it … Since both sexes of the Grey Duck, as well as the female Shoveler, look similar to the female Mallard, only a ban on all duck-shooting will protect them. The grey duck, New Zealand's endemic subspecies of Pacific black duck, is critically endangered but still hunted. Mallard hens have a more mottled face and an orange bill with a black saddle. The 1999-2004 Ornithological Society of New Zealand atlas scheme showing grey ducks to still be widespread is erroneous and clearly confused grey duck with hybrids and mallards. The Black Swan can be another option if you are a trophy bird collector. The male is grey and brown with a glossy green head, whereas the female has brown speckled plumage and looks very similar to New Zealand's endemic Grey Duck, but with orange coloured feet. The male takes off after 5 days to mate again. 2. (ed.) It is usually called the grey duck in New Zealand, where it is also known by its Maori name, pārera It is the ancestor of all domestic ducks belonging to the subfamily Anatinae, with the exception of a few species derived from the Muscovy duck Cairinia moschata. Vol 2.OxfordUniversity Press,Oxford,UK. Most of the Anatidae in New Zealand are endemic, but a few have become naturalised here and several have been deliberately introduced. Ian is the Auckland Regional Representative for Birds New Zealand and has always been interested in the beauty and diversity of birds. Cart 0. The native Grey Duck is classified as “critically endangered”. Ducks, geese and swans. All duck species are in decline, including the abundant Mallard. Post WWII this airframe became ZK-AKU on 30-08-1946 with the New Zealand National Airways Corporation (NZNAC or just plain NAC) and was named Tawaka (Grey Duck). Reduction of the male mallard population would directly reduce cross-breeding, and is the surest way of reducing mallards. Black Duck are New Zealand’s largest supplier of canvas waterproof seat covers. The New Zealand grey duck population is believed to be extensively hybridised with introduced mallards to such an extent that few pure grey ducks may now exist, hence its “critical” conservation status. Birds Of New Zealand. A distinguishing feature is a pattern of stripes extending from the bill back onto the head, with a thick dark patch over the top of the head, a thinner brown stripe through the eye, and another fainter line below from the beak opening. Although now thinly scattered throughout the mainland, more prominent populations are found in the Northland, Waikato, Gisborne and Westland regions. Males give soft “raeb raeb” call of variable length. Grey ducks have olive legs and feet. The mallard/grey limit in Taranaki is 10, and in Southland it is 15 from 4 May to 26 July. Voice: females give a typical decrescendo call of about 6 loud quacks in a row, soft quacks in communication with ducklings, and a rapid “gag gag gag” repulsion call in courting displays and when pursued by males. Grey ducks disperse widely, but mostly occur in “wild” rather than pastoral landscapes. All rights reserved. Photo C.D. Grey ducks were still the most common dabbling duck in New Zealand up to the 1950s, but as introduced mallards became established the two species have interbred. home | sponsors | Although critically rare it remains a gamebird and can be legally hunted during the annual waterfowl season (May-June). Uniformly grey in flight. Mallards achieved numerical ascendency over grey duck throughout most of New Zealand by the late 1970s, merely 20 years But today, despite continued decline, it remains unprotected. The crown is almost black, and the face a clean cream crossed with two sharply-defined black stripes, one extending from the bill through the eye to link to the dark crown, the other from the gape and extending across the lower face and beyond the eye. The population declined drastically due to overhunting in the mid-20th century (Williams & Basse 2006). Grey Duck (Anas superciliosa) (Parera) Sexes are alike but both look similar to female mallards and have similar call. In doing so you will help us understand what is going on with Grey Ducks in New Zealand. Above: Grey duck Anas superciliosa superciliosa Acta Zoological Sinica 52(Supplement): 579-582. Pure strains are most likely to be found in Northland, Waikato and Gisborne, and on the West Coast. A large darkish brown duck with a grey bill, khaki legs, dark brown eyes, and pale buff-edged body feathers. A grey duck and mallard duck hybrid. Grey duck. We are adding more New Zealand Birds to this list with every newsletter. We challenge all using eBird to try a useful little key with ducks you suspect may be Grey Ducks to see if they really are. Because of its similarity to mallard both on the wing and in the hand, as well as uncertainty about characteristics of hybrids, only a cessation of all duck hunting will prevent it from being shot. Mounted on Ancient Swamp Kauri wood base. Prefers remote wetlands. According to the Wildlife Act 1953, grey duck and any cross of the species are "wildlife declared to be game". Copyright © 2009-2013 TerraNature Trust. The grey duck is a wetland feeder (cf. Protected native ducks include the other four Anas species which are all teal, New Zealand scaup, Aythya novaeseelandiae, and blue duck Hymenolaimus malachorhynchos. The clutch of 8-10 whitish to pale green eggs is incubated for 26-29 days. Photo Crown Copyright © Department of Conservation. Williams, M.; Basse, B. Mallards can cross-breed with 63 duck species, causing a serious worldwide threat to the genetic integrity of native waterfowl. From 1867 repeated attempts were made to acclimatise English game farm stock, but these failed. Grey duck were commonly found in shallow wetlands and fresh water streams, and occasionally in estuaries throughout New Zealand until the 1950s. Possible management actions include predator control, reduction of the mallard population, and protection of wetland habitats. 4. grey duck Post by spc19 » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 am As there is apparently some doubt about the status of grey duck in NZ I'm posting pics of a pair on the river at Turangi that look like classic examples of the species - they also had four young It belongs to the Anatidae family of swans, geese and ducks, which is part of the Anseriformes order. Pacific Black Duck 3305.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 5677: Pacific Black Duck 5680.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 6473.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 6476.jpg: Pacific Black Duck 6482.jpg And then again in 1953 - Also from Ed Coates. Four crested Water fowl is the common name for the Anatidae, the family of birds that includes ducks, geese and swans.
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